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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Hey Im new! I love A Clockwork Orange, I went dressed as this at my last fancy dress party (hat & everything)! xx

  2. Hey Mr Dink Im sorta new! What Muse stuff do you own??

  3. Hey Im new(ish)! Your profile rocks seriously, You into movies I see lol! x

  4. I try to collect some of thier rare early stuff...Y'know those little gems out there in some lucky person's possession! x

  5. Erm well other stuff about me... I have my own little collection of guitars and I'm also thinking of getting 7 different stars tattooed on my right arm. Yeah I know 53kg sounds skinny but I am only 5ft 7!!! ;) I want proper red hair though like Matt used to have! :) Have you got any more pictures to add as well?? xx

  6. Hello I'm a keen learner of the Russian language (do you know Irene??) and I'm planing on visiting Russia soon! Its great that there are sooo many Russian Muse fans!!! Какова ваша любимая песня в минуту? sorry if my Russian is bad! x

  7. Hey Im like new and finding some pretty cool people on this site! I'm a mega Muse superfan & Im glad to see that there are plenty of other people out there!!! x

  8. Damn that is an impressive collection of Muse stuff! Where did you get it all??

  9. Hey Adrianna, if you can send brutal my love lol! She wont talk to me (think she wants to eat me!!!)

  10. Mmm... well Im not the tallest of people, (I'm only 1.73m) and a bit skinny (53kg) but I'm only 5ft 7. Also I have long spikey red hair and naturally green eyes! :) But I do wish I had hair like Matts. I'll try and get an album together soon though! xx

  11. Hey could you ask Matt, Dom & Chris if they would be interested in doing an interview for a passionate fan for his media company?? Cheers geez!

  12. Hey! I see Irene tells you that I'm into Russian culture... Well basically I kinda am :) Im planning on visiting Germany and then Italy soon, what is Lombarda or Brescia Like?? x

  13. Ive got some old ones I can get hold of and upload them... but I look so miserable in them (I hate being forced to have my picture taken) Iv got one of me in a tradional Russian Military bear skin hat lol! ;) xx

  14. :S my bad! Either way it rocks though!!! Just like my Japanese sweets... well until I ate them all lol! x

  15. Clockwork Orange is my fav film of all time!!! I went as this at my last fancy, hat & everything!!! :D Hows things?? xx

  16. Ive been looking everywhere for the Japanese version of Hullabaloo & I can't find it :( Can I ask where you got yours?? x

  17. Hey have you seen Muse live at all?? xx

  18. Wow some of those places look amazing (especially the winter shots!) I only could think of the Kremlin, Mavzolei Lenina and Peter and Paul Fortress to visit off top of my head? Are there any places you like/would reccomend?? Россия имеет красавиц! x

  19. Album with me?? What do you mean like all Muse's CDs?? I dont know much about Moscow istelf but can you tell me some interesting places? Hows this: Какие достопримечательности находятся там в Москве? x

  20. Anybody going to get hold of a copy of the RAH gig on DVD soon??

  21. Floccinaucinihilipilification? not worth the effort lol! x

  22. Hey I'm new! You've prob got asked this alot now but I'm interested in how people get these Mattocaster Guitars and was wondering if you could send me some info please. I have a Squirer by Fender OBEY Propaganda tele & was thinking what custom specs could be added to it (all the usually manson spec really) Get in touch when your not busy!

  23. Oldies is goldies lol! I wish I could get my hands on some of these tracks, I think that someone made a downloadable copy of the Muse Demo cassette. Mind you the cassette itself would do nicely lol! Is the Budstock version the blurry vid on youtube when Matt had long hair?? x

  24. Hey Muse Management don't suppose you could pass a messege on to Muse could you?? Can you ask them if they would be interested in an interview with a fan for his media project?? Its just that I have never had the chance to meet them or had the privelege to see thm live (I've been trying since late 2001 & the closest I've come is getting fake tickets for V 08 :( )! I just thought I'd ask...

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