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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Cool can you send me the link pls?? :D

  2. Penda?? Who?? try this http://board.muse.mu/questions.php maybe you may have a burning question to ask Muse :0

  3. Damn who with?? Btw vote for my question on the messegeboard pls! :LOL: Its prob doing shite!

  4. billy mac lol! How was ur night then?? Good time at the pub?? x

  5. Seriously no! I have been trying to see them since 2001!!! I think its near impossible as they are reknowned for their live shows! They need to play in the UK again for me to have a realistic chance! :p x

  6. Hey thanks for the comment! I want matt hair lol not scruff... still red is cool!

  7. Bill did! Yeah there was a camera that went around so I took the opportunity to get in a few pics! Prob looked like a right gay in ma pirate hat:happy: x

  8. she was some sort of MSI thing! Yeah the lesson being dont get people to buy you drinks without telling them you fucking HATE cinnamon shots!!! I'm gonna grab some dinner back soon! x

  9. Hiya :p Hows things in your part of the world??

  10. My bro's mate in the Year below! It was really good coz our year dressed up but the others didn't! Jade looked freaky :p and other jade went as shaggy lol! I HATE cinnamon flavoured shots! :(

  11. Where was the concert lol?? Yeah I didnt dress up when I went out coz I didnt think anyone else would bother... how wrong I was!

  12. I'm studying A level Art, English, Media and Sociology! Although I try to play a bit of Music on the side! I'm writing my own songs (muse inspired obviously!)

  13. Never mind lol! Yeah I was actually dj ing! Me and Toomy playing random shit then I found Sorry your not a Winner :D and started to play it but then they guy came back! All the staff were pissed! Good times

  14. Kinda I only do covers at the minute but Im trying to write my own Music (muse insorired of course) I have a few song titles and an album concept! x

  15. Heeello again!Long time no speak !!! How was halloween?? xx

  16. Hey vote for my question pls x

  17. Damn you for getting to see Muse live!!! Its not fair :( lol x

  18. Hey did you have a cool Halloween?? x

  19. Hey again long time no speak! Did you have a good Halloween?? x

  20. Sounds like you had a good time lol! What was it like seeing them live?? Эй Вы сумасшедшие дети! dunno why I added that bit lol! xx

  21. Hey the names Scott! What sort of stuff are you studying at the moment??

  22. Hey I see you updated your album! Did you have a cool Halloween get up to anything?? xx

  23. Hey I love the Halloween pics!!! Just out of curiousity who did you vote for?? I'm from the UK and just wanted to know?? x

  24. Well I went out that night to go to a few clubs and bars but got turned down coz I wasn't in costume lol so it sucked! The Hague?? Is that where you are?? I like a Dutch footy team from there :D xx

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