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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. I know I must have collected hundreds of images off google of dom lol! Chris had his birthday not long ago!!! Go Dom :D x

  2. I have learned some portuguese!!! How is this "Meia Bela" lol x :)

  3. Hey Hi again!!! x

  4. Same here lol! Astoria, Corn Exchange and Cresset! Have you seen my dodgy vids lol?? (the quality is terrible considering I was less than 5ft from the band each time lol!!!) here's the link: http://uk.youtube.com/user/emexlondaxe78

  5. I really need to watch mine again! whack the o'l amp on and bash out some super massive muse songs lol! x

  6. Hey I added your Muse friend request! this is the beginning of a brand new relationship lol! x

  7. Hey hi again! Thanks for the picture comment!!! :kiss: Er sorry I haven't been online much, I've not been well lol! I hear that there might be a DVD of Muse's Royal Albert Hall gig cumin out soon!!! Would make a nice christmas present lol! btw, btw= by the way lol :LOL: xx

  8. Hey thanks for the add! I'm counting down the days til the Muse RAH DVD comes out!!! That would make a swell christmas present lol! well... actually Muse themselves (not necessarily gift wrapped) would make a nice present!!! :musesign: x

  9. Hey sorry I haven't been around much! Man flu lol! but I'malll good now :) x

  10. Hey looking forward to the Muse movie?? Heard there is a DVD coming out aswell for the RAH gig!!! :D

  11. Hey how are you?? sorryI haven't been around much... damn man flu lol! Hopefully we will both be online at the same time soon :p xx

  12. Hey sorry haven't been online much (i've been poorly lol!) Я люблю посещение магазина одежды!! :p x

  13. His laugh is sooo cool! Dom is da Bomb lol! x

  14. Hey that sounds great I'm really pleased for you!!! :D It's a shame that you can't come to England though! Gutted :( x

  15. Hey thats cool! I hope you do well! Let me know!!! x

  16. Dunno yet but I was sooo hyped up to going to last years one (it would have been my first time seeing RATM live) but my friend bought fake tickets and we couldn't go!!! :( It looked awesome on tv!

  17. Hey I should really try to keep in touch more lol! How have you been?? Are you looking forward to Christmas?? Got any plans?? I don't know how big a thing Christmas is abroad so I'm just a lil curious ;) xx

  18. Hey hows things since we last chat?? x

  19. Planning Christmas and doing all the shopping lol! I have paid off my reading 2009 ticket as well YAY! It would be awesome if Muse Headlined it :p x

  20. Hey my friend uploaded some videos onto You Tube of FOB playing at Wembley arena if your interested! ;) x

  21. Hiya again I just missed you today lol! Hows things?? x

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