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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. sorry I suffered a bad head injury a while back playing football... so been resting my wounds! Hey I saw this cool russian film the other night called 9th company¬ Oh and I promise to send you some more pics! :p x

  2. Hey I should have told you I'm going to Italy for a while lol! So I shall have to tell you more about my film when I get back! I Hope I see Matt while I;m there ;) xxx

  3. Ha ha sorry I haven't been in touch much... I have been playing and preparing for tomorrow's trip to Italy for a while whoop! I promise to take loads of cool pics and film some stuff while I'm there! Hope you are well and I shall speak to you soon... prob tue! ;) xxx

  4. GEEGEE what's up?? Haven't spoke on here in ages!!! OMG I heard that Matt migt be in Italy... when I go on Hol xxx

  5. haha yes the copy where muse won lots of awards... and matt won sexiest male! He should stick to black though that grey jumper was terrible :p x

  6. Hey sorry its been a while lol! hows things?? cricket starts up soon whoop! x

  7. Man what is taking Muse sooo long lol?? I hope the new album comes out soon!!! i'm dying to hear the new material xx

  8. hey... long time no speak!!! You been up to much then?? x

  9. haha it's nice to hear from you again! Can you wait any longer for the new Muse Album?? x

  10. haha me jealous?? of what?? xxx

  11. hello again! It has been a very long long time hasn't it? I hope that you are well and that you are enjoying 2009¬¬ Afterall the new muse album will be out this year!!! x

  12. Mmm I doubt Muse will be playing many festivals until they finish their album first! I hear rumours that they might go classical!

  13. Hey I forgot to tell you I have that Muse Jacket now!!! How are things for you at the moment??

  14. Where have you gone lol? I miss our chat! xx

  15. Heya again how are you?? xx

  16. Hey again can you tell me what that site is where you did those lovely muse remixes please?? xxx

  17. yo! nice guitar... learnt any muse songs yet?

  18. Hello again!!! I hope to visit Russia soon! I just need to save up some money x

  19. NO he cheated and dyed it lol! I am natural so I win!!! Do you like his union jack pyjamas tho... there cool! Well I know you like Indie bands so thats all good :D xx

  20. Yeah I heard about it but that man is strange lol! I think his clothes are actually alive!!! :p you should see his pics in NME! Haha but no one will ever beat Matt to sexiest male!!! xxx

  21. Yeah same here lol! That and I went to see FOB on Fri at the O2 arena so I am fucked! It was a good gig and Kids in Glass Houses were good too! Erm plan to see a few more bands in the next few months! xx

  22. Hello again sorry I have been busy filming lol! Have you heard anymore about the new Muse Album?? I hate waiting :( x

  23. OMG filming is so frustrating at the moment!!! Do you still want me to look around for that t shirt or maybe something else with the union jack on it?? xx

  24. Hey again sorry I haven't been around much (doing coursework assignments and all that!) How has things been for you in the states?? Heard much about the new Muse Album yet?? xx

  25. Hey I was in London the other day watchin FOB! In the O2 Arena, have you seen it?? I was so lost tho... it's a big place and the arena is amazing! xx

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