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Everything posted by rainingradioheads

  1. I am the guy holding the bowl of strawberries.


    I am Muse's manager.



  2. Silly rabbit, trix are for kids.

  3. I am no hipster. I can't be a hipster. I like Muse and Paramore. Therefore, I cannot be a hipster. :noey:



  4. I am not cool.


    I have a tumblr and no social life. I like bands other people don't like. :awesome:

  5. I think you are cool, so here is a visitor message.


    Because I think you're cool.

  6. GET THEREEE. It's totally awesome :awesome:


    The Muse fan was cool. :yesey: Her brothers and sisters were a bit nutty though :chuckle:




    Snow needs to die. D: That's good :yesey:






    Why would our school be closed? :unsure:

  7. On THAT day I was at my grandma's to see my cousins, then we went to my dad and uncle's friends house and hung out with the kids there (one of them was a Muse fan WAHEY). Then we went to go see HP with them, went out for dinner, watched Avatar (TLA) for like an hour and a half and then went home. :LOL:




    Gotta get there! I'm surprised a lot of people haven't seen it considering the money it made.


    It's okay, I'm busy too. I'm alright, it's snowing today :noey: You?

  8. Aww it's okay, I was out all day today :LOL:


    I was eating it while I was giving it out. :p You Muse fan you :p


    Aww that's not fun :( I went to see HP for the 3rd time today, lol. It was fun :awesome:

  9. I left because because I can't handle anything.


    Ask someone else.

  10. I have a playlist already made out for it if you want me to link you to that :happy:

  11. OKAY HELP.


    Grow Up and Blow Away - All sorts of great songs on it. I think I love all of them except for one.

    Old World Underground...- All sorts of good songs on it, I really love a few, but I don't think a lot of them are great.

    Live it Out - Probably my least favorite albums of theirs, but that doesn't mean anything. Some of my absolute favorites by them are on this album.

    Fantasies - Exactly like Grow Up and Blow Away (not stylistically, but the rating)



  12. Oh I didn't go, I just handed out candy. :p I was a witch though :awesome: What were you?


    I'm fine, you?

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