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Super Sammy!

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Status Updates posted by Super Sammy!

  1. Oh dear god, I'd completely forgotten about that



  2. What are you doing?

  3. I thought the two were mutually exclusive :p are you going to uni next year?

  4. I'm not sure what relevance that first sentence has at all, but okay.


    At the end of the year they say you're not allowed to progress. You either repeat the year or go off and do something else.

  5. o rly bb xxxxxxxxx

  6. The fuck are you awake at 6:15 for?

  7. How did I find you? It's linked underneath your avatar bbz.

  8. Sign into Skype and accept me.



  9. Holy hell that's ages! Only reason I suggested that is my friend is already finished :LOL: hell, even I'll be done before you I do believe... And yeah I felt the same about economics. I know I'm either going to absolutely hate it or love it, hopefully the latter.


    Also, re-reading over that last message, that "It's SO fun" was heavily sarcastic. I fucking hate uni :LOL:

  10. You say you hadn't been on here for a while yet you still replied within a day :chuckle:


    Ah, fun times. Basically figuring out if the amount of people you have in the department is dead weight or not etc... At least you've looked now, I bet there's a lot of people who haven't even bothered yet thinking they could just roll into another job! You've got a one-up on people for having experience :awesome:


    Hooray for holidays! In Italy I've always wanted to go to Venice and Florence. Rome would be nice too ofc, but not #1 on the priority list. And :LOL: the usual being healthy attempt really. Not desperate enough to be willing to give up the things you love and do the things you hate :LOL: I've been pretty good with my Coke and caffeine intake as of late, I just control myself. I lost 10kg last year by rarely drinking Coke, same will probably happen this year :chuckle:


    Just uni. It's really really really really really shit. Usually I get over it and power on but I am really struggling to do it :( and it appears it's not my course, it's just university in general. I was rushed into it all and really I need a good twelve months off, not even to discover myself and all that cheesy jazz, but also because I just need a break from education. I'm not in the right frame of mind right now to bother with it...

  11. Been talking to this girl for quite a while and pretty sure we fancy each other, gonna try make an effort tomorrow! And yeah saw that, glad to hear you've got yourself a couple of girls :LOL:

  12. Fucking boring here :LOL: hopefully old and new blood should come through with the next Muse album! And all is well, think I might've scored myself a girl tonight... How is yourself?

  13. Prosaic? I got nothin', man.

  14. WHAT IS REPLYING. One of these days I'll not be absolutely useless. That may be many aeons in the future, but still. One day. Maybe.


    Wait, what is this about your job? :( but you've hardly even been there for long! Finding work in journalism isn't exactly the easiest things to do in the UK either...


    And well, with the UK I don't know what I'm doing yet. Could be visiting, could be living, I dunno. We'll see. I need to sort out a few other things before we go there, ha.


    I've been better but I'll truck along. Been a whole three weeks since you replied anyway, how are you now? :awesome:

  15. It must be a word specific to some kind of sentences... Is it a concept or a style of writing? Pretty sure the styles of writing are narrative, descriptive, imaginative etc.

  16. LOL WHAT IS REPLYING. God I'm useless at it.


    I ASSUME YOU'RE MOSTLY DONE NOW. My friend finishes on Tuesday so you're probably due to finish any time soon as well. Fun fun. And forget about your liver, pushing your body to its extreme limits is the way to live life :awesome: and yeah, doing geography and economics. It's SO fun.

  17. Kueller replied to one of my posts



  18. Tans are not a solution to my problem.


    Understanding the concepts of flow, scale, networks and territory, however, are.

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