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Status Updates posted by SuperGinge

  1. gps = sat nav right?

    :LOL: A pimp who provides health care and a dental plan, can't forget about the teeth!

  2. Why do people need to make maps? Have they never heard of a globe?

    Maybe you should give in to the public's wishes then. :LOL:

  3. :LOL: Hellz yeah, I should be like....a geographer or something. Seriously, what jobs can you get in geography? :erm:

    :chuckle: Are you telling me you're a prostitute nick?

  4. Haha, I wouldn't shatter your foot, you need it for like, walking and stuff...

    Lol i'd pay to see you walk across the pacific/atlantic ocean (delete as appropriate). See how great I am at geography! =D

  5. Hellz yeah!

    I'm still waiting for my panda...:(

    How did you get it onto the plane?

    You're going to kick it? That's mean... :(

  6. Sounds like a plan stan.

    Get me one as well please?

  7. All you need to do is keep feeding them cake! =D

    It's foolproof!

  8. Yeah, you could ride it to school and such. Much better than a car, and all your friends would be jealous!

  9. Cake plants. It's genius!

    I want one in my garden, and a panda at that matter! :happy:

  10. Your avatar is rather hypnotising.

    *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust*

    All day long. It must be tiring.

  11. It's a rather beautiful sight. Surely if they got all pandas to eat cake that would solve the issue of them going extinct.

  12. :LOL:

    I sort of got lost in the fact that it's a panda eating cake...

  13. The stereotype of pandas eating cakes? :wtf:


  14. Haha, it is indeed eating cake. :)

  15. Found something that may be of interest to you...






  16. :happy:

    I must say, you look rather pretty in your picture. :happy:


  17. Yeah, I reckon they're very good. Promising for the new album. :happy:

  18. that's what she said!




  19. Tissss, you've just gotta sit back and laugh.

  20. Lenny!

    Happy Birthday!

    Have a great day! :kiss:


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