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Status Updates posted by SuperGinge

  1. :LOL: People in England aren't nice...:p Clock towers? I wish I lived in a lighthouse...:(

    Haha yeah, I work soooooooooo hard, i've been asleep for the past 3 hours...:chuckle:

    My legs feel like Jelly nick! :eek:

  2. Allliiiiiii!

    Thank you for the birthday threads! :happy:

    :kiss: <3


  3. Thank youuuuu! <3


  4. :LOL: fair enough, it's a bit like you've got a provisional or something then.

    Haha niceee, but England is so craptastic!

    I R TIRED. :sleepy:

  5. Hellooo tommm. I'm not gonna be online till like, Sunday night, so Monday for you.....so it's easier to post here. Thank you for the birthday thread! ^_^ xxx

  6. Oooooh, so it's like driving lessons?

    Haha hellz yeah, i've always wanted to try one, and a pipe. Not at the same time....obviously :p

    We can do everything at 18, unless we come to America. But you can drive from 16 so sssshhhhh! :p

  7. What's drivers ed?

    Haha yeah, i'm totally going to smoke a cigar on my 18th! :happy:

    Yeahhh, cause we're all binge drinkers in Blighty. :p We can also gamble at 18 too. :p

  8. Yeahhh, it's been great! :happy:


  9. Why thank you. :happy:

    Lolz, you're just jealous, cause i'll be able to drive and such like now, and one more year till I can drink (legally) :p

  10. :LOL:

    Those kids these days, no respect for their elders....:noey:

  11. Thank youuuu! :kiss:

    Psshhhttt, Old hag? :'(


  12. Haha shuddup! I can't help being dumb! :'(

    Haha yeah, I don't remember alot of last night, I just remember turning down one of the biggest spiffs ever, and instead getting drunk....:LOL:

    And nick, how do you know about getting drunk? You're too young for that sort of stuff! :p

  13. :LOL:

    Hell yeah, I've got to stay ahead of the game!

    What the hell is a double contraction? :eek:

    Haha, possibly yes, although i'm still finding it a bit difficult to type! D=

  14. :LOL: You loved it :p

    It wasn't even my birthday yesterday, I was just at a party! :p

    But thank youuuu! ^_^ :kiss:

    D= I'm 17 D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D=

  15. Hahaha,i'm so pissed I forgot what you said a second ago, so i'm just going to reply with OK! :D


  16. Awww Sammy! You're just the sweetest! :happy::kiss:

  17. :LOL: I can't help it....I blame my mate Jon for this. He has conditioned me into saying 'That's what she said....' to everything! :$
  18. lolz, hush your mush is one of my favourite phrases! <3


    ....that's what she said :awesome::LOL:

  19. Your british accent was fine so hush your mush! :p

    :LOL: I'm going to try and fit that word into everyday use. :D

  20. :LOL: Sure, next time we have a skype conversation I will attempt some American sayings, but I will fail miserably!

    Haha, i'm a terrible singer too! But it's fine! That's where the fun lies! :D

    Lmao! Clusterfuck? Never heard that word before! :LOL::LOL:

  21. It wasn't actually that bad! Quite a good British accent I must say! :p

    Awww, I wanted to hear you sing! :supersad:

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