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Status Updates posted by SuperGinge

  1. :LOL: Yay yay yay! You said Cheerio! Oh it was so wicked! :happy::happy:
  2. Damnit! All I have is the one of Kandice and Mia! :supersad:

  3. The ice one....did they do an old gregg one too?!

  4. :LOL: Okay, I won't :p Although I found that recording of Kandice and Mia doing that mighty boosh crimp! I had a proper giggle when I listened to it again! :happy:
  5. That would be brilliant. <3 I may have to record it. :LOL:

  6. :LOL: Well you have to say it in a British accent then! :p and crumpets, and tea....:p
  7. Do I have to say it in an American accent? :p

  8. Haha, I say awesome too much in real life, then realise british people should never, under any circumstances, say awesome....it's just wrong! :LOL:

  9. :O that was truely amazing. I loved the one with the grey ball. I don't think i've laughed so much in my life. <3

    Haha, American's sound ridiculous when they say lovely? Well Britain's sound ridiculous when they say awesome. :p

  10. Who in holy hell is captain falcon?

    :LOL: well you have the posh ones, like tom and alex, then the scummy ones, like me. :awesome:

  11. I don't even speak like that! :p I say loike and urmm....apparently I pronounce my i's weird....cause i'm Northern like....:LOL:

    Urmmm, it's hard to say what an American accent is like, but you do have an accent! It's pretty awesome though, so don't worry! :p

  12. I don't understand what you mean by a British accent! :p

  13. :LOL:

    British accents aren't that hard to do!

    American on the other hand.....:p

  14. Stephen where are youuu?

    I haven't seen you on YMT in ageeesss! :supersad:

  15. :rolleyes: Not always! :p

    I'm just generally bad at accents.. :p

  16. Aww yay! You better say it in a British accent! :p

    Aww, b....bu....but....but....I can't do accents! I just end up sounding really nasal!

  17. =O Seriously nick! Next time we do a big skype conversation you have to say 'cheerio' That would be so cool! :happy::happy:

  18. Hellz yeah! I'm britainising you!

    Soon you'll be drinking tea, eating crumpets and saying 'gosh!' :p

    Urrmm, Wonky means it's bent. :D I r dictionary corner. ^_^

  19. Wonky is an awesome word! It should be brought into everyday use.

    I try to use it as often as possible. <3

  20. Thank you :happy:

    Have you never heard the word wonky before? D=

  21. It's flythrusting.

  22. Liessss! I have the scummy British accent! :p Americans pwn my accent! :p

    Awww, well just think how great your teeth will look after you've had them off! I wish they'd kept mine on a bit longer, my teeth still feel a bit wonky. =[

  23. Awww thank you! :happy: Your accent is pretty awesome to be honest. American accents just winnnn <3

    Oooooh nice! I had braces a while back, only for a few months though. I could only eat jelly for that amount of time though. It was the best few months of my life. <3

  24. Aaaah, another American saying! <3 I'm totally americanising myself! :happy:

    Aww, you still have braces? How long you had them for?

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