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Status Updates posted by SuperGinge

  1. Saiiirrr! How're you enjoying good old Blighty? :) x

  2. :( It hurrrtttt!

    :awesome: I heard undisclosed desires from the teignmouth gig and I spaffed so much. Fuckinh awesome song. :happy:

  3. Awww, taking advantage of my drunken state. :(

  4. Florida has stole you and I miss you. :(

    Come home now please.


  5. I remember parts. I remember falling off my bed...:erm:

    Haha, it's okay, I must have been amusing...for once. :indiff::p

    Yeahhh, but it's the Cd, and it has teddies on it and it's blasting out of my stereo and UNF! :happy:

    Yeahh, it's basically saying that I can drive as long as there is a qualified driver in the car. Basically so I can learn to drive. :D

  6. :LOL: Oh dear. :facepalm:

    I just read through a bit of the skype conversation. I can barely understand what I wrote. :indiff:

    My stomach hurts now. :(

    I'M TOTALLY GETTING UPRISING TODAY! :awesome: And my provisional license has come! :happy:

  7. I'md finrea! :D:D

    Spilfdfs is engliushd fotrs joinbt. :D

  8. I jsts lets my frinesd do ity.

    Hvae you neves hearssd splifs before? :)

  9. :LOL: I bet you don't even know how to roll a spliff. That's how innocent you are. ;)
  10. :awesome:

    Say's you, you stoner! :p

  11. Oh nick you do flatter me :$:happy:

    Hooray! I'm going to a party later! I'll be a good girl...:LOL: >_<

  12. :happy: your giggle is awesome. :happy::happy:

    Yeahhh, i've just about finished now, just got to move some stuff off my bed! :D

  13. :O apart from that ninja, but he had it coming!

    Nahh, I was on holiday, and we slept in the awning of the caravan, and it rained, and everything got wet. :(

    :LOL: i'll take some photos of the photos later, not now! I'm cleaning. :(

  14. Or have I? :indiff:

    Yeah, rain is nice, but not continuous, when you're in a tent and all your stuff gets soaked. that just makes me sad. :(

    I just found loads of old photos in my drawer, I look like a rat...:LOL:

  15. I feel guilty for that joke now. Damn guilty conscience!

    Muse always win. :phu:

    B....but my toes are numb! :( I want it to be warm! We didn't even get a proper summer, it just rained. :(

  16. Yeah, poor Stevie didn't see it coming. /lamejoke. :$

    :awesome: Apparently it's supposed to get to number one over here on the week of it's release or something. :awesome:

    I'm actually freezing, I can feel the winter closing in. :(

  17. :LOL: They were pretty ridiculous tbh. Although they did do a collaboration with Stevie Wonder. :awesome:

    Haha, of course they aren't going to be good live, they suck on record. :p

    Nick Nick Nick! I heard Uprising twice on the radio and work today and it made me smile for like an hour! :$

  18. :LOL: Well there were other crappy bands there, and the money was going to charity, but i'd still rather go see muse. :phttp://news.bbc.co.uk/media/images/38234000/jpg/_38234504_blue300.jpg Behold the wonders of Blue. ;)

    Haha, I used to too, but we discovered the error of our ways Nick! That's all that matters! :D

  19. :LOL: Nah, although i'm ashamed to say I used to be a fan of them. :$ I was like, 10 though....:$:$ I didn't go see them though! £45 for a ticket! What a rip off! It cost me less to get Muse and AC/DC tickets!
  20. :LOL: awww, well we had a 'festival' in my town a couple of weeks ago, and the headliners were some washed up boy band called 'Blue' :facepalm::LOL:
  21. Who the hell are rascall flats?


  22. aww really? My first was some band who won pop idol....>_<

    I'm sorry! :(:kiss:

  23. Inorite! Aaah well, going to gigs by yourself sucks anyway! Your just sort of, alone and stuff....:LOL:

    You better be sorry biatch! :p

  24. :awesome:

    I saw them live in 2006 :cool: Guhhh, my parents wouldn't let me go to the RAH show either! :'(

    Haha, it's too late now Nick! I know how you truely feel! :'(:LOL:

  25. Yes yes, you nerdy fangirl! :happy:

    Haha yeah, it was like, in 2007, I was only a young'un then! :LOL:

    No no, it's okay, I get what you're saying, you're calling me old. :'(

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