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Status Updates posted by SuperGinge

  1. Envy that I get it the day before you or that I have free lessons on the mornings?

    :LOL: nick, we're talking about twilight....we've sunk to a new low....:noey:

  2. Hahaha, I think we got the better deal tbh!

    Yeah, I really hope when I get down to HMV it hasn't sold out, or else I may cry a little bit....:$ Oh well, I get mornings off this year, so I can just run down in the morning before school! :awesome:

    :LOL: yeah, it didn't even fit with the scene!

  3. I know, I think it's safe to say that our plight is similar to that of lepers.

    Aww, but just think how awesome it will be when it does come out! You can skip to the shops and buy it! :D

    Haha yeah, that's probably one of the biggest promotional type things they've got over here.....bloody twilight! =|

  4. We are the shunned community nick....:(

    Awww, you only have a day extra to wait! :p

    Haha yeah, I suppose, they are quite big over here, but not mainstream big like lady gaga, so they're not constantly in the press or whatever. I've only seen 2 major articles about them and something in a little HMV magazine so far, and it's less than a month away! D=

  5. It's true! How many people need to be struck down by this terrible disease before the medical community recognise it as an actual disease?!?! :'(

    Oh my god nick you absolute n00b! <3 :LOL:

    I can't wait either! Like, less than a month! :awesome::awesome: I'm blatantly making a trek into town on the 14th just to buy the album! :happy:

  6. Awww, it's a disease, like rambleitis or something....:$

  7. Oh har har, you so funny. :p I can't help it, I can't explain things very well without rambling a little! :LOL:

  8. Well it's half of my overall A level, and I had to pass them to get into my second year in sixth form, and these grades + the ones next year make an overall grade for each subject, and you're given points from UCAS depending on the grade, like an A is worth 120 points, and the points help you get into the courses at uni, because each university and course ask for a certain amount of points for you to get in.

    Not sure if that made any sense...:erm:

  9. I knoww, but I can't help but worry, i'm a worrier, and I bloody hate exams! :p

  10. Aww why thank you :happy:

    I just came home and slept. I could barely sleep last night I was so nervous! :LOL:

  11. Yeahhhh! :happy: I got an A in Sociology, a B in English Lit, a C in Psychology, a C in Law and a D in General Studies! :awesome:

    I'm sooooooooooooo happy! :awesome::happy::awesome::happy:

  12. I ammmm! :p

    Nick Nick Nick, I didn't fail! :awesome:

  13. Lawl you history nerd! :p

    That's actually pretty awesome though. Still wouldn't try heroin though, i'm a good girl....:LOL:

  14. Heroin was a wonder drug....wahhh?

  15. I don't remember!

    All the drugs have hazed up my brain....:LOL:

  16. Pssshhht, it's too late nick. I got my pension today. So respect your elders. :phu:

  17. I hope soooo, and thank youuu! :happy:

    Ooooh, I miss the days of being a year 11! :(

  18. Well I don't think college means the same in America as it does in England, isn't college another word for University in America?

    I hope I do, otherwise i'll cry or something D=

    What year are you in?

  19. Well sixth form is basically further education that will get us into university. We're basically the same as college students, but instead of going to a further education college we chose to stay on at high school for an extra two years. But we get special privileges, like we have the common room, we don't have to wear uniform and we can jump to the front of the lunch queue. :awesome:

    Well lets just say that everytime I think about them I want to vomit. :(

  20. Haha fair enough, but you get 10 minutes extra than us! We only have a 35 minute lunch! :( Fortunately the common room is exclusively for 6th formers, so we don't get all the younger years up there! :happy:

    Haha yeah, I think i'll start it once I get my exam results. :awesome:

  21. :LOL: It's not that awesome, it's just somewhere to hang out during free lessons. :p

    Haha, I really should, and I now have two weeks to read two books and find quotes from each, I leave it all till the last minute....:facepalm:

  22. Well it's not as fancy as harry potter, it's above the staff room and it's just got a bunch of chairs, a vending machine, toaster and stuff like tvs and games consoles we've brought in from home...

    Uhh, http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll227/Super_Ginge/DSCF0178.jpg that's the best photo I have of the common room. It's a bit craptastic but it's better than being outside, especially in the winter!

    Yeah, homework sucks big time, I actually have some to do over the summer, i'll probably have to start it this week. :(

  23. Exactly! England should be made into a country of lighthouses! :happy:

    Ooooh I seee! I don't think I get my timetable till I go back, although I have the vague timetable we are given before we broke up stuck on my wall....so many free lessons. :') I'm just gonna chill in the common room with a toastie and guitar hero :cool:

    Awww, you go back monday? That sucks =[ I'm not back till 8th September :D

    Meh, they don't feel that bad anymore, it was just a passing phase I think. :LOL:

  24. Because lighthouses are by the sea and they are a cool shape and a cool colour, and round. :happy:

    Registering for school? What's that? Are you back at school now then?

    I'm not sure, I fell asleep, woke up, stood up and they felt all weak and stuffs...:erm:

  25. Oooooh the internet.....In my day we didn't have such luxuries! We had to play with dirt!

    *shakes fist*


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