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Status Updates posted by SuperGinge

  1. :LOL: Listening to Mgmt when you're stoned is just awesome. I imagine it to be similar to watching the Mighty Boosh when stoned. :LOL:
  2. Haha it's always good to spread muse love. :happy::musesign:

  3. Thanks :D Yeah it's alright, just the usual school and applying for unis :LOL: and you?

  4. Awww, I haven't been stoned in ages. :( The guy that gives me weed has gone to uni now. :supersad:

    Also, why was it intense? :p

  5. b...b...b..but Rick Astley is my hero :'( :LOL: You should make her feel guilty for taking your jacket. :p Awww I hate being ill at work, get one of those vics thing that you sniff! Honest, they do work! :kiss: Yayyy, your msn is working. :happy:

  6. :awesome:

    Were you drunk or stoned? :p:LOL:

  7. Haha yeah it does. You'll be really proud of me, I managed to sit and watch the first lord of the rings today! :awesome: It got a bit better, but it would have been easier to watch if I hadn't had my parents and their friends sitting talking really loud in the living room. :mad:

    Haha, look at you using fancy words. :p

  8. Cheesy is always good, have you not learned from Rick Astley? :awesome: Awwww, get one of those vics things that you snort, they're really good. :) xxxxxx

  9. :LOL: It's fine, i'll probably find it in a year or so.

    Haha yeah, we're all actually ninjas you see...:p

  10. Yeahh, I read it like three times then lost it. :(

    Damnit nick, how did you know?

  11. N'aww Gary :happy: Thank you :happy: Haha yeah, they took me before, but we have nooo money atm, can't really go anywhere. :LOL: Aaaah well, I might go next year. :awesome: Haha yeah! But Cheesy is awesome! :D How's your headache? xxxxxxx

  12. Just a guy I like, thought he liked me, seemed like he did, I was told that he did by a variety of people, then I go on holiday and come back to find he's gone off with some other girl, so yeah....fun times. :awesome:

    Awww, don't let them get to you! *hugs*

    I'm soooooooooooooo jealous, I haven't been to Florida in ageessss! :( Last time I went I was a proper wimp, and I didn't go on anything. :LOL:

    Haha yeah, I understand why people don't like it when he sings in French, but I dunno, there's just something about it that I like, even though he obviously can't speak French that well! :LOL: Ohh yeah, MK Ultra will be bloody amazing live! I cannot wait! :happy: xxxxx

  13. Yeah, it's just the same guy troubles I was having before you left, just heightened by about 100000000000000000000 now we're back at school and i'm seeing him everyday. :supersad: No way! You went on it?! Oh my god Gary! I would have been so scared! :LOL: I didn't know you had to release it yourself though, I thought they did it. :LOL: Did you go to Universal studios? Yeahhh, I love unnatural selection! I'm just listening to 'I belong to you' now, although i've been stuck on MK Ultra for about 15 minutes. :LOL: xxxxx

  14. GARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back! Yayyyy! Things are sort of....I dunno, i'll explain later. :LOL: How was your holiday? Awww no! Uninstall and reinstall it? I love it! You? xxxxxxxx

  15. Nahhh, I just can't get into it. Although I read The Hobbit and I absolutely love that book!

    :LOL: I really couldn't, i'm incredibly weak!

  16. Oh dear. I cannot stand that book! I read the first 30 pages and got bored. :LOL:




    Pleas don't hurt me. :(

  17. Haha yeah, I only really play Fable and Assassins creed, although one of my mates is going to borrow me GH world tour, so i'm gonna see what it's like before I get GH 5 :D

  18. Yayy it's updated now! But my controller has run out of batteries...urgh. We better have some downstairs.

    I haveee, Fable 2 (completed), Kund fu Panda (completed), Assassins Creed, Pro Evo Soccer, Lost and Lego Indiana Jones (The disc is scratched so I can;t play it :() youuu?

  19. :LOL: That's such a creative name <3

    I haven't been on it in about 6 months, i've just logged on now and theres a massive update, like 11 minutes....that'll teach me for not going on it in ages. :awesome:

    Why thank you. :happy:


  20. :LOL: It does sound pretty horrific. You should read Lord of the Flies instead, now that's an awesome book! :happy:
  21. Isn't is about a ladette type woman being taught how to be a lady?

  22. INORITE. I was just thinking the same thing!


  23. I've never read My fair lady. :$

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