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Status Updates posted by SuperGinge



  2. Garrryyyyy, you haven't been online in ageessss. :supersad:

  3. Happy birthday my love! <3 :kiss:

  4. Death to the what now?

  5. Aaahh, fair enough.


    you're still a druggie though :p

  6. Mia you've changed your username!



  7. Awww, see now you've made me feel bad. :(

    You're such a druggie. :p:happy:

  8. Exactly! That's the spirit Nick! :awesome:

    See, you don't experience real cold! Try a British winter you wuss! I'm sitting in gloves right now....:(

  9. You should make them then. :phu:

    You live in California! I refuse to believe it gets cold there!

  10. You can still eat crumpets though. :phu:

    Haha, yeah, I dunno why it's so cold, I was freezing earlier, it's a bit better now though. :awesome:

    Awww, just rub it in why don't you. :p

  11. How? :p

    I'm so cold! I'm sitting here in fleecey pyjamas, fingerless gloves, 2 pairs of socks and a fleecey jumper, underneath my duvet! :'(

  12. Well have you ever had a crumpet? :phu:

  13. Pssshhhhttt, you know it's true. :p

    Now I want to try some. :awesome:

  14. :LOL:

    Pssshtt, i'm older than you, I am no kid....:phu: I want some now....:(

  15. :LOL: You're blatez a fangirl. :p

    Doesn't it taste just the same as pepsi and coke?

  16. But lots of people are obsessed with Lord of the Rings.....not really sure why. :p

    I've never had Dr Pepper....:eek:

  17. :LOL: I can't swallow pills anyway, i'm like some freak or something.

    Mmmm, Dr pepper, what's the worst that could happen? :awesome:

  18. I am indeed, although i'm rather hungry, suggestions?

  19. But outside is so far away. :eek:

  20. Why thank you :happy:

    Guhhh, I just had a cottage pie and now I feel like i'm going to be sick everywhere...this is not good! :(

  21. :awesome: I should just write 'i'm awesome and ginger, do you need anymore? Snap me up while you can :awesome:'

    It's short....I have a picture...




  22. :LOL: I'm sure the unis would love that :p

    Sleep is indeed for noobs, and the weak....

    I has new hair. :awesome:

  23. Yeahh, it's for my University application. It has to be about 4000 words I think. :(

    Awww, sleep then silly! :p

  24. :LOL: Yeah, I must do it some time. :awesome:

    Yeah it's going wel actually, i've finally had a flash of inspiration for my personal statement, so i'm now ridiculously happy! You? :)

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