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Status Updates posted by stefko_25

  1. no, srsly, it's soooooo cool :D

    we don't have mgazines like nme here, so we're like OMGZZ :LOL:

    and you have really nice handwriting :happy:

    btw, you mistyped my last name, it's Stoev not Steov :LOL:

  2. netty, i got your letter today IT'S AWESOME! :D

    srsly, i was with two of my friends, going to the post office and they said it was awesome too! :D

    they both never had a letter before and wanted to come with me every time i have one :LOL:

    they also wanted to read the letter, but i prefered to keep it for myself :rolleyes:

  3. wedding? lavender? :erm:

    i'm sorry, but i have no clue what you're on about :erm:

  4. jared_leto_06.jpg


    bigger = better :LOL:

  5. i think i have a cold from being in the rain too much :LOL:

  6. netty :happy:

    i got a note from the post office saying i have a package, but it's raining like hell here right now, i barely got home, so i'll get it tomorrowz ;)



  7. naww, no it's really cute :happy:

    i'm gonna send ya one back as soon as i can, but right now i got tuff for school to do and it's raining like hell every fucking day! :LOL:


    speak soon :kiss: xx

  8. happy birthday you oldie :p

  9. pearl! :D

    i got your letter :happy: the drawing is so cute :happy:

    though i found it hard at times to understand your handwriting :LOL:

  10. yeah, she also wants 9058079884396892386092836084 drawings :LOL:

    but i will (try to) keep my letters up-to-date-ed :LOL:

  11. bah, school this year is so crap

    i have no good classes - no singing, no drawing, no nothing!

    only teh more serious ones like maths and biology and history :(

    goddamn ppl aren't leaving me alone this year :'(

    and they already fuckin' know i am the one who draws carrcatures of them in class :shifty:

    i don't even have time to write am a letter and it's only the first day :(

  12. i am... trying to be on msn :LOL:

    epic fail... :LOL:

  13. ma crap msn (which doesn't let me talk to ppl now -.-) always says you log in :LOL:

  14. summit wrong with your internet? :erm:

  15. oh god :stunned:

    don't you ever thin of that again you :stunned:

    i don't wanna be left sister-less :(

    and i'll have to take care of shannon when you go :LOL:

  16. what does wits mean? :erm:

  17. fuckin' boring, really..

    and it was so damn cold, i was shaking like a leaf when singing, i have no legs right now :LOL:

    and mye veins are nice-o, but hard to wash off :LOL:

  18. where'd you go :'(


    no, srsly :LOL:


    i didn' thought you'd be n tonight :D

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