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Status Updates posted by stefko_25

  1. yeah, hopefully..

    it's just that all the comotion in the classroom in giving me a splitting headache, i barely passes my exam..

    hope you're doing fine tho :)

  2. yeah, and school isn't any help either..

    my first class today was a history exam (oh, yay, how can it get any better than this?)!

    but oh, that's not all

    my 2nd class was german! and everyone knows my german teacher hates me in the guts!

    and i'm sitting like right infront of her, OBVIOUSLY not feeling so well and she's like "Stefan, tell me this and this and this and some of this and everything you know about this! Then translate it in bulgarian and then translate it.. back to german!" and i can like barely speak and am like "i.... can't....." and she's like "OOOH, so you DON'T KNOW?! bla bla bla" and i'm like "oh, fuckin' shut up." took my bag and left. now way am i letting her piss me off when i'm sick and already pissed off. and since, i've been home in sth like a quarantine. i tried sleeping in the afternoon, but i kept getting calls and barely did.


    now i realise i am taking the how are you way too serious :LOL: i guess i should stop now..

  3. hey netty :(

    fuck, i'm sick :(

  4. it's the only dance matt knows :LOL:

  5. ok, dunno wxactly how long, but yea, in a week it'll be there ;)

    shuffle dance, lol :LOL:

  6. nah, it's awesome! :D:yesey:

    well, mine is real crap, but i said what needed to be said in the letter, i don't wanna say the same thing over and over again so you'll just have to wait ~5 days ;)

  7. AM!! :D

    i send ya a letter today :happy:

  8. hey netty :happy:

    nothing special, got an exam in history tomorrow and it's really not my thing so cross fingers i'll pass with a good grade

    in other news i couldn't sleep last night and had some shut eye for like a hour and a half x_X

    at least my friend told me i don't look like i haven't slept..

  9. hey, i don't really know you, but i just wanna say i'm still jealous of you for meeting muse :LOL:

  10. noooooooooooooooooooooooo :'(

    bye bye maria, write soon :'(

  11. Excuse me mr. Movie star a.k.a. Maria's father figure in her current being on Eath, would you be kind enough to inform me WHY THE FRACK YOU DON' LET HER ON TEH PC!?

  12. aw phuck, why does is alway have to be 30 mins :indiff:

  13. yeah, i know :(

    me misses ya parris, you come more often here now :happy:

  14. err, uni and college are kind'a the same to me :LOL:

    yeah, feel bad about you and netty not being able to see each other :(

  15. olá shannon, how's uni? :happy:

  16. outdoor04.jpg


    cool hat, lol




    that one is funny :LOL:




    a cute smile for you :happy:


    btw, do you know your new uni adress yet? cuz i wanna know where to send ya letters :p

  17. maria! :'(

    damn, i missed ya and keep missing ya :'(

  18. haven't you two herd of private chat..

  19. where are ya pearl? me misses ya :(

    speak soon x x

  20. yeah, why not :LOL:

    got bored of ma old avatar, needed a change

  21. i still don't have a clue :LOL:

  22. No worries, they just looked at me with suspicion when they gave me the package :LOL:

    hve fun dear :happy:

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