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Status Updates posted by stefko_25

  1. she's not stupid, she's just kind'a old :LOL:

    she has a 30 year old daughter :LOL:

    which is actually really beautiful, too bad she got marrien in august :rolleyes:

  2. yeah, usually around the nails and hurt as hell

    oh btw my english relative has herd muse :LOL:

    but then again doesn't know who jennifer love hewitt is so dunno if she knows muse tht well :LOL:

  3. omg, i always have those on my fingers after playing the guitar, even for like 10 minutes :LOL:

    they fuckin stink :rolleyes:

  4. Me misses ya *hugguws* :supersad:

  5. hope they will be, teehee :ninja:

    and oh, i got a cut on my finger yesterday :LOL:

    this sorta stuff happens to me a lot lately :LOL:

  6. i don't need to wash a car to be dirty :rolleyes:

    will be doing some old school vein drawing in an hour, teehee :ninja:

  7. am fine :happy:

    still need to learn the songs' lyrics for tomorrow, but meh, i'll improvise :LOL:

    how's you?

  8. no no, this house party isn't about drinking or smoking at all, it's on th cit centre and it's HUGE. it's all about loud music so the whole town hears us and dancing your arse off :LOL:


    cool :happy:

  9. oh, and btw, i'll be going to a house partay tonight, so i prolly won't be on after 4 o' clock english time :LOL: COZ IT ROCKS! :D srsly, i've been all 4 times so far and it was off the hook! i couldn't walk or speak normally after :LOL:

  10. cold? :erm:

    but the pic has such warm colours and a nice feeling :LOL:

    could be a summer cold tho :LOL:

  11. magazin-3-6b.jpg


    drool over that why don't you :LOL:

  12. i read kisses first and i was "wtf, me wants to kick it!" :LOL:

    but i have to go now (again, stupid dinner)

  13. argh, am trying to, but this thing is crashing on me as i speak

  14. ma mum's calling, gotz to go now :(

    cya netty, been nice talking to ya :happy:

  15. yeah, i know :LOL:

    and it downloads them at once so right now i have two folders, a bunch of unfinished files and no songs :LOL:

  16. tried that, the seed just dissapeared outta nowwhere :erm:

  17. ah, okies :LOL:

    cuz i'm getting kind'a bored :LOL:

    and i can't download my ff discography, te torrent stopped @ 91% :mad:

  18. you're falling asleep :LOL:

  19. that's the weirdest thread eva :LOL:

    my face looks fine shaved :LOL:

    besides, my dad has a beard and i dun wanna look like him :stunned:

  20. there are soooooooo disturbing topics on banter :LOL:

  21. you also got two more pages (-2 other comments) :LOL:

  22. don't steal from pinky :rolleyes:

    btw i filled your profile with messages, yay :LOL

  23. you could have tried :LOL:

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