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Status Updates posted by stefko_25

  1. i got to go now, ma mum's calling :(

    cya soon :happy:

  2. sorry, guess i read sth wrong :LOL:

    btw, do tell me when you decide to send it, cuz i don't want it to get in ma mum's hands or summit :LOL:

  3. no worries dear, the fact that you're seding me one is far more than enough :happy:

    i can't think of anything right now, but i don't wanna be insolent, so no need to :happy:

  4. aww, thanks dear :happy:

    trust me, you'll get a whole lot of doodles when i start school, i spend most of the time there doing tht :LOL:

  5. nah, i don't really watch movies a lot, i just can't stand still for over a hour not doing anything, just watching ;)

  6. aww, thanks netty :happy:

    makes me feel kind'a bad now, you're sending me such cool stuff and i send you crap :$

    i should think of something clever to send ya next time :shifty:

  7. you would do that? :supersad:

  8. sorry i got off for a bit, i was in another forum :LOL:

    err... no. as i said before, people here don't even know muse (as in herd of them)

    srsly, we don't have muse cd's where i live (though we do have 07380697360796706 cd's of artists noone knows or cares about)

  9. yea, we should :shifty:

    i'll talk to people today to see what they think about it, maybe post the threads tomorrow

  10. yeah, me knows about dom's vid too :shifty:

    we need something clean, cheap and chatchy :shifty:

  11. i have no idea :LOL:

    i asked pct, i think they have something in mind already so i'll have to wait a bi for a reply ;)

    but pdt is really slow last few weeks, so they haven't been thinking about that much :LOL:


    but i srsly don't know what we're gonna do, i'm such a noob :LOL:

    well, to sart with, what were their presents last year(s)? :)

  12. dom is on the 7th of december, chris is on the 2nd so there isn't much of a difference :LOL:

  13. emma, dom and chris' birthdays are in 3 months :shifty:

    ya think we should start working on tht earlier (meaning asap) so we avoid what happened last time? :LOL:

  14. aww, damn, i always miss you when you're online :(

  15. i don't wanna argue over something as stupid as this.

    you gt the wrong idea, i got the wrong idea, everyone else doesn't have a clue - whateva, past.

    moving on with our lives now. :)

  16. sorry, i just can't seem to understand you

    one minute you're making a big deal of it, the next you're saying it's nothing serious

    it's just confusing..

    i do want to be friends with you, but this whole wedding thing is ridiculous

    and please stop putting words in my mouth, cuz half of the things you mentioned i never said..

  17. i have no idea what ranga and working the room are, but nevermind

    i just can't see the big deal, sorry.

    this wasn't serious. won't ever be too. it was on the internet. it was fake (and isn't getting any more real).

    what's the big deal? little kids play pretend and are happy no matter what the end is - why aren't you?

  18. you do realise i only said like two words in the last 24 hours :LOL:

    when did i say tht? :LOL:

    but, okay, i respect your choice

  19. why hasn't my letter arrived to you yet :shifty:

    and btw, i has eggs :LOL:

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