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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. Ah good good then

  2. Awww shucks :awesome:. Srsly though no life

  3. Ha! Hello?...good...you?

  4. awww :'(



  5. on the internet....

    but not even your mum? D:

  6. We've had some epic convos on here though....matter of fact everywhere. Can you actually believe how much we talk?

  7. Yupp it was drew. I called him drewy apparently. Love looking through old msgs. FLUFFY :supersad:

  8. Because I luuuuuuuurvvvvved him :awesome:

    Must of been drew. Dave msged that to me asking if it was him :LOL:

  9. erghhh I feeel sick :(

  10. OH DEAR. I found this post in open letter thread

    "Dearest d****

    I think you may like me

    but I don't like you like that, your my best friend basically, nothing more.....don't wreck that please

    Teegs "

    I once disillusioned myself into thinking that Daniel liked me D:. I don't remember. Actually that might of been drew....but that isn't the right amount of letters:unsure:

  11. I'll be the judge of that


  12. I was toats nomming that thread arsehole

  13. Gaaaaaary :) miss your presence

  14. I was trying to click on naget4music so I could find my post in banter from where it was so I wouldn't have to browse the thread for it. But it took me here twice :LOL:. Toats besties. Did you see my videos? HOOK THE CABLE IN MOFO

  15. I'm trying to click on my profile to stalk myself and it keeps taking me to yours....?


  16. :') I passed so much better than I expected....

  17. I wait....it was that you are a mod of banter...

  18. It said you were on :LOL:. And your name is in bold :shifty:

  19. What the hell are you doing awake and monitoring the board for :shifty:

  20. I am sooo impressive :awesome: thanks Jon jon :)

    ps. LOVE the periodic table cake. Makes me miss chemistry A LOT

  21. :LOL: I can not translate that....
  22. Is she having a party? >D I have some granduer plans for mine already. She is only a year older than me. For some reason I thought she was older D:

    Will it be done for whence I get home?...Mine won't. I get my camera on wednesday so I can re-record!

  23. Oh....coming home next sunday....so basically Monday. Hows the song/video going? >D

  24. Ha sorry. Okay :) Thats alright. I'm sorry. Yayy -follow-

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