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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. dear thom yorke


    you are an amazing song writer... thats all i can say. you rock seriously. i love all the lyrics...


    ... except for knives out.... i dont particularly like the cannibal references.


    but other than that, i think your lyrics are amazing.


    till later

    -the small printcess

  2. awwwww but its all good right?

  3. *hug*


    and thats from Thom :)

  4. *sigh* if only the universe worked the way we want it to work...


    :p the ghost of financial matters... "ooooooohhh give me your tax rebates.... and i will conjur higher interest rates ohhhhhhh" (insert spooky music here)


    i dunno anything about finance and the economy


    and ive gotta go now


    it was really nice to talk to you :) hope you have a great afternoon / evening


    till later!

  5. :) and can exams be not so pressurised... seriously... for me, everyone is harping on about the final exams and im so ready to scream... especially if one more person says "study plan" i will do something drastic


    Peter Costello :LOL: Matt's memoirs would be oh so much more interesting!

  6. tee hee hee and then final exams would be to play your fav guitar riff...


    i havent been in parliament house since grade 7 (5 years ago eeeeeek) so i kinda have forgotten what it looks like... all i remember is this place we went to after we were in the House of Reps... and i didnt like that room


    can we get a bill passed so that chocolate isnt so expensive :p

  7. oh gosh that would be awesome... :p and guitar lessons to go with the Mansons would be the best... stuff math :p learn guitar!


    Matt could be the decorater for starters (cause parliament house needs a little redesigning) and then he can take over as ummmmm education minister and a few other roles too :p

  8. :yesey: they are awesome books :)


    mwahahahaha Chris for PM... take that Kevin Rudd... parliament would be so much more interesting!


    and Museology would then have to be taught at schools :p

  9. yeah its nice to read what those crazy guys say... makes for better quote reading than from reading quotes from Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre


    thank you thom for those words of wisdom... :p


    but thom does have that sense of humor (refers back to that interview :p)

  10. :LOL: totally agree... sad thing is though, ive read 2 of the books mentioned... Rule by Secrecy (which i can see the influence on Ruled by Secrecy) and Hyperspace (which i cannot see the influence on Origin of Symmetry)


    am reading the transcript at the moment... found this :p "Heaven and the Earth lies the world of Muse" - say what??? we live in Muse's world now... then why isnt Chris the PM of Australia, why isnt Dom the Govener General (he would make a smashing GG) and why isnt Matt the supreme lord overruler of the world??

  11. why thank you :)


    my fav comment from Jonny is this one

    "It wasn't quite that precious. I didn't say, 'That's it darling, my artistic juices are fully spent, I'm creatively drained' and throw the back of my hand to my forehead,"


    From the ever smart Thom:

    "Is dinner ready?" kidding its really "You will never make friends unless you like everyone genuinely. Oh well, I'm fucked then aren't I?" only cause its kinda true... you dont want to be friends with someone who you dont like genuinely........


    and from Ed... [on his mum attending a gig in New Yorke]

    "It was the first time she'd seen us in four years. Before the doors opened, I went round looking at the V.I.P. section, and I saw that Madonna had the best table in the house and my mum's table was way in the back. I thought, 'I'm not having this,' so I swapped the signs on the tables around. So, Madonna was at the back, and my mum had the best table in the house, between U2 and R.E.M. And that's exactly how it should be."


    take that Madonna


    overall Jonny's quote is the best :D


    thanks for those *hug*


    and i cant come on msn tonight cause im going to the musical in which my sister is performing in... sadly enough i had to do her make up last night and i seriously made her look like a clown so much so that i had to tell her to wash it all off and let me do it again... luckily tonight my mum is taking over :p


    me + make up = hopeless


    [/end long comment]

  12. :yesey: i agree... espically with golden comments such as...


    "Space. Muse like space. They won’t stop going on about it."




    "Weird. A word meaning strikingly odd or unusual. Strange. Some might say Muse are weird, but what is weird to Muse?"


    my two favourites from the doco :rolleyes:

  13. no need to apologise... :)


    to me, the subject matter could have been improved and the narrator was unecessary but on the whole i found it interesting :)


    till later!

  14. :LOL:


    thanks for those... very funny they are!



  15. *screams*






    *screams even more*


    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk


    no no no no no no no

  16. interesteing collection of pictures you have there!


    the many faces / eras of thom yorke

  17. hmmmm im assuming from that smiley that you werent impressed...

  18. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep


    lovely expression Master Yorke has there

  19. :p ha ha ha

    good to hear Sendspace can be trusted :LOL:

    tis no problem :)

  20. hey!


    emailing didnt work... hotmail says only files up to 10MB are allowed... so i uploaded it onto Sendspace... it told me it automatically sent an email to you with the link to the file... i dont reeeeeeeally trust it :p so here is the link http://www.sendspace.com/file/kful6j


    hope it gets to you! :)

  21. Dear Megglen


    i played Erica the intro to the Stairway to Devon documentary from Radio 1... and she asked me to post it in your LB... (that is if you dont have the doco already)...


    anyway, it features the one and only gorgeous Matt (and a few comments from Dom here and there :p errrr no Chris though :()... accompanied by a errrrr silly narrator and some other guests...


    so if you would like it (its 24.5 MB - half an hour long) then let me know and i will find a way to get it to you... cause the board cant handle large attachments :p


    till later!

  22. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah



  23. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


    i apologise

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