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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. hi!


    i noticed your avatar (which is pretty cool) and i was wondering... could you please tell me about it... is that Thom Yorke popping in from the left and who is that dancing in the background?

  2. ahh ok cool


    there are loads of people here from so many countries... its nice to know we have one thing in common... a love for Muse :)

  3. ok, replying in order of your posts...


    i bend many things for many people :p


    those are awesome reasons :) im sure Master Yorke would be very flattered :)


    awwwww *hug*


    hugh jackman? nah cant say i like him anymore (as an actor or as anything else)



  4. is no problem... its always very nice to meet other people... im dilshad


    can i ask (cause curiosity gets the better of me all the time) why did you ask me to be your friend on the board? might i be as bold as to say, ive never had a conversation with you before...

  5. nice pics... below is my fav pic of him (well, one of)


  6. you know how i loved thom yorke? i thought you should have some sexy pics of him. here is one that i just love.


  7. hi!


    nice to meet you... awesome pic of Matt you've got there :)

  8. clearly i bend the laws of math for thom...

  9. i love... matt, dom, thom and ed :)... 46% Matt, 46% Dom, 6% Ed and 4% Thom


    obviously the math study has gotten to me :$

  10. OMG!!!!!



    let down




    kidding... dont make me laugh again when my sister is in the same room, she wants to know whats going on :p

  11. ok.... :) sorry, i just assumed there was more to the story,,,,,



  12. ok.... the epic finale... from the pic you sent me to the very first picture.... hope you like it :)


    “Ok, so picture the scene... a radio studio, live on air to millions of fans... the band.... Phil, Colin, Jonny, Thom and I all sitting around listening to the final ad break, thinking the interview has gone quite well considering what happened to us last time we were interviewed by Jonathon Ross. Smiles all round. Mr Snookums awaiting our triumphant return to the recording studio. So this ad break winds up... and Jonathan flicks the microphone switch on... leans forward... a gleam in his eye.... opens his mouth and says.... “Folks the most amazing thing has just happened during that ad break. Thom and Ed, two of the boys from Radiohead have announced that they are looking to the future and are planning to transform Radiohead into a children’s educational music band! Setting out to rival The Wiggles and Hi-5, Thom, Ed, Jonny, Phil and Colin plan to call their new musical venture, Radioplay-Time” he then jumped up and began racing toward the door... oohhhh boy the look on Thom’s face... personally I was shocked to hear that Mr Ross would stoop to this all time low and scare our fans... anyway, immediately Thom tackled Mr Ross, pinning him down on the ground, shouting to me to go on air and tell everyone it’s a joke. I raced to Mr Ross’ microphone and told everyone that Mr Ross was joking and that in fact, we are not becoming a children’s band. So while telling the truth, Thom is sitting on Mr Ross glaring at him.... Phil, Colin and Jonny burst in through the door upon hearing what Mr Ross and begin to tie him up... we then carried Mr Ross to the street and got into some random van in the street, I think it was left behind by some painting business called Muse (go figure, they left the keys in the ignition anyway). I got into the drivers seat and Thom gave me instructions to the location where we shot the video to “Stop Whispering”. There we left Mr Ross to think about his actions and the consequences and promised to pick him up the next morning (oh come on, we aren’t that mean). Thus, upon returning from the landfill, we were of course quite tired and decided to head back to the recording studio for some down time, where we could reflect upon the events of the past few months... I being so tired soon fell asleep on that very couch you see on in the photograph."

  13. its all those ice-creams and chocolate isnt it Thom?


    :LOL: sorry,,, i had to... thanks for the pic :) its nice... and i see Ed in the background clapping away... and is that Jonny behind Thom's arms?

  14. d'oh... i didnt realise...ooops... but i like the way you tied it back...



  15. the saga continues... from the picture you sent me...


    “... We didn’t speak to each other for a few days. Simple as that. The silent treatment... ah the effect of making the other person feel bad by not talking to them... regarding them as they do not exist. Sadly, Thom and I had to resort to using Phil, Colin and Jonny as messengers; it was all like “Phil please tell Thom that we are scheduled to be at the recording studio at 12 today” or “Colin please tell Jonny to tell Ed that we have a press conference in the city.” Frankly, as you can assume, things got complicated and frustrating, especially when I wanted to tell Thom that our manager called and said that we were to play at the carnival... the message got lost in translation and as a result, we ended up at the caramel factory. Colin, Jonny and Phil were extremely frustrated and fed up at Thom and I constantly being jealous of each other and bickering so they told both of us to quit it or the band would disband. At the realisation of that, both Thom and I came to our senses and as a result, we are back to being friends."



  16. "... until Jonny (aka god of guitar, he is soooo creative) told me that Thom is a little jeleous of me! Guess how surprised I was to hear that! So Jonny, being the wonderful guy he is, sat me and Thom down so we could apologise to each other and sort out our differences. Then, that night at the concert..."



  17. picture.php?albumid=154&pictureid=3959

    the pic... i shall think of something (funny hopefully.... something along the plot lines) shortly

  18. :LOL: awwwwww is funny what you have written... umm unfortunately though, i cannot see the pic youve send... unless its suppose to be a box with a red cross in it......
  19. to be honest, i have no clue as to what to write... ive lost the plot :$:( here is the only thing I can think of... am sorry :(


    He said “Ed, I know how much you appreciate honesty, I do too... see you are one hell of a guitar player and you can sing quite well... but errr you know most of the people like me...” that’s when he flashed a smile :D and he continued, “... so I’m sorry, but we think it would be more justified if I were to star in the videos, as opposed to you. I hope you understand.”



  20. "...when Thom decided to thank us by sending us on a treasure hunt! :wtf: before we set out, Thom was like, you guys will totally love this. this is my way of saying thank you! :eyebrows: so any way, we set out to discover what Thom has hidden for us... we wondered around for quite some time deciphering Thom's cryptic clues until, long, long story short, we found this... this is what Thom made us to thank us...”



  21. *Ed continues to talk* "...yeah so at this interview, we were talking to that stupid host Jonathon Ross on the radio... boy what an idiot he is... hey did you hear about what he did to that guy from Fawlty Towers?? I’m getting off topic now... sorry... anyway, he said Thom looked like a total geek so Thom got really upset and decided to play a prank on Mr Ross. He got me, Colin, Jonny and Phil to help him... Mr Ross was in for a big surprise!"



  22. the what-can-only-be-described-as-crap they sell on e-bay

    the I'd rather be at a Muse concert sticker - couldnt they at least try?

    the muse watch... wtf is up with the chiller font, i dont know

    the born to be a Muse fan mug - actually, i think this is pretty nice :)




    *looks down* uh-oh... the picture has disappeared *races to fix it*

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