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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. :LOL:


    Jonny is too nice!









    the picture of you is really nice... you're gorgeous :happy:

  2. :chuckle:


    brilliant end to the rhyme!



  3. hey!


    no problemo for the gif... i have more :eyebrows:


    like that one :p


    i did see the video of dead star... downloaded it and everything... love it so much, i am astounded over and over again with everything Muse do... makes me love them so much much more!




    till later!

  4. wowie 63 hours! :eyebrows: but i will bet its more seeing as you wrote this 2 days ago and i havent yet replied :$ i am sorry about that


    talk to you soon about everything




    there were two in the bed and the little guy said

    "roll over, roll over"

    so they all rolled over and the one with the badish fashion sense fell out


    there was on in the bed and he (being the little guy) said

    ... ?

  5. hey!


    i like the moving picture too... and i really like this one as well



    i had a pretty good chrismas, hope you did too!


    hope you have a great day!


    till later!

  6. hey! :)


    picture.php?albumid=154&pictureid=2099:happy: (this is the second time i am using this moving picture isnt it :$)


    i hope you had a fantastic Christmas!


    till later!

  7. hey! *waves*




    hope you had a fantastic Christmas!


    thanks for the wonderful pictures... i especially love the one of Matt saying you are dancing with aliens :p




    till later!

  8. definitely Matt! :happy:




    hope you had a fantastic Christmas day... looking forward to talking to you soon!


    *hug* till later!


    there were five in the bed and the little guy said

    "roll over, roll over"

    so they all rolled over and the-tallest-one fell out.


    there were four in the bed and the little guy said

    "roll over, roll over"

    so they all rolled over and the drummer fell out


    your turn?

  9. ha ha ha... depending on the subject on the bed? :eyebrows::yesey:


    ohhh ok :p


    nice little rhyme you have started :LOL:

  10. :p interesting how a page of our conversation has the focus on a bed :p and the guys we love



  11. hey :)


    thats a pretty picture! :p its really nice... as are those remixes.... :)


    hope you have a great day tomorrow!


    till later!

  12. aaaaaaaand its on the bed with the bad coloured sheets.... i think the colour is some sort of hot-salmon-pink

  13. hey :)


    thanks for the musical postcard.... i really like your remix of Soldier's Poem :happy:


    i hope you have a fantastic Christmas celebration... and a super-awesome New Years celebration too :)




    till later!

  14. if it was ed... wait, wouldnt he bang his head on the ceiling?


    if it was ed, then i would also ask him to hop off, if he was wearing shoes... infact, i would ask Matt to take his shoes off too... shoes do not belong on beds ;p then we would all have a pillow fight or something :p or head to the dinner table and make a fort / tent


    gosh i am such an immature child :p

  15. yeah... however, for me, if the person was different the circumstances would change


    Matt :eyebrows:

  16. :p reminded me of the shirt we saw today.... tick and cross


    :happy: thanks very much for the pictures


    :yesey: your captions are awesome!


    if that was my bed i would ask Thom to hop off so i can change the sheets and all...

  17. in order of posts.... and pictures


    ohhhhhh awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Thom has one of the most enthusiastic smiles ive ever seen :happy:

    i wonder whose home / place that is

    anyone can play guitar pose :p awesome photo :LOL: your caption though... for the spoiler is pure genius!


    :eek: stripy shirt... tick. pants.... cross


    awwwwwwwwwww thom :p but the shoes?! i would hate to have to clean that

  18. ahh openly here yes.... any place else.... no :shifty: it may probably be my secret agenda


    behind Matt of course


    i make no sense now


    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i get it now

  19. ed, matt and dom :p


    mmmm are blueberries in season? i prefer raspberries myself....


    did thom really tell jonny that? whats are the :eyebrows: for?

  20. mmmm i should hope whatever i bake doesnt end up being burnt to a crisp, with my lack of attentiveness... i may have to resort to a timer of some sort because when the baking item in question is in the oven, i will be talking to some peoples :eyebrows:


    ive never made a pie before... cheesecake (done that), cookies (done that), cake (done), muffins (done that), slices (done and dusted - with icing sugar :LOL:), a quiche (ok that turned out badly), soufflé (i asked permission, gonna get to do that sometime this month :p)... but a pie... never

  21. :p


    baking contest! awesome...... can i nominate you, matt, dom and chris to be judges... ed can choose the other 4 people or whatever


    what would i bake?

  22. eats what?


    weirdly enough, i want to make a soufflé :wtf:

  23. dr tchock, you are the ultimate agony aunt... thanks a huuuuuuge bunch... please tell your alter-person, Thom to give Erica a massive hug from me.





  24. yeah, as soon as i hit the post message button, i reread it and saw it was wrong


    sorry mr dr tchock :$


    *sends chocolate*


    well........ im just annoyed at that my old friends cannot get over the fact that i left my old high school to go to a new one that has a different system that provided different opportunities for me. i dont complain about QA to them, yet some of them think they have the right to tell me that going to QA was and still is a mistake. and you know what else others have spoken to me about regardless of the fact that they were not what i consider my friend when i was attending that school. in my eyes, what they say to me isnt justified.


    [/end rant]


    your turn?

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