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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. :kiss:


    weeeeeeeeeeird... you said "Hello there :D" in your message... it just disappeared and reappeared a minute later in front of my eyes; i kid you not.


    I think either I am going crazy or seeing things :eek:


    True... because a bass guitar is just a double bass on it's side that is lighter and you play it with your fingers not that bow thingy :chuckle:


    That SNL Muse picture is awesome... they look like such a cute christmas tree all wrapped up in lights :LOL:

  2. Getty sell their pics... really... I realise photojournalism is subject to more copyright violations than pretty much anything else, but if Getty don't want their pictures posted then at least they could do something more about it.


    That sounds like something really awesome you can do with a time travel machine. :)


    Ha ha yeah Alex's hair was very fluffy in that picture! Can Bob play the double bass? Because that would be cool... Alex and Nick on acoustic guitars, Bob on the double bass and Paul on ummm acoustic drums? Pots and pans with wooden spoons? I dunno :p


    *hug* awww I hope today is better that yesterday for you! And without the lightning and thunder and the storm.



  3. Even though he has had it for a few months now, most of the pics that I can find on Google are from Getty images, so they don't show up in posts :rolleyes:


    I think the only way time travel could be made easy is if you couldn't change the past, present and future by your actions (like squashing a bug). That been said, the consequences of time travel make for funny Simpson's episodes :chuckle:


    Here is a picture, that hopefully shows up, for you


  4. :p it would be kinda difficult for those ratios because there are only so many moustached pics :chuckle: sounds like I want more pics of Alex and his moustache now ha ha ha.
  5. :p yeah... like 3 normal pics of alex to the one moustached pic :shifty: i was taking things pretty literally :chuckle:
  6. i didnt use any Getty images for the pics posted in your LB so they should work... although there might be a problem with the ratios towards the end :shifty:


    :eyebrows: some pics you have seen (actually i think most you have seen) and some you might not have.......

  7. when i post them they dont turn up :(:phu: to Getty images


    im not annoyed at you... i just have nothing to say at the moment :chuckle:

  8. :D


    I figured it was all the Getty Images pictures that never work.

  9. wait till you see the pic...

  10. Stupid picture... I shall send it over MSN... Alex is wearing a cool leather jacket in the picture.

  11. I'd definitely say my favourite FF album is Tonight too.... there are just so many awesome songs on the album :happy:

  12. Nice songs they are :chuckle:


    Do you have a favourite FF album?

  13. right now all i want to confess on Friday night is how much i missed using the computer / internet, especially for talking to you




    oh that picture is unseeable? bother... here's the link to it... picture

  14. no one... both of them :eyebrows: any one of them... who ever you choose to look at :chuckle:


    ha ha ha i kinda hope they all have a shirt each and unintentionally end up wearing them at the same time at the one photoshoot :chuckle: they may look like Cut Copy groupies then though :wtf:


    one more pic...


  15. :p


    and how about this picture?



    wahey :p

  16. why would you think that i am saying the post-post-post-post punk look he had was bad? i dont think it was bad... but with that said, i do think he looks better here than any other time... yeah the This Fire / Michael look is definitely my favourite


  17. :chuckle: i've used it once or twice; and i thought here that i had the right code :rolleyes:fear :fear: it is! thanks :chuckle:


    ha ha yeah... :yesey: ill be happy if Alex gets rid of that moustache... whatever he does then to his looks (apart from growing more unsightly facial hair) wont bother me (unless it looks bad)

  18. ah bother... it was meant to be that little laser holding smiley... guess i got the code wrong :facepalm:


    :chuckle: that picture came up quite randomly actually :awesome:


    here is another random picture




    :kiss: it was nooo problemo at all!

  19. awww stupid dust... i hate dust too :fight:


    Bob entered that elusive club of people who have traveled through dimensions... Alex was unhappy because he wasn't the person to inter-dimensionally travel... it was moral Bob who was chosen :chuckle:


    Alex is still brooding about it.



    Alex: but it should have been me!

    Nick: *sigh* shut up we are in the middle of a gig!

    Alex: but i wanted to travel through dimensions

    Nick: because you are genuinely interested in interdimensional travel? or because you wanted to be in that special club?

    Alex: ummmm i love other dimensions!

    Nick: really?

    Alex: no i hate my "abstaining from alcohol" self from the eight hundred and forty-ninth dimension

    Nick: :rolleyes:

  20. Hmmm my favourite song from Tonight... actually, it is probably a tie between Twilight Omens, What She Came For, Can't Stop Feeling and Live Alone (I suppose it might depend on my mood at the time :chuckle:)


    What is (or are) your favourite(s) from the album?

  21. :yesey: my day was relaxing... awwww but yours wasn't :( ergh... dust... everyone's nightmare... did you get a lot of dust when that dust storm hit a month or two back?





  22. And a hug back again :chuckle:


    Yeah my buddy always has this collection of awesome avatars for me to choose from. Sadly, the selection I put up for her isn't as awesome :p


    :yesey: Anything with Matt is gorgeous!

  23. we are all wise in our own ways :yesey: /zen moment



  24. Ha ha true... older and wiser :awesome:


    Oh and thanks for the avatars! Some shall be heading your way soon....

  25. ha ha but of course :p


    I'm not thinking about marriage at the moment in any case :chuckle:


    It's quite an accurate list in any case :p add eloquent as well... who can top gems such as "I'm the new Scottish gentry"; "If I move, this could die" and "Hi There!" :p

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