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Status Updates posted by Megglen

  1. :LOL::LOL: You're her sister, right?'
  2. :LOL: It's okay, I was only beginning to wonder...


    It's okay *hugs* I'll add some more stuff to it, when I find it.

  3. :LOL::LOL: The sandwich may still have green eyes
  4. :eek: *hugs* Does that make us cousins or something?
  5. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

    This is gonna be fun!

  6. Can you keep it going for 3 months?



  7. I bet $10 that you'll get over him in 3 months, maximum!


    :LOL: I know where mine is located, I think... :erm:

  8. :p I bet $10


    :eek: Erica! You naughty girl, how could you not of?

    Oh well, listen to it now!!!

  9. So? My crush on Bellamy & Howard is still going! That's 5 months now!

    And I don't think this crush on Johnny will last much longer then that, if it can make it that far.


    :LOL::LOL: Awww, that isn't very nice!


    :yesey: More Matt & Dom for me :happy:


    :eek: Have you listened to the Loveline thing yet?

  10. He's alright, no Bellamy. But I'm glad you found someone else to crush on, but you'll get over him in a few weeks like you do everyone else :p

  11. :LOL: I would never do that, if I'm up too early, I'm always cranky up lunch time :chuckle That must be a relief :yesey:


    :eek: & who is this crush?

  12. :LOL: I remember when I was a kid, mum used to tell me that Anthony (The Blue Wiggle) was playing the drums & it was making lots of noise, hence thunder.

    Now, of course, Dom is playing the drums :chuckle


    :eek::eek: I haven't gotten up that early in 3 years!

  13. I hate thunder though... :erm:


    I get the bus at 8.10, I wake up at 7.40 :chuckle

  14. Weekend! *dances*


    Hmm... Thunder storm?


    I'm great thanks :happy: Bit tired though, I've been up since 6.30

  15. Okay

    See you Erica :kiss:


    :rolleyes: Goodbye Erica :p

  16. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

    Nice excuse :p

  17. :LOL::LOL:


    What are you doing looking? :wtf:

    Jokes! :kiss:

  18. To be honest with you, I can't remember where I got it, I think it was out of Google Images :LOL:

  19. YAY! *hugs*



    Poor Milky Bar Kid :(

    Oh well, you'll have it for next time.

  20. My Chaser Album Take what you want, & I always upload new stuff when I find it :)
  21. Use it wisely, other wise I'll have to get it back!

  22. *hands internet* Sure do :)

  23. :eek: YAY! You got it! *hugs*
  24. Do you want just Andrew? Or all of the boys from The Chaser?

  25. :LOL: I'll put my collection together & send it to you
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