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Status Updates posted by Megglen

  1. :yesey: Diamond Dave! :LOL: As named after David Lee Roth
  2. Hey Hucksy!


    I've come to the conclusion that I'm gonna start calling you Diamond Dave :chuckle

  3. He may be in my bed... :shifty:


    Okay! :D He probably has his own private jet so he can get from Brisbane, to here, to England (or where ever his parents are) easily!

  4. We can share him if you want, I mean i currently have Matt living in my bike shed, I'm already pretty full up :chuckle

  5. Good idea!


    And he has to have the ability to play all the instruments that he's parents do :yesey:

  6. :LOL: I don't care! I like Megglen better!
  7. :LOL: It's Meaghan, Polaire!


    Don't feel bad, I don't even think I told ya my real name, not many peeps actually know it!

  8. Huh?


    Oh! JJ lives with me! I'm gonna need a bigger bed!

  9. Ohh... I was wondering wtf JJ meant, it works out well! :D I wonder who JJ would live with?

  10. :LOL: Exacta mondo!


    I believe in the power of Eddie Van Halen!


    What name!? :wtf:

  11. :LOL:


    I'm a Bellamist! So by a technicality, Matt is on vacation! I think he's still drunk from his birthday.

  12. Well it's even odder that you can see mine! Oh well!


    My god is currently on vacation! :p yours is the one who is asleep!

  13. Mine nosed-dived into the ground & filled with dirt! :chuckle


    I'm good! I dunno.... Let's head to the PMT :yesey:


    If you're looking for you're stalker, he's in L.A somewhere buying you presents! I've gotta pic! :D




    That chick is his cousin!

  14. Yeah! When ever I come on at school, nobody is on!


    English? We had a fun English today! And a fun Science! :yesey: We made rockets!

  15. Hey!


    :LOL: I love the fact that everyone calls me Megglen & not my real name!

  16. Yep! :LOL:


    Neither... Hi my stalker! *waves*

  17. Thanks so much for the pics of Dom!

  18. My stalker is my guy! I changed the lyrics!


    i think my stalker already has an idea about me, judging from the PMT... And I haven't contacted him... yet.

  19. I wonder when this second love child is born, if has blonde hair with black streaks in it, or the other way round! Hmm...


    Hmm.... I might have to buy my stalker another pair!

    And you keep your eyes of my stalker!

    :LOL: That reminds me of that song with "Keep Your Hands Off My Girl!" I think it's by :erm: Good Charlotte

  20. Your stalker is a very affectionate guy!


    Oh yeah! My stalker got impregnated, again...

  21. :LOL: Smart Stalker!




    Your stalker on the other hand already stands out in the crowd!


    Well he's got to with that perfect crooked smile!

  22. Okay! I was just about to try that actually!

  23. Hmmm.... Hasn't come up yet!! Stupid computer!

  24. :rolleyes: Add me on MSN & I'll tell you!! Geez!
  25. Not here for starters!

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