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Status Updates posted by Megglen

  1. Because it's embarrassing!

  2. :noey: You're not finding out!
  3. :LOL: Not very, very soon! Maybe September holidays! :yesey:
  4. Hello!


    :LOL: Your stalker left me with a diamond ring and a message....


    "Please give this to the gorgeous one that is a lover of Matt, Dom & myself! XOXO Edward Cullen"


    I'll have to take a photo of the ring!! :LOL:

  5. It's not yet! Well... It actually is! :D Whoops! See ya hun! :kiss:

  6. Yeah! But I've gotta go again! See we're doing a debating thing in town, and I have to film so yeah! That's why I smell shampooy!

  7. It was very! :yesey: But I got off once the teacher left! Just in case!!

  8. :noey: I didn't get in trouble! I was on the "members list" which is where I always go when I don't wanna be spotted by someone! So I was shibby! Luckily!
  9. :LOL: Nice One! Sorry that I suddenly left before.... I was spotted! :ninja:
  10. Yep! :shifty: and the door is really loud when you open it! :D But hopefully no one will notice! And I'm in here with some friends who are doing work!! So I'm shibby!

  11. I'm in a secert room that is very hard to see into! But no one is allowed to walk opast during lunch time! :LOL:

  12. Fine! Well.... I'll talk about it later when i get home from school! Shhh! I'm on at school! :chuckle

  13. Hey You Crazy Polar Bear

  14. :LOL: I started posting in some of my subscribed threads that hadn't been posted in for ages! :LOL:
  15. Nothing Much, sleeping, reading, musicing, pmting. pdting

  16. I'm great hun! You?

  17. Roger that!


    I just hope Matt doesn't get to freaked out by someone that could nearly be his own daughter saying they love him..... That counts for Dom too!

  18. Ahhh PMT....


    Sanctuary for all Mattians... Guarded by a gorgeous guard with a sparkly pink guitar...

  19. I would still grope Matt, no matter how nice Dom's ass is!

    Matt was the member that made me listen to Muse more, than come on here! I first saw some of H.A.A.R.P and that red suit bloody started the whole obsession!


    Chris has enough fans as it is! Every time I go to check "New posts" someone has posted PCT!!

  20. I would love to get a hug from all of them, but I would go for Matt first :yesey:


    :LOL: Would Chris be jealous that I love Matt & Dom and not him? Hmm....


    I would probably try to grope Matt if I got the chance... WHOOPS!!!!! :$

  21. Ohhh.... That ball!


    Would Dom be annoyned enough to break his own fans arm? I think Chris might, maybe... maybe not... Matt wouldn't! Especially not to a Mattian! :LOL:

  22. I don't like soccer balls....


    Is Matt gonna break my arm or Dom for hugging his secret lover?

  23. That hug is the most important, who cares about security :rollseye:


    I had an okay day, got throttled by a soccer ball, twice!


    :LOL: I don't bother going through all the pages I missed, too much time & effort! And if any good pictures are posted, then they should rock up in the time that you're there!!

  24. Oh dear.... I forgot about height! Oh well! Smaller things are cuter!

  25. It's gonna be interesting when the U.S. have a black, female or veteran president!

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