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Status Updates posted by Megglen

  1. Do I win the internet?

  2. Awww :) Thanks Erica! *hugs*

    I'm back now :D

  3. :( This fucking sucks!

    Okay, I am staying up all night to talk to you & that's final :phu:

  4. *kisses* I miss you too :( & I won't be on tonight

  5. :yesey: I did, very long :p

    Nah, got back at lunch time


    Okay :happy:

  6. Awww *hugs*

    It's okay, I'm back now :happy:

  7. :chuckle: That is why I came on just suddenly, I was looking through my room trying to find the bit of paper with your number on it, I hadn't bothered to add it to my book thing yet because I also had/have to find that, so I couldn't find it, then I just came on here to see if I could get it off someone, but of course, you were there so :happy:

    Well that's my epic tale, & I haven't even told you about the canoe yet :LOL:

  8. Yo darling!


    :) I'll text you soon, I stole my dad's phone for the camp :D


    Love you,


  9. Really? Coz I love you liek forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever!!

  10. HELLO SEXYFACE! :D *kisses*

  11. :LOL::LOL: Head to PDT then :p
  12. Might get held up in customs :( Might think it's full of drugs :rolleyes:

    :happy: That's great!

    Nah, nothing really, got some homework to do & my brother is coming home, at least I think he is, can never tell with that boy! Oh & my mum is coming back from London, so Dad is going to Melbourne to pick them both up, I would go but yeah, homework :(

  13. Aww :( Bummer, she's not going to Leeds, ah well! :happy: I'll send myself over eventually :D

    :LOL: Grab one for me :)


    I'm good :happy: Friday today, one of my favourite days of the week, learnt about AIDS in Thinking Globally, oh what fun!

    & how are you?

  14. :LOL::LOL: Andrew is by far my favourite Chaser!
  15. :LOL: Yeah, she did :)

    Speak of the devil:


  16. :happy: Australia is great, but where I am is a tincy bit isolated, not so good :(

    Hey where is your coffee shoppe? I might send my mother there :chuckle:

  17. :happy: It would be awesome if you would come to Australia, but very unlikely.

    Yeah, that is always the hard bit :)

  18. Just a tincy bit! :p

    :( I'll do the course in a few years, then come on work experience over there, government payed for of course :p

  19. :LOL: Australia, it'd be a long exchange! :D
  20. It was through our local gallery cafe, but it was for years 10-11.

    Which is 15 to 16, I'm one year too young :(

  21. :D:D:D


    :eek: Yep! Brilliant :)

  22. :) Do I get a prize if I manage to somehow get you wound up? :chuckle: *kisses*
  23. *kisses* No... Course not :D;)


  24. :LOL::LOL: The Karma Puppets?

    Hm... Jonny can help contorl a few of the puppets, Coz can do the lighting & music, Ed would be in backstage & Phil can help make the puppets :happy:

  25. Would the puppet show be called "The Karma Police"?

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