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Status Updates posted by Megglen

  1. Nom, nom, nom!









    Hm.. I'll put in a freezer for a few years, unfreeze him, then you two can strip tease for each other to your hearts content :D

  2. :LOL:


    :eek: I did not! You showed me the photos! You're the one collecting infomation! :p


    I'm trying really, really hard too. But Thom keeps poping up! *head to YouTube*


    Awwww *hugs* One day, I will get him to do a strip tease for you :yesey:

  3. :LOL: You didn't have to tell me about what he looks like shirtless!


    :rolleyes: Just saying! :p


    How do you think I feel?

    I used to have Kris shirtless in my head!

    Now I've got fucking Thom!


  4. :p But don't come crying to me when Jonny Ray tells you he loves Thommy Bold more then you


    :LOL: Yeah! James James! :happy: Awww!


    *cringes* Damn you Erica!!!!!!

  5. :LOL::LOL: If you wanna get involved, I'm not gonna stop you!


    Hm... What is the name of Howard & Bellamuy's love child?


    :stunned: I don't think I want to now.... *cringes* I used to have a hot guy shirtless in my head! Now I have fucking Thommy Bold!

  6. I'm gonna use it everyday now! :happy:


    Ohhh! :( I wanna see a Thommy Bold & Jonny Ray sex tape! :'(

    :yesey: That last pic..... COUPLE!

    Oi! You've gotta back off now, look at the eagerness from Thommy's eyes! He'd probably smash you with a metal base ball bat if you tried to hug him :chuckle:

  7. :LOL::LOL: But Dom & Matt are still such a cute couple!


    :yesey: Either that, or bag the shit out of other bands, that is the thing I like best :D It's just pure hilarioum (Like my new word?)



    Have they released a sex tape yet? Or are they sticking with photos? :LOL:

  8. :noey: We don't want musicians talking about music!


    :LOL: Awww! He is probably just shy!


    :facepalm: You sound like me

    But yeah, I do :D

  9. :eek: It'll have to be Thommy & Jonny Bold then :p Or Jonny & Thommy Ray?


    :LOL: But Thommy is good at quotes!



  10. :LOL::LOL: I love the 1st & 2nd one the most :yesey:


    :eek: Are Thommy Bold & Jonny Ray like Dommeh & Maffoo Faffoo?

  11. If I say he is, then he is :p


    :LOL: Give us a look then!


    :rolleyes: Sure, sure. But then I love a 53 year old! :p

  12. :LOL::LOL: I know you like older men! But 61?


    Well I said he wouldn't be a gentleman like Thommy Bold :p


    :) I Like Pie

  13. :LOL: Well... Here it goes!


    Me: Hey Mr Bowie!

    David: Allo! 'ho the fuck are you?

    Me: Just a loyal fan who wants to know if I you're okay & that you're off the coke

    David: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine :D & you can fuckin' tell by my clothes that I'm off the coke!

    Me: Well, can I ask you a fan-based question then?

    David: Fuck yeah!

    Me: Well... With the lack of drugs and a ticking age *blabs on about his music for 10 minutes*

    David: :stunned: What?

    Me: Oh nothing. *walks away*


    You find a 61 year old hot?

    Well, he used to be, kinda :chuckle:

  14. Thanks :happy:


    I hope you realise it won't be perfect English gentleman

  15. :happy:


    :rolleyes: I wanted him to talk like that because that is how I talk sometimes :p

    Awwwwwwww! *hugs*

    :eek: Jonmy Rold! :LOL:


    Yeah I will, it'll take a little while though, I'll send it you tomorrow when it is perfect :D

  16. :LOL::LOL: Possibly!


    Me: "Why hello Thom Yorke! How are you?"

    Thom: "Hello kind stranger, possibly a Radiohead fan, I'm well thank you, & how are you?"

    Me: "Well that is capital Mr Yorke! I'm a well too"

    Thom: ":happy:"

    Me: "Excuse me Mr Yorke"

    Thom: "Yes?"

    Me: "Excuse me for being terribly rude, but may I call you Thommy Bold?"

    Thom: "Why of course you can dear Radiohead fan! You can call Mr Greenwood Jonny Ray if you wish"

    Me: "Why thank you Thommy Bold, I shall see him right away. Good day, sir"

    Thom: "Good day to you too"

  17. :ninja: *heads to Gary's LB*


    I will :phu: Mine are cooler

  18. :eek: Thommy Bold & Jonny Ray!

    Not Thom Thom & Jon Jon! :phu:


    :LOL::LOL: I know very much about things :yesey: I'm just knowledgeable when I need to be.


    Awww *hugs* When is the wedding then?

  19. :LOL: You'll never know what I really think of Radiohead :p

    For all you know, my bedroom wall has Thommy Bold all over it!


    :rolleyes: It's only Thommy!



  20. :LOL: I hate that pic & think that guy is talented... But part from that :erm:


    :LOL: Sweet coconut pie!

  21. :LOL::LOL: Your point has been proven! That picture will haunt me now! :p


    I like pie :happy: But they didn't have pumpkin

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  23. Awww! Joint parties?


    :LOL::LOL: I'm gonna get a silicon one for mine :yesey:

  24. :LOL::LOL: That is pretty funny!

    There are two guys in my year that turned 14 on the same day as well :D


    :LOL: Awww! I'm not quite like that, but only a few people have been allowed to touch it :p

  25. Yeah :happy: *cuddles iPod*

    :eek: AWESOME!

    That is actually pretty cool :D


    :LOL: I got my mums glasses cleaner & spray stuff out today & cleaned it :yesey: I'll do it again tomorrow & Monday & Tuesday etc. etc.

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