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Everything posted by Sarah.Plug.In.Baby

  1. Awww byezz come back later and i shall introduce ya to pmt :D:p

  2. lols have ya explored the muse board much ? :musesign:

  3. Cya tomorrow Pearl Byeeee :kiss: *huggles*

    love ya loads :p:kiss:

  4. :( Aww damn work sucks what time you gotta be up ? i just read the john mayer thread :chuckle lolage Thatcher = Bitch :LOL: maybe your friends right hot choco might make ya sleepy i was say nightol but if ya gotta be up early its not a good idea :noey: i is getting my hair cut tomorrow yey hopefully this mean it'll be the right length for v cant wait Weeeeeee :p lol
  5. LMAO "save dom's shirt" i thought ya wanted to burn it xD :LOL: im good my body seems to have gotten into a routine of not sleeping till 4 :( though last night i was so tired i went to sleep at 12 :chuckle only problem is i is not tired again now :rolleyes:

  6. Coffeee is evil :ninja: mwahahahaha lol acctually i quite like coffee why am i dissing it lol

    howz ya ?

  7. Heyoo Bonnie *supermassive hugs* :) Does ya have msn ?

  8. Hehehe lol have a gd night with morgan

    Byeeeee :kiss: *supermassive hugs*

    you aint sleeping is you :noey:

  9. AM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss ya so much im gonna write to ya again now i kno you got the same address :D sorry i didnt reply yesterday i went to see a musical :LOL:

  10. Sorry but is this stockhaus from the kaiser board ? just wondering if not ignore me im just being stupid

  11. AM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG lol your back :D how are you i missed ya so much :)are you still at the same adress for me to write to or has it changed ?

  12. Wow art all day yuor lucky i got boring lessons lol know what dvd your gonna watch yet ? :happy:

  13. Uh not really wednesday boring for me :( i have ict again after though yey :p how bout you ?

  14. Heya Zoe im Good thanks how are you ? im supposed to be drawing a map in geography lol dont tell anyone shh

  15. g2g Byee be back around perving time :LOL:


  16. Right now PMT IS AMAZING :LOL: but when AM gets back we be invincible :yesey: you are you and that it what is awesome ;) we is an awesome age (well sorta i'd like to be able to drive myself to a gig but oh well )

  17. Aww thankies :D you look very pretty in your picture :yesey: you is mega cool :yesey: and your dom's sister :p Hehehe :LOL: Cant wait till you meet am we'lll all get ion so well the PMT will be Invincible :LOL:

  18. AM i miss you :( your letter cheered me up alot though so thanks for that hope your back soon :)

  19. Helllo Pearl i kno i keep missing ya all the time :( i is naw definately going to v thanks to my mate soph yey :D AM got our letters yey i think i should write again when i worte the first one PMT was like a warzone and by the time the letter got sent it wasnt :S

    hope to talk soon


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