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Everything posted by ninja

  1. -cuddles- ^^

  2. tenks bd


  3. hey junnu.

    luuk i r usin ur profile

  4. n'aww, you are too!

  5. "come waste your millions here" -sunburn "You would do anything, you would try anything, to escape your meaningless.." - escape
  6. Only a teeny bit muse related. Last week I dremt there were like all these bombs going of in victoria and mybrother drove me to school for some reason. i went into the science labs and noticed that there was something wrong with a pipe [which isnt actually there in real life]. i was with a group of people and then someone said not to sit on the bench because someone had exploded there or something. that explained why the pipe was broken. Then i was randomly hiding behind a hedge with my brother at my school [we dont er have hedges] and someone came in a four wheel drive to take us to the safety of adelaide. [we thought they were the terrorists who had taken control of victoria lol, thats why we were hiding behind bushes..] then i remember having a cup of tea and these people telling us about the horrible takeover of victooria, and then matt was in the 4-wheel drive with us going to adelaide. It wouldv'e been more musey, but i woke up. very confusing dream
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