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Everything posted by ninja

  1. just had my quarter-yearly mini OMG NOBODY LUB ME ALL MAI FRWENDS HATE ME


    i'm over it now.

    No real reason behind it to be honest, I just had to have a good cry I think!

  2. Yeah, I'm ok, feeling tonnes better than yesterday haha!

  3. selamat hari raya to you too oh my goooooosh! i am so jealous, i've been to malaysia during hari raya once and homgygod so much foooooooooooood! that being said i just ate some of mama's fish curry with rice. yum!
  4. -cuggglessss- ^_^

  5. sokay i got it (:

  6. it's a festival with some of my fave bands, she aiiint gettin in mai way! :happy:


    i missed you mackeroni

  7. Nah she's trying to buy one herself.

    She's only ever been to one gig, and she stood at the back and didnt dance aparantly.

    If she went with me and amsly she'd get killed, cos we want to get to the front

  8. haha, i was thinking about that, but she gets pissy real easy.

    Tickets will proabbly be sold out by tomorrow or the next day, so it's just a waiting game really, 'cause I doubt her mum would ever let her go.

  9. it bettter, or else i dunno, but eughhh

    she wants to join me and amy at BDO

    but i hardly ever see amy, and steph was never close to amy like i was, and i sorta see it as unfair cos i never get to spend much time with amy, and steph's like 'can i come?'

    i wanted to go just with amy, cos it'd be good to spend some time gigging with herr.


  10. yeahh, can't really 'cut her loose'

    oh wellss

    ill deal with it i hope :LOL:

  11. i don't know, but shes always saying how they piss her off.

    well if they piss her off, then dont hang outb with them!

  12. but she's always like

    'hey dyou wanna walk away?'

    like as in, walk away from our other friends.

    sometimes i just wanna say.



  13. im good, finished holidays, so back at school and happy.

    though my best mate is pissing me off soooooo much! :LOL:

  14. I miss you like Dudley Dursley misses food when he was on his diet (:



    how you beeen?

  15. anytime donna, i should add that it's illegal to not love you :happy:

  16. n'awww thanks :D you fixed davy's spelling errors too :LOL: -high 5-

  17. i missed youu <3

  18. ninja

    hey zozo (:

    im gooood ta, yourself?

    yeah i havent really been round the board much lately

    <33 xxxxxxxxxxx

  19. i def do.

    wut it c ur sxcns n lyk all ZOMG NO

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