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Everything posted by ninja

  1. oh yeah, sorry i thought you were like in high school :$


    i got a interview for a job tomorrow!

  2. yayyyy!



    oh well, you'll enjoy it once you start won't you? :)

  3. howd your examites go?

  4. so hope i get a job!

  5. nahhh, dont think they want me :(

    but im applying for like 5 more :chuckle

  6. aww, i'm all goood, tired though, yourself?

  7. hellooo gorgeous :kiss:

    where've you been?

  8. Hehe, australia fttw.

    -it's cold now-


  9. Awwww!

    come to hot, sunny australia!*

    i'll give you something to play with :eyebrows:**


    * innovember-march



    -cuddles tightlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-

    hows travelling!!!!?

  11. -dances with you- ^^

  12. ive already answered this so ioll just nom you


  13. haha, i love jackass! ^^ Yeah I think in that movie a lot of things were brought to light that they just do't show in other movies. Like the choice on choosing who lives.. and who dies. Imagine having to choose between two great people. That would be a horrific thing to do. But yeah, makes you think really really deep. Oh my god, if it was in 3D I probably wouldve latched myself onto Kane for the entire movie even if i knew what was happening! jackass 1 Haha, after we watched the movie Jumper together the lot of us 'jumped' around for the rest of the day Nah it's not actually shown [pencil trick] I have a feeling if he did show all that stuff it would have been MA 15+ and I wouldn't have been able to see it
  14. haaaaaaans <33333:kiss:

    they stopped selling the muse bag i was gunna buy :'(

  15. Bah, he didn't go, but we had a riot anyway! We went back to kane's house and started watching jackass then my dad came boo. Ohhh I know what that top looks like OMG if it was 3D it would be 10 BILLION time SCARIER hahahaha!!! In my dreams hahaha!
  16. I wish it was a date haha! I'm going with a group of friends. Hopefully I'll sit next to him and score a cuddle :chuckle! Oh no! That sucks! I love IMAX films oooh, what sort of top? i got a really cool scarf from there. though the pattern reminds me of david jones logo hahahaa [a company]
  17. I've been alright! cant waaait! IMAX tomorrow yayayayayay Awww! you must see it, it's brilliant! Oooh, cheerleading is strenuous, i miss it though ! im good though Oooh, im soooooo excited! besides the guy i like is gunna be there hook in sair! ^^ i hope so! I'm good , you
  18. Squee hey guys! I saw the dark knight on saturday! It was amaazing I'm seeing it again on friday at IMAX! how are you all lately
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