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Everything posted by ninja

  1. Eyyy bby.

    You are so sxc u mayd msn lok up


  2. ninja

    sure thing darlin!

  3. Nup! I'm excitedddd!!!

  4. i have an induction thingy this friday!

  5. nope, haha!

    but i can't wait!!

  6. either working in the deli or a cashier i think :happy:

    and 2 were already marked down as deli, so i might have gotten deli! :happy:

    i was the last to be interviewed, so he said he'd skip the wait and tell me now :happy:

  7. I got the jobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ^^

  8. oh yeah, sorry i thought you were like in high school :$


    i got a interview for a job tomorrow!

  9. yayyyy!



    oh well, you'll enjoy it once you start won't you? :)

  10. howd your examites go?

  11. so hope i get a job!

  12. nahhh, dont think they want me :(

    but im applying for like 5 more :chuckle

  13. aww, i'm all goood, tired though, yourself?

  14. hellooo gorgeous :kiss:

    where've you been?

  15. Hehe, australia fttw.

    -it's cold now-


  16. Awwww!

    come to hot, sunny australia!*

    i'll give you something to play with :eyebrows:**


    * innovember-march



    -cuddles tightlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-

    hows travelling!!!!?

  18. -dances with you- ^^

  19. ive already answered this so ioll just nom you


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