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Status Updates posted by Amii

  1. Fuck full time employment anyway! Though I may have to sell out for summer! You still following the journo dream?!

  2. I had a well weird dream last night! I went to meet Matt after he played this gig at a small venue and he was rude really fat and sweaty lol! Sounds more like a nightmare! Turns out though that it was just some sad impersonator and I bumped into the real Maett in a bar, he signs autographs and poses for photos *yay*!

  3. Long time no speak! Hope all is well!

  4. I was thinking the same about you. *cuddle* x

  5. Hey long time no speak! Lots and lots of media cw lol! Trying to stick my film on you tube...but its too long. Wonder when we can see a bit more about the new muse album? x

  6. Amii Wamii! Guh, i'm reconsidering that headband.

  7. Ryan, I looove you.


    Also, yes Books, he is a player. We've been married and divorced several times because of it. Bad boys, bad boys.

  8. Ah no worries! Thanks a mill for getting back to me anyway! Legend. RTÉ were actually behind a big self-censorship case during the aul troubles turns out!

  9. Not as aweosme as you... haha. No really, I love my husband.

  10. My liiiife, you electrify my liiiiiife, let's conspire......and all that.

  11. I am greatly offended......NAWT! Imma cunt punt you.

  12. I live in the green one.

  13. Ya diorty damp yoke!

  14. Just noticed you wished me a happy birthday! Doh! Cheers! :)

  15. Awh I just noticed you wished me happy birthday and I don't think I replied! Thank you! :):)

  16. Amii

    I shant be going! What about yourself?

  17. Quinton, you seem to know a lot about politics and that sort of jazz. Don't suppose you know anything about censorship in Irish Broadcasting (I know it's a longshot you knowing about Irish stuff but I thought I'd give it a go!) or could reccomend any good sources for me at all? Cheers dude!

  18. Ah, cold, I feel your pain, my house is very very cold. Yet there's no snow for snowball fights! Ah I'm okay, extremely bored of doing nothing! Becoming a hermit!

  19. How are you m'dear?

  20. Meow. You look beautiful in your picture there. <3

  21. Why are we not friends hurrr?

  22. I rode yer ma last nii.

  23. Ryan, he strikes again!

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