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Status Updates posted by Amii

  1. I'm dying to finish uni at this stage, and glad I don't have to write a dissertation. In yo' face.

  2. Awh he's cute though!


    I have to work at 9. Fuck my life.

  3. There's at least two glasses! Haha I meant in a 'but of course' kind of way. :p

  4. But what else?

  5. Amii

    How is my lovely Tash?

  6. Amii

    Ha you fox, don't say tempting things to me.

  7. Amii

    Awesome, thank you :) Not recieved yet. *waits*

  8. Amii

    Oooh google+ me baybay,

  9. Amii

    Sounds good hotstuff.

  10. Amii

    Oh yeah like spaghetti hoops and such. I guess that's not so bad, it's not real pasta though! :p


    I am tan :phu:

  11. Amii

    Canned pasta?! Ew! Hah seriously though I may be a serious white girl but the top compared to the underside of my arm, I am bloody well spanish now! :LOL:

  12. Amii

    I know, I love it though! Absolutely! I ate a full pizza the day after I got mine done! :LOL:

  13. Amii

    I love clinking mine against my teeth. :D Tongue piercings are definitely a lot of fun. :)

  14. Amii

    Oh awesome! I'd say it looks very sexy on you! tongue piercings are win. :yesey:

    That'll only last a few days, after that everything's aweeeesome ;)

  15. Amii

    Ahaha I love it. Of all the things we could have done to amuse ourselves, that was the one your subconcious offered! Need to come to Canada to drill holes in plywood with you. :L

  16. Amii

    I love it when you poke me on facebook. ;)

  17. Amii

    Haha 'I know your name'. You lovable creep. <3

  18. Amii

    Hey pretty lady! Facebook?

  19. Amii

    Ah yes, may do that so, I still sound silly though!

    Yeah I'm going over for 4 days, so would normally bring a tonne of clothes, but I will be lugging around my rucksack for most of tomorrow evening so I'm trying to be sensible.... still want to bring my highest pair of shoes though..

  20. Amii

    Haha oh man, I had a video in there before but I got so horrendously embarrassed that I deleted it! I'm trying to pack for Brighton atm but procrastinating doing so, so might just post one later! My accent totally sucks!

  21. Amii

    Awh, that made me smile! You're prettiest!

  22. Haha that's totally awesome man, that bitch better watch it once I move to Canada!

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