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Everything posted by Amii

  1. Amii

    I got rid of my facebook so I can't poke you anymore :( Skype or msn? x

  2. Sure you'll have that! Don't think there's any way to easily get over someone. Though getting under someone else works as a quick fix sometimes.

  3. As the cast of High School Musical once sang... actually no, I won't go there. Here if you need to talk innit. Very much been in the same boat for the guts of a year now! Plans for New Years?

  4. Don't be a sad Jon.

  5. You posted on your own wall :p

    There's a 1 year work visa. You go over and work/travel freely at your own leisure. :)

  6. Work work work!

  7. Good! Because i'm trying not to eat chocolate!

  8. Canadian Visa applications open today.. I was thinking of applying. Not for labrador though.

  9. Oh for fucks sake.

  10. I thought we had moved onto better things? Kitkats...

  11. I can accept that. Have a break..

  12. It looks like snot. :phu:

  13. It's funny you should say that actually because I had a terry's chocolate orange milkshake at the christmas market today. :p

  14. What are you talking about made for mint? You're crazy. My sister is one of you mint freaks too, I don't understand it. One year I got a mint aero easter egg and was genuinely upset at my father.

  15. Ugh! You freak!

  16. Sounds like a plan! Massive aeros are only a euro in the shop. Good enough for ya!

  17. Gooooollld! Lots and lots of gold! I hear it's more valuble than the euro these days.

  18. What was the competition again?

  19. I bit down on my lip piercing too. Fuck you Karma. :

  20. I just burnt my dinner, if that was the price of winning.. it so wasn't worth it. :(

  21. You're mean. I don't have to get up tomorrow, and it's monday, in yo' face.

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