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Fish Custard

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Everything posted by Fish Custard

  1. Hello love :happy: Revising went OK, my exams are finished now, thank goodness! I had my last one yesterday, it was Maths :indiff: It was Mechanics :indiff::indiff: GAH. It's too physics-y! :'( Aww, what's up with College? Haha, shite is a word that I can only imagine an Irish person saying :LOL: I wouldn't be surprised if all the UK Musers rubbed off their speech habits on you! I love this film and this scene is hilaaarious xD http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu7K9Ai5Cg8 (and it kind of fits in with what we're talking about)


    Erm, nothing is really new, haha I'm so boring :rolleyes: I still haven't had a chance to kick arse on Guitar Hero yet, but I will this weekend hopefully!! I will actually have the chance to use Career Mode so I can unlock other songs :happy: I've had the Wii quite a while so my collection has grown slightly, thanks to my dad's strange obsession with buying Wii games for Christmas. Ooh, do you have Wii Fit? With the board? That's really popular over here, it's constantly sold out!


    OMG, I've never been skiing or snowboarding or anything, they sound really great! I have been ice skating, though and that es muy divertido :D sorry, I just need to speak more Spanish, for my AS Level. I've just been spending the last hour reading Spanish News websites...sigh. But ANYWAY, back to the matter in hand, SNOWBOARDING. Wow. How fun does that sound for me who gets around 2 cm of snow a year! Ahhh, MN sounds sooo fun! Most of the fun stuff in Liverpool is shopping and parks and FOOTBALL!!!! If you come to Liverpool, I'm SO dragging you to a match :D In addition, theres always museums, art galleries and other random cultural stuff. Not sure if that takes your fancy though, haha! We've just had a shopping centre-y thing built in the city centre, with an awesome new cinema, which is great xD


    Hm, up until about a year ago, I listened to my local radio station, and I was so loyal/faithful to it, until one day, I decided that I faniced a change, so I started to listen to Radio 1 and the first time I listened, they played Muse and I was just like OMG this is my new favourite station! It's only when you listen to Radio 1, that you realise just how shit other stations are. And because its the BBC, they don't play adverts, so they have to fill the time with something else, usually hilaaarious talking about stuff, I love it :happy: It's great, they play so much less Rihanna than the other station! The charts are so shite though, its unbelievable! I don't see how this stuff is actually popular...


    Hm, I see what you mean, Coldplay is easier to listen to, less apocalyptic and dramatic views :LOL: I absolutely LOVE their popularity level, they're not mainstream, but they are soooo popular at the same time, it's mad! And they have the most obsessed fans...ahem...:$


    NOOO!! It made PERFECT sense!


    EGGHEADS!!! I watched that last year after tea pretty much every day! I loved it! And then they got a new host :indiff: I can't say I've ever seen a Muse question on there though =( Ahhh, irony ;)


    J x

  2. Ah, no worries! To tell you the truth, I've not been on here much either, I've been revising :indiff:


    Oh, good :happy: I spent a lot of time playing Guitar Hero and eating :$ Eating TOO MUCH actually.... *sigh* I used the "oh, it's New Year" excuse too many times :rolleyes:


    Hehe, we don't have to do Christmas for another year, so thats a relief! Don't get me wrong, I do like it, it's just a bit expensive.. I haven't played GH much, I played it a lot after Christmas and before New Year, but that wasn't on Career Mode, it was just on Quickplay, but I haven't had much time to play it since I've had exams.. But I'm going to try and get some more songs soon!


    Haha, its good to catch up, not live in each others pockets all year :indiff: And kids are so tiring! It's unbelievable how much energy they have! Which makes me feel so old :(


    Hm, maybe if my friends were fans and were willing to go with me, I might have been allowed, but theres always next time!


    Revising is going rather well, but I keep getting distracted by EVERYTHING! It's ridiculous, I don't know how other people get any work done, all I think about is other stuff that I could be doing instead! It doesn't bode well :supersad: Maybe its just my subconscience trying to get out of it :indiff:


    Hehe, just your presence adds many, many cool points to Minnesota ;) I will definitely try to persuade my Auntie, next time we go over! What would you recommend in Minnesota? I don't really know much about it :$


    Yup, Top 40s are usually general SHITE. There was a song on the radio the other day (think it was Kanye West :indiff:) and my auntie was "oh, whats this?" And I was like, "oh, erm Kanye West, just more chart rubbish"...and she said "well, it must be good, if its in the charts!" And I was like ffs, you don't grasp the concept that just because something is popular, DOES NOT MEAN IT IS GOOD. YOU HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE OF THE CHARTS TO GET SOME GOOD MUSIC. By the way, she likes music such as A-ha, Bryan Adams and other 80s stuff, so why she wasn't switching over, I do not know. So I turned over for her :p I totally know what you mean, a Miley Cyrus video (yawn) was on TV the other day and I was like :stunned: Is this what people like now? *shudder* I would absolutely HATE it for Muse to become Coldplay-mainstream...as much as I like Coldplay, I just wouldn't want Muse to become that well-known..


    Hah, that clip ended up making me cry with laughter, I absolutely LOVE the Royle Family <3 Good old British humour :LOL:




    Thought you might find these funny :D


    J x

  3. Hehe, thats quite alright ;) Ooh, what was so good about this New Year? And yeah, I'm done celebrating Christmas now :LOL: FINALLY!! I actually knew what day of the week it was today lol :D I spent way too much of New Years Day playing Guitar Hero :$ I think we played until about 3 in the morning, haha it said on the console that it had been on for 10 hours... :\mm/:


    lol little cousins are wonderful <3 But like all kids, they're good, but in moderation haha! They wear you out so quickly! Now I understand what all my older relatives meant what they meant by going "I'm tiiired, can we play later?" all the time... Aaaaah, I'm getting OLD :stunned: Thankfully we don't have any hardwood floors...


    :yesey: mmhmm, I love teh slipporz xD Guitar Hero is really great, but I don't have that many songs, since I've just been playing "for fun" with the family, so I haven't been on Career mode yet, but the setlist does look really cool xD Awh, I have it on the Wii... but I was playing FIFA '09, which is a football game (soccer) and that was really great too <3 Yay, money =D Your Christmas sounds lovely, ours consisted of chasing two-year olds round the house and having 3 days of presents. It sounds a lot, but our relatives just decided to visit on random days haha! I got this mug, which is really different, but I love it! http://shop.whateverittakes.org/product.php?xProd=4&xSec=2 <3


    Aw, I was so tempted to go see them in October....but I couldn't go because there was no way of getting there and my grandma didn't want me to get the bus at that time of night anyway =( It would be pretty wild though...I know Court has seen them LOADS of times, but she is a huge fan =)


    Haha, that sounds like a plan! I need someone to pass for me, I'm no way capable of doing it myself =( I don't even know why I'm on here now, I SHOULD be revising....GAH.


    mmm, MuseMuseMuse :rolleyes: Thats pretty much perfect conversation for me ;)


    Haha, I think I must be :LOL: Liverpool is quite good with touristy things, it has a lot of history. If you're a fan of the Beatles, then is Liverpool the place for you! xD nah, there is much more than the Beatles. I always get bored in London though...I always find it too touristy, like for people who have never been to the UK before, since thats where everyone goes. And I see your point, you have to really travel around to get the full experience from a country. I've only been to two...or three states in the US...Florida, California and Washington...Oh, and New York, briefly, so I didn't get a proper feel for the country, it was all too touristy... I should go to some different states, next time I go, like, hmm...I don't know, Minnesota? :p Sorry if that paragraph made little/no sense, I'm just kinda tired.


    =| Wow, your music is so....diverse. From Miley Cyrus, to Britney to Madonna... Thats a great selling point for the US :LOL: Actually, ours isn't much better...Our Top 40 last week looked like this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/chart/singles.shtml Oh, JOY.


    lol I know, it's unbelievable, the amount of food I have eaten over the past week :$ It's crazy.... One thing thats great about Christmas, though, is Christmas Specials for awesome comedies, like the Royle Family, which is about a family (with the surname Royle) and the whole family is kinda slobbish, especially the dad, who spends all day in his armchair. It's so funny and this in Christmas special, their daughter decided to cook Christmas dinner for everyone, even though she's never cooked a turkey before in her life, and the thing that suddenly popped into my head during a song on Guitar Hero and thus caused me to lose concentration, roll about laughing and fail the song, was this http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KM8FuztOggE I don't know why it came into my head at that moment, but it did :indiff: and I wasn't happy...I was doing so well :supersad:


    Naaw, thanks!


    J x

  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR STEPH!!! :party::party::party:


    HOPE IT ROCKS :\mm/: (that was just an excuse to use the :\mm/: smiley :p)


    Love, Jess xxx

  5. lol don't worry about it! Hmm, visiting relatives is rather fun, especially when you see your two year old cousin who you haven't seen in ages :happy: I was soooo tired though! I don't know where she gets the energy, I was chasing after her around the house for ages, and I had to crawl around, playing hide and seek :rolleyes: My knees were black and blue by the end of the night! Haha, I don't know what it is, but the week in between Christmas and New Year is just weird. I never know what day of the week it is, and no work at all gets done :indiff: I've been *trying* to revise, but I've been so distracted! I'm not *quite* done celebrating Christmas! Every year, we go round to my cousins for New Year, for more Christmas dinner...mmm.... And I'm going to get some presents from my auntie too because they've only just got down here, they've been in Newcastle (a city about 130 miles away from Liverpool) so yeah, Christmas here is not finished yet! I got Guitar Hero World Tour :D and lots of random stuff like board games, PJs and chocolate :D I get slippers every year :LOL: What about you? And did you have a good Christmas?


    GOOOOD!!! They are awesome! I only have Apocalypso and Are You The One? and I Go Hard, I Go Home, which are the two Court sent me. I love them though! Haha, yeah, we need SOMETHING to fill the new-Muse-material-shaped void in our lives :supersad:


    I just need to do my exams, then we're rockin'!


    Yeah, and people all sort of share musical preferences! Everyone on here is so friendly and I know what you mean, I do feel kinda social speaking to people I've never met before! Haha, woop, laziness :p


    :$ accentfail :'(


    You MUST VISIT THE UK!!! And don't just go to London...I find it a little too crowded and busy...Liverpool on the other hand, is much more friendlier *hinthintcoughitycoughityahemahem* :D Or maybe you could come to a gig or something...


    Haha I don't know what it is, but whenever I see/hear Muse playing in public (even when they're on the speakers in a shop or something), I go CRAZY. It's so strange, I jsut start getting really excited and jumping up and down and basically acting like a retard, or someone who shouldn't be let out of a mental institution... Actually, the worst (or best, whichever way you look at it) time was when I was in an electrical store, where they sold TVs. There was a music channel playing on them, then Time Is Running Out came on and I was like :eek: OMGOMGOMGOGMGOMGOMG 50 MATT BELLAMYS!!!! ZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMG!!!!111ONEONEONEONE. So that was ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT for me then, but it probably wasn't great for my auntie, who was trying to herd me out of the store. I guess it isn't easy, dragging a hyper, 15 year old excited mental child out of an electrical store on your own.. I still wouldn't mind reliving that moment though, having about 50 Matts in one room :happy:


    Haha, I'm going to be putting so much weight on, this festive season! It's ridiculous, how many dinners we've had. Theres always been leftover turkey and stuff in the fridge to finish off :indiff: My Christmas was pretty good though! (even though it's not quite finished)


    J x

  6. It's so good to be home! I LOVE my own bed <3


    The Presets are awesome :D The whole album is pretty sexy too :p


    Haha, we're all sorted, we'll go round the world with our businesses. Fantastic!!


    mmm..naps <3


    I did originally want the red version of my top, which is on the American site, thats really great :D Aww, I never know what size I am, it changes so much with different brands/shops :indiff:


    Yes, I am NEVER bored on here, plus theres always loads of people on, so theres always someone to speak to. I get bored on social networking sites so easily..


    Haha I probably still wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them! I *fail* at accents.


    Well the UK is great :\mm/::p


    I need to go listen to the Osaka Jam again now.. mm, it so has to be a song one day <3


    Internet is such a brilliant invention, I can't live without it now! Ahh, I'll check that out later! Although I can't today, I have to go clear up the house for tomorrow now :supersad:






    Jess xxx

  7. We basically got up at 7 every morning, then had lectures all day until about 10... Ugh, we were so tired. On Wed and Thurs nights, I actually managed about 7 hours sleep, then on Friday night, I just gave up and played pool for a few hours. Managed to get to bed at about 3 in the morning...Ouch. We were all absolutely dead, but on the train back, we were all so tired, we were wide awake :LOL: The food was pretty much tasteless and cost quite a lot, so a lot of people ordered takeaway pizza.


    Yeahhh rock pwns everything :p Talk Like That is my absolute favourite at the mo! It's so sexy <3


    Haha, with a few GCSEs and one semester in college, we can pretty much take on anything in the world together!


    Lol it really is just a pain in the arse, you need a good sit down and a cup of tea afterwards!


    *sigh* so many disgusting combinations in the world, Jonas Brothers/HSM really is the worst out of all of them.


    Heehee I think it's the most fangirly shirt ever! Ooh, which shirt did you get? I recently got the b&w stripey one with a piano and birds on it...it's so amazing <3 I've been wanting to get it for a while now, and it was back in stock a few weeks ago and I was like yaay :D


    I have no idea how people can become addicted to facebook. I just fail to find anything to do on it. I go on it to check for updates, then I can't ever think of anything else to do... Lol OBV the Muse board is better! And all the people here all have something in common :yesey:


    Hmm, I don't think I would find any differences between Canadian and American accents, but according to my Canadian auntie, you can tell.. *shrug*


    :LOL: Amazon UK! Well, yeah, that shipping might be slightly more than from the American site! Free delivery is why I will always go for play.com first =)


    Oh, that would be so sexy :p I would so download that album! Not that I wouldn't anyway, but still... mmmm Osaka Jam...


    Yep, internet is pretty much my life now! :LOL: I spend way too much time on it, but its so addictive! There's just so much to do! And you don't even need TV when you have the internet! I always miss TV shows now because I'm on the internet, then I just catch up online =D It's so brilliant <3 At least the Twilight thread is locked, otherwise I would be spending way too much time on that too :$


    Ah, don't worry about it! Christmas is way too hectic anyway :rolleyes: Its the only time of year where you have an excuse for seeing people in your family who you would NEVER speak to otherwise. OK, have a really good Christmas time too!!!


    J x

  8. Hey, back from Nottingham, it was really good! I'm a little dizzy after sitting up/standing/turning round/playing DS games/playing bored-train games... Haha, we ended up in First Class because the train was REALLY full, so we had to stand and there was room in First Class, so we managed to get seats when people got off :D


    Meh..not a fan really :p Um, I recommend Are You The One? and Talk Like That <3 I just bought the album, it arrived for me this week so when I got back from Nottingham, I was like yay :D


    Haha, we can skip college and just go straight into setting up our own businesses ;)


    Awh, that sounds great! I have had similar stress with my packing/unpacking/train troubles, but likewise, its all good now :happy:


    Ugh, seriously, it's the most disgusting combination in all of humanity...maybe except Jonas Brothers and High School Musical, I'm not sure which is worse.


    Awh, thanks :D


    I do love it :$ I'm kind of wearing it right now too :LOL:


    Ah, thats ok! Don't worry about it :happy: To be honest, I hardly speak to people on my facebook either...I don't actually know why I even have one :erm: Yeah, everyone I speak to, I use msn or myspace or the Muse forum...


    haha they are awesome though ;)


    I think play.com is better than amazon because it's free delivery!! That is just brilliant, especially at Christmas :rolleyes:


    :ohmy: How the hell did I forget the mighty Osaka Jam?!


    I had no internet for over 3 daaaaaaaays!!!! It was so depressing and over the 4 days I was there, I had about 17 hours sleep. It's because there was a pool table there and when you're having fun and laughing and stuff, time REALLY flies by so quickly! Last night, I didn't get to bed until about 3 in the morning :$ but at the moment, I'm at the point where I'm so tired, I'm really awake! It's so strange!


    hehehe It's a great phrase :happy:


    J x

  9. Yeah, they're Australian and um..they're really cool basically :D I don't usually listen to dance-y electronic music, so this is a bit of a guilty pleasure, just like my friends - Basshunter (urgh), Cascada (urghh) and Girls Aloud :LOL: OK, that kind of doesn't count, but it's still shameful! Have you heard of Girls Aloud over there? Or Basshunter or Cascada for that matter?


    Yes! OK, thats our life plan sorted ;) woop :D


    Yaaaaay!! Well done Steph! Now you can RELAX!! (Well, apart from the paper, but still :p)


    Yeahh, most of our Christmas cakes and wedding cakes are fruitcakes. And to make it even worse, they use MARZIPAN on it too :stunned: (Where is a vomiting smiley when you need one? :rolleyes:)


    :LOL: Well, I can't make the pasta from scratch, but we don't have a pasta machine thingy...(thats my excuse, anyway :p) But yeah, thats pretty much all I can make :LOL:


    Lol, speaking of men, look what my friend got me for Christmas.... http://www.deadfresh.co.uk/acatalog/heroes.html I said to her, after the squealing/hugging, "wow, it's really fangirly.." and she said "well, you are the most fangirly person I know" and I was like :stunned: REALLY? B...b....bbb... awww.. :supersad: I hate squealy fangirls though... So yeah, basically I'm a hypocrite, but oh well :rolleyes:


    hahaha xD But seriously, who leaves Christmas decorations up all year? 0_o


    OK, I believe you =P


    Haha, you need a list every time you go shopping! Or buy online! Most of my presents are from amazon or play.com. They're my best friends this Christmas!


    Aww, I know, theres too many of them to get your point across without repeating yourself over and over again =( So yeah, I agree, IGNORE THEM! Concentrate on the positive side of Muse (Wembo, Sit the fuck down.... oops, sorry, I mean SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!! :happy: and THE EPIC SHUFFLE DANCE OF DOOOOM!)


    Ooh, by the way, I won't be able to reply to you until I come home from Medlink, which is Saturday. Yes, it's tomorrow! I'm rather excited about it =D So unless I find internet access in the halls, speak to you Saturday!


    Luffle joo <3


    J x

  10. :LOL: I love Christmas presents to myself! Actually, much more than I should. I bought a load of books and the Presets album yesterday, should be coming soon!! I'm so excited xD


    Aww, poor you. That's the only thing I'm not looking forward to University...all that studying!! And yeah, they're so great, really refreshing!


    Yay, high five! xD We can make loads of money with our 3 businesses, then we can afford to buy loads of phones for Muse gigs! Or, even better yet, we could always buy Muse :yesey:


    Haha, yes, I so will!!! It's really exciting ^^ hehe thanks xD


    Lol, yay, studying :stunned: Ah, it'll all be over in a few years, right? Then you can get a job which hopefully requires less studying =P And then it'll be my turn :LOL:


    I used to think that when I was younger :$ And then I found out it wasn't actual meat, I was like :stunned: oh...


    Wow, you have something different each year? Cool! Lol your poor mum, having to think of something different every year :LOL:


    Nah, I don't usually do much baking...I love it though ^_^ I cook about every week, but it's only really basic stuff. I need a cook book to cook anything relatively interesting/creative. I did actually make spaghetti bolognese and a tomato pasta sauce from scratch once :yesey:


    Haha, you know, in Canada, they leave the decorations up ALL YEAR :LOL: Because I went in August one year and I was like :stunned::wtf: Why are there fairy lights up NAO?? And my uncle told me they never take them down...


    Hmmm... are you SURE you're over it, Steph? =P


    I'm almost done with the Christmas shopping, only a bit further to go! I used to find Christmas so fun and enjoyable, but I never realised how much it cost! Now, I'm just like aww...does it HAVE to cost that much? :supersad: Now I see why all the adults hated it so much when I LOVED it! :LOL:


    I think I give up with the whole Twilight thing...

    If you can't beat them, join them, Steph.




    J x

  11. Hey Pearl, how are you? Haven't spoken in aaaages!!


    J x

  12. Off the Muse myspace..

    so i have to admit, i only heard of you guys from Stephenie Meyer..but you are FANTASTIC. i literally listen to you guys nonstop in my old school discman. there was a two day period where "supermassive black hole" just played the whole time, and nothing else. "time is running out" also got its own full day. your music is so different from almost everyone, and it is EXACTLY my kind of music. keep being so flippin awesome!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! PLUS you're hot...amazing! haha. have a good holiday!
  13. Ah, don't worry about it :happy: lol they do look awesome ;) How much are they?


    Yay for snacks :D I snack waaaay too much :$


    http://www.haiyenrestaurant.com/images/Frozen-Drinks.jpg It's so yummy :happy: Gawd, we have so much to do after education...we have to be Professional Musers and open Bubble Tea cafes AND open chocolatrie shops =P


    Haha, I need to start saving up for when I'm 17. It's TOO expensive!! I think I can wait 6 months xD


    Awh, naps ^_^ I can't have naps, because then I'm just asleep for a good few hours :facepalm: So I try not to have any :LOL: When I look outside, I see a wet ground and think ":indiff: oh, it's been raining AGAIN."


    I'm not actually sure whats in a Christmas pudding.. *searches wiki*

    Christmas pudding is a steamed pudding, heavy with dried fruit and nuts, and usually made with suet. It is very dark in appearance - effectively black - as a result of the dark sugars and black treacle in most recipes, and the long cooking. The mixture can be moistened with the juice of citrus fruits, brandy and other alcohol (some recipes call for dark beers such as mild, stout or porter).
    eww...suet? ew ew ew ew ew! I didn't know that was in Christmas pudding! Mince pies are pies with mincemeat in them, which is a sort of preserve with apples, dried fruits and spices. We traditionally leave them for Father Christmas with some whiskey on Christmas Eve :happy: mmm Cookie dough ice cream <3 lol cookie/cake dough is too tasty :rolleyes:


    Haha surely you'd get bored of decorations by March?


    Aww :( I would be pissed off by that too!


    I guess I am kinda excited about Christmas, but theres so much going on before it! I have Medlink and I have to buy loads more presents, then I'm going to an Everton match :happy: We're so gonna lose, but it'll still be fun! This year, it has crept up so quickly! Someone in my class was talking about an advent calendar a few weeks ago and I was like :indiff: but it's only...:eek: OMFG It's December ALREADY. wtf? So yeah, very hectic :rolleyes:


    J x

  14. Yeah, I spend waaayyy too much of my time on here, procrastinating... It's just so addictive, especially that pesky Welcome New Twilight Users thread :rolleyes:


    mmm...the way it melts on the toast...mmm....*craves peanut butter on toast* Awh, that's so sweet! :happy:


    I never used to be an actual fan, but I used to think some of her songs were actually ok, but now, yeah, its all synthesised and pointless :erm:


    Haha yeahh, its absolutely fantastic :LOL: "HEY, I'M IMMORTAL!!" :LOL:


    Hehe you'd better :happy:


    Bubble tea...mmm...*another craving*


    :LOL: Awh, thanks =P In that case, I also suggest buying/building your own bubble tea cafe.


    Awh, maybe because they're really heavy and if they land on you, it would be very squishy? :noey: Bad times. At least they have a speed limit on them ;)


    I can't start until I'm 17 =(


    YES! I should! Awh, what I wouldn't do for some real fluffy white snow <3


    Yeah, I basically love every song, but yeah, I have favourites on every album too, it just depends on what mood I'm in :LOL:


    Aw, we don't make cookies, but we have Christmas pudding and mince pies, they're pretty much the most traditional things for Christmas time I think. ^_^ That does sound really great though! I know I'd love Christmas time in America because I love cookies, especially cookie dough ice cream...mmm...*I feel another craving coming on :$*


    I agree, after Christmas, it's jsut really boring...you have to make the house look bland again, get back to work and also, YOU HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER FRICKING YEAR UNTIL IT SOMES AROUND AGAIN :mad:


    Woop, shouting :happy:


    Lol I guess I'm indifferent to the birthday situation, but it does mean that you get stuff later than everyone else, like driving :mad: But it also means that we don't have Christmas/Birthday presents merged, like people born in Dec/Jan do. That pisses my friend off so badly, when people give her a present that they would have given for her birthday, but say its for Christmas too :noey:


    J x

  15. :LOL: We have been spending way too much time there, think we're a bit addicted ;)


    I really want some peanut butter now :rolleyes: Might have some peanut butter on toast..mmm...




    Hehe thanks ;)


    :LOL: I'll try and refrain from laughing, but I don't think I'll do much of a good job of it, I can't usually. Everytime I see that trailer when she says "how old are you" and he says "a while" I can't help but think of that trailer spoof I posted...I always imagine, in my head, her saying "how long is a while". And also, that bit at the end where he runs into the window :LOL: Ahh, that never fails to crack me up!


    GOGOGOGGOGO TO CANADA!!!!!!!! :happy:


    Yeah, I think bubble tea is more popular in China Town...not sure if you have one, guessing you do. I think you're more likely to find some there. I personally prefer the fruity ones like strawberry and watermelon and mango...mmm.....*craves bubble tea*


    Yeah, 20 mins is a bit ridiculous, but the drive must take aaaaaages! I suggest buying your own plane...its quicker ;)


    Yeah, our universities have longer breaks here too, its just customary.


    :LOL: I get that a lot...having my eyes water and have people think you're crying :rolleyes:


    Awh :happy: they're not that scary ;) but I wouldn't like to drive everywhere for a job, as much as I can't wait to start driving..


    We get a little tiny bit of snow, then it usually rains soon afterwards. It usually comes in April, thats a favourite for it to snow, no idea why but it just does :LOL: It's usually quite slushy and doesn't really stick much. A few cm a year, that's it.


    Hm, I think Absolution is my favourite, but I love them all....I think of each one, then think 'oh yeah, I love that one' Then I think of another one and go 'oh, but I love this one too'. So I guess I don't really like any that much more than the others.


    Ooh, Christmas cookies? Decorating the house is so much fun :D I love just running round, working out what should go where.


    Yep, summer birthdays rule xD


    J x

  16. Lol you're right, he does look goofy xD




    Thanks god you're not allergic to peanuts :LOL: How could you survive without peanuts? :eek: Actually, I could survive without peanuts, just not peanut butter D: Ugh, almonds :indiff: Pistachios are yummy and apparently highly combustable. And cashews...meh, I'm indifferent to cashews.


    haha, yeah, it did :LOL: It's true though, there are bloody enough of us =P


    I'm guessing your roommate is you age? :wtf: If he/she likes her, fair enough, but it's not the kind of thing you say out loud :LOL: Yeah, I like a couple of songs...I'll listen to them if they're on the radio, but I won't go out and buy any of their stuff especially.




    Nope, it's not out here until 19th Dec, so I'm pretty safe for now xD Ugh, people in my classes are getting really excited about it now...I think my biology teacher mentioned vampires yesterday and my friend, who I didn't even know liked Twilight goes "ooh, vampires! Twilights coming out soon, when are we going to see it?" :facepalm: And my other friend keeps going on about how hot Robert Pattison is :indiff: But she introduced me to Heroes and Milo Ventimiglia, so I can forgive her :happy:


    Vancouver is amazing...those mountains <3 And Toronto is pretty amazing too, but I recommend Vancouver first xD


    Bubble tea is absolutely wonderful, I think I've found a place which sells it in Liverpool, so I might have a look next time I go to town!


    Ah, guess you have to be mega rich to get a plane everywhere...thats how I imagined people in America got around for quite a while, then I heard my auntie had driven from LA to Vancouver and I was like :stunned: YOU DROVE??? Eek, to get to London from Liverpool, driving, takes about 5 hrs but on the train, it only takes around 2.5 hrs so most people do that.


    Yep, our term will finish on 19th Dec, but because we're going to Medlink, we finish on 16th ^_^ But we have our mock AS Level exams in the 1st week of Jan :'( poooooo....


    It really makes your eyes water, too, that cough =( then you just look like an idiot, with a really red face and eyes watering like a maniac :rolleyes:


    lol does it sound nicer? Meh, I guess =P


    Awh, wish we had white Christmases, the majority of ours are just wet :indiff: And I know what you mean, all years previous to this one, I've been really excited about Christmas and I've always planned presents really early, but this year, I've even failed to get an advent calendar! Exams are just ridiculous..


    Awh, reminicing ^_^ I was listening to OoS today, it was jolly fantastic xD


    We always leave ours til quite late, so I think this Saturday will do just fine ^_^ Also, it jsut happens to be the 1st day of Christmas xD


    My birthday is on 10th July, whens yours? And lol I know what you mean, I have to copy and paste my message into Word, then go backwards and forwards on the site :p


    J x

  17. Yep, we have Rainbows (4-7) then you go to Brownies (7-~11) and then Guides (11-15) I'm a Young Leader now =P Basically, we just tell the younger ones what to do and pretend we're working really hard :rolleyes:


    Mmmm peanut butter...I could eat it all day :$ I'm sure you could find parfaits on the internet =P Bubble tea is very popular in Canada, guess not so in America...its basically huge tapioca balls in tea... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_tea


    Awh ^_^ they do sound nice :LOL:


    Yep, I wonder about how they're so popular, but still unheard of at the same time, it has to be to do with the fact they're hardly ever in the charts... Twilight :mad: I haven't been online for a few days, so that word hasn't even entered my brain until now >=|


    :stunned: Celine Dion? Someone you know listens to Celine Dion :wtf: And speaking of Nickelback, they were like Muse at one point, then teenage girls happened :noey: WE HAVE TO SAVE THEM FROM THAT!!!


    :LOL: I love the fact you have a back up plan!!


    YES!! Go round the world!! I do recommend Canada ^_^ and would like to visit Australia xD


    UGH I can't stand celery! It's even worse than chewing on a leaf! It has a horrible flavour and hjhjo;rtjhro;,jjh;tsrhltrmhn;lgmbklsmkh'rwjrtj'hfgmnfgnhsiortjihnj. :phu:.


    Well our country is very small, so the transport can be a bit few and far between and we're all catered for ^_^ America, I'm guessing, has more desolate places.


    Work in general is pretty depressing, but especially at festive times, its ridiculous!! GAH. Yes, indeed-BAH HUMBUG. Awh, they'll all be over in just a few more days!


    Yep, theres definitely something going round =( In assembly this morning (where Year 11, 12 and 13 [upper school] gather in the hall every fricking morning) I was dying of a coughing fit...You know when your throat gets a bit tickly? Well when you're in a place where you need to be quiet and listen to notices and important stuff, its all over basically. You have to cough, but can't because you need to listen, then you allow yourself to cough a bit, then everyone turns round, then your eyes start watering from trying to hold in the coughs, then you start slightly choking...ugh, its a nightmare! Thankfully the assembly finished by then and I could have a drink of water... And the annoying thing was when the assembly had finished and we were waiting around afterwards, GUESS WHO DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE NEED FOR ANY MORE FECKING COUGHING :mad:


    0_o YOU DON'T HAVE LORRIES???!!! Basically, our companies transport stuff around the country from their suppliers to the shops via lorries. And lorry drivers have a bit of a reputation for being a bit overweight and lazy..basically, they don't do anything all day except drive lorries all day.... And this song is just a parody of that crappy song and making a bit of a (non-offensive) joke of lorry drivers. If you don't have lorry drivers, what do you have? Ohhh...I think you call them truckers.... We call trucks lorries. Hopefully it makes more sense :LOL:


    :indiff: We got more rain... My weekend was good, had to go Christmas shopping urgently because I've been so busy studying...NYAH. It was fun though, and we went to the pantomime afterwards ^_^ was hilarious xD


    J x


    :erm: I had something I wanted to tell/ask/speak about but I've totally forgotten...It'll come to me!


    JUST THOUGHT OF IT, JUST AS I WAS ABOUT TO SEND IT!! It was basically that I read the answers to those questions and I didn't know how they all felt about Escape!! It was really strange, because I'd been going on about how I'd recently rediscovered it, then Chris says how he thinks its underrated and I was like :happy: awh I thought that too!


    ps lol whut up with your new avatar? :LOL:



  18. lol a lot of my stuff is either dumped on the floor, or if I've had "a clear up", the stuff is still on the floor, but in categorised piles xD


    :erm: Do you not have Girl Guides? Kinda like the female version of Scouts I guess. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_Guides =P


    What are Graham's crackers? It does sound good! Oooh, parfaits sound yummy too! I'm hungry now :LOL: Thing is, I would try them, but I don't know if we even have them over here. Thats the problem =( Do you have bubble tea over there? When we went to Vancouver a few years ago, I get addicted to bubble tea, but we don't have it here :supersad: I even remember where the bubble tea house was! It was on Main Street...can picture it, but can't remember its EXACT location :rolleyes:


    I have a craving for bubble tea noooow!!!! =(


    Yes! Thats exactly what it is, it's more exclusive and special :happy: I liked being one of the only ones in my class at school who liked Muse, then when I got into Sixth Form, a load of new people came and a lot of those like Muse too...so I guess it's not all bad, but yeah, exclusivity is wonderful ^_^


    :LOL: You pwned your mum! My CD collection often has just Muse on it :$ And people ask "JESS, DO YOU HAVE NOTHING BUT MUSE??"


    Haha, I don't think anyone else is as cunning as we are :D

    *just make sure you don't get arrested*


    Yaay, passports! Just out of interest, what colour is your passport? Ours is purpley...


    Yeah, I think they had raisins on them...they were really yummy apart from the celery :LOL: But then, I never have liked celery *ugh*


    Oh thats not bad then, considering how big America is and all...Could you get the train/coach?


    =( I hate working so close to Christmas...I feel all festive and excited, but I have exams in the first week of the next term in January...:supersad:


    I'm feeling much better than the other day, but still a bit bunged up :rolleyes: Throat kinda hurts still, though...you get bored of being ill? :LOL: Unfortunately lying in bed doing nothing is all we can do...although, I guess you could still listen to Muse whilst you're in bed...I always make sure my iPod is fully charged in case I get bored...the games on there have saved me god knows how many times :D Awh, thanks! Have a diseased hug back :happy:


    Hell yes! That would round off a holiday and just make is absolutely perfect ^_^


    Oooh, another catchy song for you after the Barack one ;)




    Enjoy xD


    J x

  19. :LOL: I get that A LOT. Always being nagged about cleaning out my room :p


    Roasting marshmallows is really fun, we do it at Guides :happy: For some reason we didn't do it at camp though. I think she forgot the marshmallows...noob :rolleyes: Nope, never had a S'more...what are they? I've always wanted to know what parfaits are, ever since I heard Donkey saying they were perfect in Shrek :LOL:


    lol whut? moccasins? awh, you went as a dog :LOL: I can see where the comparisons to Mulan came from, but not really Pocahontas...ah well =P I ABSOLUTELY LOVED MULAN <3


    Yeah, my auntie always goes "Jessica (uses my full first name :rolleyes:), can you please put something else on?" So I go ":indiff: fine, what do you want to listen to?" "I don't know, anything but this! It's too loud!" So I turn it down and she still complains. Then she fecking asks for Maroon 5 :stunned: I mean, I don't mind them, but they're just not Muse :rolleyes: She likes Starlight and SMBH though...would make a fine Twilighter :rolleyes: I managed to convert my dad though, he almost took me to go see Muse at V Festival, but I decided not to go because a) it was too far c) they're the only band I would actually take much notice of and b) It cost £70 each for a day ticket and I'd rather pay less to see them closer to home. :O HIS VOICE ISN'T GAY! :phu:


    I kind of like being the only one (apart from my dad) who likes Muse...makes it seem more....exclusive ^_^


    Yes! It's a win-win situation! Because you get extra respect from your teachers because they think you're going out of your way to help the environment and also you get to the front w000p xD


    hehe I think mine's a 10-year one, so I'm ready to go :LOL:


    Awh ^_^ That actually reminds me of some American students who came over to our school in Year 4 and they gave us these chocolatey cornflake cake things and celery with peanut butter...everyone licked all the peanut butter off and didn't eat the celery :LOL:


    Aww, cool xD How far away is college from home? 2 and a half weeks will fly by, it'll be Christmas before you know it!


    My weekend was full of disease...I had a cold, which gave my headaches, then it evolved into a fever, which gave me headaches, which then evolved into a cough, which currently gives me headaches. But a fun weekend :LOL:


    Yeah, Muse lets you escape, doesn't it? <3


    J x

  20. yaay sarcasm :happy: I hate throwing stuff away, I always think "I'm sure I could find a use for it" and then don't throw it away :erm: It's really bad, I need to be more reasonable with myself.


    lol I'm not sure what the most American thing I've ever done is...probably roast marshmallows on a campfire? That's American...right?


    Everyone in my old primary school class used to call me Mulan/Pocahontas just because I was the only Chinese girl in the class...It was really strange. I have never seen HSM either, and I really don't want to. It's the most irritating film I think I've ever heard of :stunned: I loved Mulan!! I had loads of the merchandise, like pencil cases, stationery, DVD video, CD soundtrack...I absolutely LOVED it!!


    They really are just the most amazing band in the world!!! Even my friend, who used to think Muse were really crap and MCR were way better (:rolleyes:) prefers Muse now :happy: I managed to turn her towards the pwoper music :yesey:


    :LOL: just go round college asking people for their old phones, or just generally anything reasonable hard and that would hurt and collect them to take with you :LOL:..........:$ I'm not a psycho..


    PAH, fuck college, Professional Musers ftw :D


    :eek: I'm really jealous of your 4th grade teacher! Yeah, I'd be in heaven after that!! You know what, we should just go to Australia to see them when they tour next :D


    How was Thanksgiving? Are you enjoying your break? I'm sure you are :rolleyes:


    Yeah, I love everything about Muse too:D And I'm not ashamed to say it :phu:


    J x

  21. :LOL: Wasn't that kind of the idea though, to look like a Twilight noob? ;)


    So glad you're spelling correctly now, I'm less angry :D


    J x


    ps ugh, I'm such an idiot, I keep posting on my own page :rolleyes: so sorry for the late reply ;)

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