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Fish Custard

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Everything posted by Fish Custard

  1. Aww, that's really pretty! I'm Jess *waves* :D Belle Bellamy...nice ring to it :p ...:$ Oh, I didn't even intend that pun.. :unsure:


    I love Doctor Who, its brilliant, isn't it? Who's your favourite assistant from the new series? I think mine was Martha..

  2. haha, thanks :D Isn't it amazinnngg? :happy:

    It's one of my favourite programmes, with Prison Break and Heroes :happy: Prison Break - Wentworth Miller = yum. Heroes - Milo Ventimiglia = rather yum also. Doctor Who - David Tennant = also rather yum indeed. I do honestly watch these shows for the content though... :$


    :p So whats your name?

  3. Well, some people might not have :unsure: Not used to being recognised, being in the UK ;)

  4. I'm from Liverpool, in the UK...not sure if you've heard of it ;)


    How long have you been into Muse?

  5. HAI. *waves* :musesign: So where are you from?

  6. Awh, he's so adorable :happy: I go all fangirly when it comes to him :$

    I can't believe I've spoken to you so much and I haven't even asked your name! :$

    HAI. I'm Jess...as if my user name didn't give it away :rolleyes:

  7. Of course :D And OMFG I can't stop watching your sig! It's so mesmerising, watching him spin round for ages :LOL:

  8. Greetings, stranger :ninja:

  9. Its such a great smiley! :supersad:


    I don't think I've ever disliked a Muse song, just not liked it as much as the others. But yes, it's BRILLIANT. I absolutely love it =D :eek: OMG, you skipped the last verse of CE???!!?!?!?!?!!! b-b-b-but whyyyyy? :supersad: It's the best part! Aaah, Muse live ftw :D Speaking of Muse at Glasto, watch this

    I absolutely love his little face when he's sitting on Dom's drums, with his tongue sticking out :happy: I was watching this over and over again last night and kept having 'moments' :rolleyes: siiigh.... Aah I love him so much!!!


    mmmm, chocolate :happy: Weirdly, that just gave me a random craving for crisps (chips in America) We call fries chips and um...hang on, I'm confused...yeah, your chips are our crips. There we go :LOL: I got proper confused then :rolleyes: Anyway, I can't have crips any more because I have them up for lent :'(


    Haha, its so great, watching her play Muse :happy: Isn't it satisfying, playing Muse songs? :p Yeahh, she's really amazing at piano... I never learned piano, I only learned keyboard. It really kills to play piano, because the keys are weighted, so I can't play for that long, because my fingers kill me. Wooop, Bliss! I can play the intro MEGA slowly, so slow, in fact, that you can barely tell what song it is, but anyway :rolleyes: OMG. Business idea. xD


    Oh, boo =( Exams everywhere :(


    Ta-ra! Speak to you soon! Actually, I'll prob speak to you on facebook before then anyway ;)

  10. Ah, don't worry about it, busy time of the year, what with exams and everything =| Awhh, who couldn't forgive such a cute face? :happy: I love that smiley! :supersad:


    Oh, my obsessiveness for Muse has returned :rolleyes: Especially with the rediscovery of CE :happy: I never realised the last verse was so deep and sad :supersad: I never played it enough in the past, but now I'm catching up :happy: I love the version at Le Zenith, on the Hullabaloo album xD I actually LOVE him :p Everyone has time for teh Moose!!


    I've been a bit stressed, but it's not been too bad.. The arrival of our new coffee machine has DEFINITELY helped with that :D It makes the World's BEST hot chocolate <333 Although I think it says something about a coffee machine if the best drink it makes doesn't even have any coffee in it :rolleyes:


    And ZOMG I have learnt the start of New Born AND Feeling Good on the piano!!! :D It's so awesome, because we have a really nice grand piano in school, in the big hall, and that hall is used at lunch times, basically as a corridor; people pass through it to go out for their lunch. So we were playing loooads of Muse songs at lunch and people just walked in and out and heard some Muse before their lunch! It was wonderful, especially my friend who is something like Grade 8 at piano, meaning she's AMAZING at it and she bought the Absolution and OOS books, so she's been playing them perfectly :happy::happy: Ahh, just felt the need to tell you all this, I'm so excited :LOL: sorry :p


    Hope you get better soooon!! Luffles :happy: xxx

  11. :erm: I totally thought that message would be longer...
  12. Ahhh, Disney <3 I never watched some of the classics though, like Sleeping Beauty, Alice In Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast and Snow White...Well, I watched Snow White, but only once because I was scared of the evil queen *shudders* that old hag scared the hell out of me when I was younger... But yeah, The Lion King and Lion King 2 were awesome =D better than that HSM shet now. Hahaha, Mulan :LOL: That was such a brilliant movie <3


    Haha, I love watching movies over and over again :D I knew all the words to so many films when I was younger, it was brilliant! Hehe, people are always portrayed in movies in inaccurate ways :rolleyes: for such a massive house, they could have had more than one bed :phu: inaccuracies... :p I moved when I was about 6 months :rolleyes: so I can barely count it, but anyway :p


    Awh, I haven't had time either, its awful, having so much work to do =( however, we have half term next week so I get a week off to catch up with work and play GUITAR HERO!!! I'm so excited :D Medium is surprisingly do-able on GH4, its great! Haha, I bet you will! Yay for GH skills :happy:


    Yeahh..I wouldn't hold my breath either, if I were you....I have rather a lot of exams until we can start the businesses... and then theres money issues, and the distance between us is a bit...far. I think we may have to consider our business plans, what with the credit crunch and all...:indiff:


    Yeahh, Spanish is a great subject, isn't it? xD I'll probably drop it next year though, and just take Bio, Chem and Maths for my A Levels. Hm, we are near an awful lot of languages, which is handy! Don't Canadians speak French? And isn't Minnesota next door to Canada? :p


    *squee* you should so check them out, you listening to British radio would be brilliant! And something I didn't know until yesterday, that Sirius is timed so that you get our daytime shows during your daytime! Which I think, is rather brilliant :D



  13. Mm, that's like when I was in Comet (an electricals store in the UK) and we were shopping for TVs. Then TIME IS RUNNING OUT CAME ON and I was v.happy with about 20 Matts in the room Everyone in the store was like wtf is wrong with her? But I was VERY excited
  14. Heya ^_^ Lol I don't think I did that great :erm: But hey, they're only mocks and the real ones are in about May (:'() Haha, he is pretty awesome, isn't he? ;) I absolutely LOVE Love Actually, and I've seen it so many times! The guy who goes to America is pretty hilarious. I think his name is Colin and he says he's from Basildon, which is where I was born ;) Extra cool points :LOL: Haha, there's always room for movie love :happy:


    Yay, boring people! *high five* Nah, I don't think we're exactly boring, just...focused :rolleyes: Lol I don't think I'd want to know my fitness age either...it's a little embarrassing :LOL: Guitar Hero is pretty cool :D Medium is a pretty comfortable level for me now :D


    Hm, European football is generally a LOT better than American football. But saying that, Everton's goalkeeper is American and he's awesome xD I think he even plays for America in Internationals.. Haha, they're such cool things to be able to do! I'd love to be able to ice skate, but our nearest ice rink is aaaages away, we even have to out of the country to the nearest rink. It's about an hour away in the car, but thats still too far =( Ahh, I'm sure you could still learn now! Although I think our bubble tea shop and professional Musing will get in the way of that ;)


    Ah, hola Stephanie, que tal? I cba using accents and stuff! I didn't know you took Spanish too ^_^ I even bought a Spanish newspaper today :cool: My friend bought a French one and we were carrying them around town, looking more cultural and intelligent! It was pretty cool xD We had pretty much no idea what they were saying, but it still looked good :LOL:


    Yeah, my local radio stations are so shite, too much Rihanna and Kanye West :indiff: I'm sure you can get Radio 1 in America, through Sirius, or do you have to pay for that? That's poo if you do =( If you can listen to it, listen to Scott Mills, it nothing else. He'd be on at about 11am for you guys, he's our DriveTime for the drive home and I am a little bit in love with him. He's just...just....*sigh* I just love him ^_^


    XFM play loooooads of Muse apparently, I should start listening to that more often too =D


    Haha, Eggheads is brilliant ;D


    Ah, yeah, obsessive Musers MAKE Muse :LOL:


    J x


    PS OMFG I almost killed myself laughing at this video, it never fails to make me laugh my arsssee off! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=OBE_T-K8nhY

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