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Fish Custard

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Everything posted by Fish Custard

  1. awh, Lucy, you have an avatar!! :happy:


    J x

  2. aw, I fail at sarcasm :LOL: I fool myself into thinking I know where everything is, then I realise OMG THATS WHERE THAT WAS! :rolleyes:


    It's only three things :$:p lol but they are great things, is Heroes on the list too? xD Feel free to write me a list!


    I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL I CAN DRIVE!!! It's gonna be absolutely brilliant!! *bounces up and down* I think if I say I'm a child, I can pay £22 instead of £42! yayness :happy:


    Disney has less and less cartoons :( I loved the Lion King and The Little Mermaid etc..now it's all HSM :mad: And you can tell kids are growing up faster BECAUSE they like HSM...its all OMG ZAC EFRON IS SOOOO FIIIIT!!!!11 :wtf: And I TOTALLY agree with what you're saying about kids looking older than me, even though they're a lot younger =(


    Yes, Stephanie, we get rain :indiff: Aww, we don't have snowboarding and sledding! I can honestly say I've never seen a real life sled in my life before :sad: Wish we got more snow that fecking rain...




    ok, you can tell from all this shouting that I've been reading those youtube comments again :$


    :LOL: you should take your phone with you and throw it at people to get people out the way




    Yeahh, I'd love to visit Australia anyway, then go see Muse at the end of it!


    What date is Thanksgiving on?


    The lyrics are so sad...they should play it live more often...


    Happy Thanksgiving to you too <3


    J x

  3. haha organised mess...I never have those :rolleyes: I think we need anger management classes, from what we've said :LOL:


    Doctor Whooooo!!! <3333 You NEED TO SEE IT!!! There's loads of episodes on youtube xD And David Tennant is WAAAAY better than Christopher Ecclestone :yesey: Hmm, I guess Medlink is kind of a field trip, although the school isn't actually organising it, I think the University of Nottingham organises it and we have to make our own way there :mad: It should be fun :happy:


    The gig was really good :D Really small venue + Really loud speakers + Me standing right next to the speakers = Soreness :rolleyes:

    Ugh, I hate Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL :mad: Disney has gone craaaap :sad:


    Hehe I saw your pics on facebook, looks like you had a really good time! Drinking is alright, as long as its in moderation :rolleyes: Aw, we never get snow, only in the wintery winter (Dec to Jan) and even then its only for a few days. We do get it in April though... Speaking of stupidity, my school doesn't turn the radiators on in the winter, oh no, it waits until fecking Easter until the heating comes on :mad: So we're either freezing to death, where its colder inside than it is out, or we're boiling to death with heating on in Spring!!! GAAAAHHH!!!!


    I wish I went to Wembley :sad: Or seen them when they headlined Reading in 2006 :happy: That was SUCH a good gig <33 I guess the smaller gigs are better because there's more chance of meeting them backstage ;) but with the bigger gigs, its more overwhelming ^_^


    Haha I can imagine you pushing EVERYONE out the way to get to the front xD


    I rather like that idea for a career move :LOL: Pah, never wanted to be a doctor anyway :rolleyes:


    Well I was talking about Australia (Oz) and I was thinking about someone called Court (short for Courtney) who I also speak to on this board, who is from Australia...I was just wondering if you spoke to her because she's awesome :happy: The Maccah bit is her name on this board.


    Well I haven't actually done much research on the actual universities, I've only been thinking about the actual location, in terms of accommodation xD


    Wow, Thanksgiving sounds fun! Not to mention the fact you get a few days off too!


    OMFG I am so in love with Escape...it's my new obsession, I can't stop listening to it! I guess I never really listen to the actual words in songs. I haven't listened to Showbiz in ages, and it came on on Shuffle and I read the lyrics on my iPod and I was like aww, thats so sad! And now I'm obsessed with it <33


    lol thanks for the warning! That sounds great, have a good time <3


    J x

  4. It would be sold out ALL THE TIME :happy:


    Yup, lame and fake :wtf:


    :LOL: I hate breaking stuff...I'm a neat freak at heart :happy: I do get mad about stuff, but I usually just rant on at the poor people around me :$ Thats worse than breaking stuff I think :(


    wooop :D Christmas break!! Our is from 19th Dec, but we break up on the 16th, really because we have a trip to Nottingham, to do mediciney stuff...its to help you decide whether or not you want to be a Doctor in the future :D lol I can't help but type Doctor with a capital D...it's because of Doctor Who...the main character's name is The Doctor and the show is AMAZING <33


    Argh, my ears are killing me now, I've just got back from my friends gig, she's in a band :happy: and Friday night in town...:noey: Everyone is in short dresses, killer heels and falling about the place. It wasn't so bad because at 9pm, no-one is that drunk YET...but later on tonight, EVERYONE will be drunk :stunned: and landing in heaps on the floor :facepalm:


    Ugh, I think I've used up all 15 smileys now :LOL:



    *whispers* you don't mind me calling you Steph, do you?

    I think it would be so fun to see Muse in a different country! But I think to start off, I should first go to one in the UK...seated, then the second one standing (maybe) and the third in a different country! (probably in the US or in Oz...) That would just be so awesome <3


    Speaking of Oz, do you ever speak to Court? (Maccah on this board)


    lmao when I go to uni, it will be my grandparents, my auntie and my cat, unless I stay in Liverpool, which I hope I do!!


    I want to go to uni somewhere close to Liverpool...maybe Manchester if not actual Liverpool. And if not either of those, then either Newcastle (my auntie, uncle and cousin live there) or London, near to my parents..


    Oooh, from what I've heard, Thanksgiving is a lot like Christmas..same dinner and presents?


    J x

  5. ps really sorry for the MEGA late reply, I thought I had replied, so I just looked out for a reply from you and then I checked, and found out that I had forgotten :$ n00000000000000b :facepalm:

  6. mmm, imagine if Muse were on it all the time :happy: Then you'll love it :D


    :wtf: I don't see the point in wrestling...they all cheat anyway:indiff:


    I don't think I've ever broken anything in rage...you always see it on TV, but I've never done it before. I hate breaking things :( Even on TV, when people are smashing their stuff up, I always think "aww :( That must have taken ages to arrange.." You should have thrown your phone at the stupid high school girls..much more effective ;)


    haha awh, that rudolf smiley is so cute <3 a little irrelevant, but hey, it's the festive season *coughChristmasstartsinNovembernowcough*


    Oh, I thought they were called cell phones because they have a cell battery. You know in physics, when you draw circuits, the battery is called a cell..Oh well ;) Awh, grandpa is such a cute word..


    The photos do look awesome though ;) When Muse come to the UK to tour, you should so take the opportunity to come over and see them...kill two birds with one stone ;) And vice versa when they go to the US :D


    I am an only child, so I get quite a bit of alone time when I'm at home, but I still cherish it :happy:


    I can't wait for university xD


    :eek: EEEEK That sounds like LOADS of work! I have to prepare a presentation, do a shit load of chemistry questions and answer some spanish questions :indiff: haha procastination=story of my life :rolleyes:


    J x

  7. We didn't go on many of the rides, so I can't remember any of them, but that "It's a small world after all" was in Disney World I think! The Invincible video reminds me of the ride :LOL: I used to love that!


    Yes, completely fake, over-acted (American) wrestling :facepalm: I really don't know why he likes it so much :erm: And they hit each other with chairs/hammers/ladders. It's just pointless...


    Yup, the iPhone IS way too expensive...it's why I only have the touch ;) I've only had my phone for about a year, but I wouldn't have changed my old one, only for the fact my grandad sat on it and broke the screen :indiff: It's not because he's THAT heavy, it's because it was on a stackable chair, then in the dark, he stacked another one on top of it and sat on it, thus breaking the screen.. I'm pretty content with my current one though :happy: Btw, another word difference...we call them mobile phones, why is it that they're called cell phones?


    lol I've seen your pics from facebook, they look like you had a brilliant time, as if I couldn't tell by the screaming :rolleyes: Just think, if Coldplay were that good, how great would Muse be?!


    haha, he so should ;) Gawd, get a life, Dom :LOL:


    It would be so weird for us to be emailing our teachers..As if we don't get enough of them every day :LOL: I guess it makes sense, though.


    lol it's good to get it off your chest! I totally get what you mean, though. Me time is so hard to get, that you'll do anything to get it ;)


    Hehe my dad is going to fix it tomorrow, hopefully. He's great with computers, I must have got my genes from my mother :p


    I guess if you like the US version of The Office, you should watch the UK version because a lot of people have said it is a lot better :erm:


    I really need to get my priorities in order because I always leave homework (and general other work) until the last minute :indiff: I always spend Saturday on the computer, then Sunday doing work...it should be the other way round :( So yeah, to answer your question, I do relax at the weekends, just too much!


    J x

  8. I haven't been back since either...I never did go on any of the rides, only watched the shows because I was only about 7 too.. And being 7 is an acceptable reason for crying :p


    Well our most popular sport is football, then we have golf *yawn* snooker, which I love watching although after a few hours it can get a little tedious...cricket, we like the Grand Prix, rugby and my grandad is obsessed with wrestling :indiff:


    w00p iPod touch :happy: I guess they're not exactly particularly sturdy machines :indiff: They just look pretty :happy: the iPhone isn't that much more advanced, but its bloody expensive :eek:


    OMFG ITS TODAY! :eek: SCREAMING IS A WONDERFUL IDEA!! YOU'LL PROBABLY GET THIS AFTER THE GIG, SO HOW WAS IT? (that screaming was unnecessary, but still fun)


    :LOL: He must be really bored to be on myspace that much.. I love the fact its going well too :happy:


    :stunned: you communicate with your teachers on the internet? I am a weirdo too, I often prefer being on the computer to actually being with people :$


    *sigh* my computers always having problems, so I'm used to fixing it :indiff: But I'm not a computer genuis either *high five*


    haha, I'll pass it on next Wednesday ;)


    Yeah, I've noticed loads of TV shows that magically appear on your TVs ;) Like Dancing With The Stars (is Strictly Come Dancing over here) and I can't think of any more excapt Whose Line Is It Anyway :$ But we have stolen a few of yours...Heroes, Prison Break and House :rolleyes:


    I don't really watch The Office, Ricky Gervais (the main character in ours) seems a bit of an idiot...which I know is the idea, but just a bit too much of an idiot ¬¬


    J x

  9. The descriptions are brilliant :D


    I was obsessed with killer whales when I came back from Florida...everything revolved around them :rolleyes: awh, how old were you at the time?


    Haha, s'alright ^^ We don't even have it at all over here :LOL:




    I do love it ^_^ You can go on youtube, surf the net, listen to music (obv), watch videos, download applications and you can even download songs, straight onto the iPod! (I'm trying to sell it to you =P) the iPhone is only slightly different...it's a phone, it has a camera and it can internet anywhere, I need to be near a router :indiff:




    I agree, as brilliant as HAARP is, I need the ATMOSPHERE!! (and Matt in the flesh ;))


    Yeah, that makes sense =) Introverted people ftw =D I spend way too much time on the internet :$


    I've no idea whats up with it, only that it doesnt let me access some virus remover sites and it sometimes restarts without warning :indiff: Believe me, THATS ANNOYING =|


    =( When is Thanksgiving? (We don't have it) Is it like an extra holiday?


    mmmmmmmm Milooooooo <3333 Anything else you'd like me to tell him? =D


    No, I don't watch it...do you watch it? (UK/US version?)


    J x

  10. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0b7mwTK564o


    ^ Hilarious summary :D


    I think its the parents who are bad, not necessarily the kids... So well done our parents :happy:


    SEA WORLD!!! I absolutely LOVED Shamu!! I watched it so many times when I was there and on the last day, me and my mum decided to go into the "wet area" and we were expecting to get drenched, but we didn't even get a tiny bit wet :indiff:


    haha PC :D It's so annoying :indiff:


    :LOL: I kinda watched the Olympics, although I can't exactly remember what Michael Phelps looked like :erm: I'll search for him tomorrow :p I haven't swam in aaaages, I'm so unfit :'(


    lol Don't worry, I didn't think that was the official name for it :LOL: I was just wondering how the name came about ;) It doesn't matter, as long as you enjoy it..and you were good at it, so double yay :D




    iPods pwn the world :happy: I have an iPod touch so I can surf the net as long as I have wi-fi ^_^


    Nanos do look awesome =D With the huge screens! My friend has an old nano and I can't get used to it because on my iPod, the screen is like the size of the whole fecking iPod and hers is tiny! I think she's getting the sexy purple one for xmas so its all good ;)


    Yeah, my favourite changes a lot, but my current fave is New Born because my friend can play the piano and at lunch times, I've been listening to her play New Born ^_^


    Us Muse virgins need to GO SEE MUSE!!!!!! I literally can't wait :D


    I think I'm antisocial in the way that I like other peoples' company, but I don't necessarily want to talk to them that much =/ I'm not naturally talkative...And I spend most of my time on msn lurking... that sounds really selfish, doesn't it?


    Muse on piano = bouncy me xD


    Sorry for a) the lateness of this reply - I've had problems with my pc and I've been spending loads of time trying to fix it..its not completely fixed, but its useable. and b) for the briefness of it...Heroes is on now...MILO FECKING VENTIMIGLIA!!!!! ^_^


    J x

  11. They're the most unbelievably irritating people on this planet! They are CONSTANTLY complaining :indiff: And they don't appreciate what they have :| For example, I saw this programme that was basically slagging it off and it showed this girl who was having a party and she was getting a car for her birthday...which you would think she'd be happy with. Then her mum turns up at her school to pick her up with her car but OH NOES she didn't want it then, she wanted it on the day of the party. BOO HOO. Then she had a huge tantrum, going "OMFG MOM, I HATE YOU! YOU'VE RUINED MY LIFE, YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!" And I was just watching it in disbelief. No "thanks mom for the car", "I hate you because you gave me my $90,000 Lexus to me a few days early."


    But it all worked out in the end because her mom took the car back :happy:


    :O They used a musical masterpiece on a show like that? I hope Muse got paid for it...like, A LOT.


    I'm not sure where I went, although I remember having a T-Shirt with Washington DC on it, so maybe I went there :p Whats the difference? I'VE BEEN TO DISNEYLAND!! =D I forgot about that somehow :erm: I loved Sea World when I was seven =D


    :stunned: how long does it take to get to New York? I'm jealous too...she should have taken you with her :p


    PC means political correctness, so yeah, the Happy Holidays bit =D


    The only sport I was good at was swimming, but thats not even a real sport :indiff: I am nowhere near as good as I used to be, but whatever :rolleyes:


    Whats softball? :confused: And since when have lesbian sports existed? 0_o


    I do like Coldplay :happy: They're not exactly my second favourite band, I'm not sure who that is, but I do like them! :eek: YOU'RE GOING TO SEE COLDPLAY?? :sad: I'M SO JEALOUS!! I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M SHOUTING SO MUCH.. OK, thats better =P


    Videos and podcasts take over my iPod :indiff: I never want to delete them, so they end up all staying :LOL:


    My favourite Muse song ever is Butterflies and Hurricanes/New Born...theres just something about Muse with piano <333 and sexy New Born riff ♥


    Currently, erm...I'm not sure I have one at the moment, I'll go for New Born..

    I heard of them through a music class, actually, the music teacher put Absolution on and the first song was Apocalypse Please...I mean, come on, what an introduction to Muse and all my friends were singing along and I was like :$ I don't know this band and they were all like :eek: and flooded me in their albums :rolleyes: and BH&R was coming out then, so I got that for Christmas :D And the obsession grew from there =D


    I haven't been to a Muse gig yet, no =( I sooo need to go! They went to Manchester in November one year and that was when I was just liking them, so I didn't go, but I know people who did =( VERY JEALOUS. But hopefully, when their new album comes out, I'll finally be able to see them!! And Matt in the flesh ^_^


    What about you?


    That did make me laugh uncontrollably =D


    A lot of people probably didn't like Chelsea because they basically got bought by a Russian tycoon, with a ton of money, then they bought the world's supply of footballers and did very well. But basically, they made the Premier League just be about money ¬¬ So everybody hates them..The Premier League/Premiership is basically the Number One professional football league in England...it's been called the best in the world too...


    I go to debating society and medical ethics club, if they count =D But I am pretty antisocial and spend all my time either doing homework or on the internet...not much else =(


    I used to play the keyboard, but I am trying to learn a few Muse piano pieces, which are fun, because I recognise them =)


    I do have a facebook, search Jessica Low and you'll find me with a picture of a football player in blue, kicking the ball....thats Mikel Arteta and he plays for Everton and he's brilliant xD


    J x

  12. I'm dreading the screamy girls at the cinema (and boys =D) And we say cinema, whilst you say theatres...


    What you're explaining about the attitudes of girls reminds me of My Super Sweet 16.. I've never hated a group of people more than those people on that show. They, again, are nauseating, irritating, incredibly annoying and I basically just want to shoot them all. ¬¬


    We don't use the term cliques here, we just...I don't know, we just talk about groups of people, but they are kinda similar to Mean Girls :| Everyone pretty much talks to everyone else here too =D


    +1 with the Tyra Banks thing...everything has to revolve around her, she, like all the contestants are so self centred >=| So I guess they're all well suited to each other..Paris Hilton's My New BFF? Even the name makes me go :facepalm: I guess I take America kinda seriously *ahem* =P


    Well, I mean, it has produced some great dramas.. Heroes, Prison Break, House, but its just the reality TV that makes you go :stunned::wtf:


    By the way, what DOES Paris Hilton actually DO? I've never actually known this.


    I guess we say whine as well as whinge, but whine is more common I think..I just felt like saying whinge =D


    COME TO ENGLAND!!! (Liverpool especially ;P) I've been to LA, San Francisco and Washington..that bored me, but I think because I was about 4 years old. I may have been to New York too, but again, I was only 4. If I do go to New York again, I so have to go shopping :D


    Ooh sports? What do you play?


    Ugh, I couldn't live without half terms...they keep me sane :p And I would definitely forget everything if I was off for 3 months :rolleyes:


    I don't listen to Madonna either...well I do involuntarily :indiff: Muse, Coldplay, Regina Spektor, Radiohead and The Matches are my favourites at the moment! (Well, Muse are always my favourites =D) I found out the other day, that I have 600 songs on my iPod and 110 of them are Muse :stunned:


    :LOL: America is so pc! I didn't realise, I thought it was just us! By the way, that rule seems so pointless, no wonder you're face palming xD


    I just say It's fucking pouring out! (which makes my mom go..STEPHANIE! don't say that word! And I'm like what word, pouring? And she's like No, the other one! the F-word! So I say...oh....FUCKING?! and then she looks at me like :eek::mad: and i just :LOL: right in her face...oh mothers....)

    I couldn't stop laughing at this :LOL: I could just imagine it and it was absolutely fricking hilarious!!


    Yay Muse :happy: Isn't it going to be like a couple of years ago, when they did Muse Chat? That would be good, because then it wouldn't just be the top question, they'd ask a few more =D


    Football is absolutely great and if you do decide to follow a team in the Premiership (our league) follow Everton =D Or anyone, just NOT LIVERPOOL >=|


    haha the fans can be a little mad xD I haven't been to a game in months, I should go sometime :erm:


    No, I don't play sports, I'm a lazy bum ;) Do you?


    Do you have a myspace, by any chance?


    J x

  13. Yeah, I might go a few weeks after opening week... To be honest, I'm not that excited about it, just curious... lol that will be MEGA annoying. I guess the only way to escape any of that OMG EDWARD!!!11 I RELI LOVE EDWARD stuff is to buy it on DVD and watch it at home :LOL:


    We hardly ever get snow, and if we do, it's absolutely crap. We get a few cm a year, then it rains :indiff: I imagine theres loads of high school people like in Mean Girls, but thats the same as everywhere else :p Like America's Next Top Model...they whinge way too much and their voices are so nauseating and they think the whole world revolves around them. Sorry if thats your favourite programme (found another spelling difference =D) but I really can't stand it.


    Yeah, lol no-one speaks like Keira Knightley and Hugh Grant...the best way to find out about a country is to go visit it and not believe everything the movies tell you :rolleyes:


    So you work for like 12 weeks, then get a few months off at a time? woah.. Even after our summer holidays, which are only 6 weeks long, I forget how to write :LOL: Long weekends do sound good :happy:


    Fireworks are annoying when they are set off nearly every night :indiff: I can hardly ever concentrate! And if its not fireworks, its the annoying neighbours opposite our house having house parties :indiff: I was trying to do my homework the other night and all I could hear was Madonna and random rave crap :stunned:


    Um...I usually say Merry Christmas because I always think Happy Christmas doesn't sound right...but Merry sounds like you're planning on getting really drunk and abnormally happy :stunned: But we just say whichever.... What about you?


    Hm...we also say its pissing down (rain again :indiff:) Actually, that might just be me :rolleyes:


    Your question is doing really well :D It's on the first page when you order them by scores, so you might get it asked =D Thanks for voting :happy:


    So you follow football? Well, soccer? We call soccer football and your football, we call American football. Omg I've never said football so many times in one paragraph before :LOL:


    J x

  14. Yeah, I probably will see it...I'm curious as to what its like, also I want to know what everyone's talking about when they obsess about it in class :rolleyes:


    Yeahhh...it does rain quite a lot, but not constantly :LOL: I think in the Queen/Tea party sense, we are more like you than you think :p


    mmm Wentworth Miller...and Milo Ventimiglia....and Maffoo :happy:


    Haha, when I get obsessed with something, I really get obsessed with it...I literally can't stop doing the thing I'm obsessed with...it was Heroes when my dad got me the DVDs to catch up on (I didn't watch seasons 1 and 2, then I realised what I'd been missing out on) I watched them non-stop...it wasn't healthy :(


    Do you have week long breaks every 6-7 weeks like we do? (These are our half-term breaks, with terms being Autumn Term [sept to Dec], Spring Term [Jan to Easter] and Summer Term [Easter to July] and we have our half term breaks in the middle of those terms..) By the way, thats another one- Autumn = Fall


    I do love the zoo too :D


    You should, Radio 1 is amazing :D


    awh thanks :happy:


    I couldn't resist sending you it because a) It relates more to you than it does to us and b) it was a fine example of Chris Moyles' fantastic radio show :D I love singing it too :LOL:


    I think fireworks will be going off nearly every day until facking Christmas, then all the way to New Year :indiff:


    I'll look out for your question!! My question was "If you had to cover one song, by any artist/band, what song would you cover?" or something along those lines... Of course I'll vote :happy:


    J x

  15. I did like the Twilight books at first...but then they just dragged on... *yawn*


    Maybe I preferred them to HP because I read them when I was like 7 or 8... I only read the Twilight books a few weeks ago..


    haha no-one does speak like Hugh Grant =P And contrary to popular belief, we don't all live in castles and have dinner with the Queen :indiff: I went to LA a couple of years ago to see my auntie and her boyfriend and he literally thought we all lived in castles and had tea and scones with the Queen :stunned: And he also thought that Stratford -Upon-Avon was where Stratford had invaded Avon, and was built on top of Avon..weird :wtf: Avon's just the river =P


    Speaking of English actors...WENTWORTH MILLER!!!! :eyebrows: Slightly a bit obsessed with him too :$ Hmm..Christian Bale is...ok, but not my cup of tea :|


    mmmmm.....Peter Petrelli... <3333 I absolutely love Heroes, Prison Break, Doctor Who (David Tennant :eyebrows:) And The OC :happy: I was watching some old episodes the other day and reminicing =D


    A-Levels are way too time consuming to even think about going out too :LOL: Well, they are for me, I don't know how everybody else balances work and going out :erm:


    yaay nerds ftw xD :nerd:


    WOAH. Why are your breaks so long? D= lol how do you get any work done?


    We don't have cabins over here, but they sound like really fun :happy: but they're basically non-existent here... For family breaks...we either visit other family, or we just go on day trips, but now my auntie has had a baby, we get to go to the zoo and stuff xD It's a win-win situation for me :yesey: I get to be a child for the day =D


    Yeah, with my career, I'm just going to go with the flow and see what happens...as long as its in science, I'm happy :happy:


    Hmm... I think if AIDS wasn't a factor, then the 5 people would have to be saved because each of them is probably a mother, daughter, wife and sister to someone, just like my mother...


    by the way, an epic Barack song...


    Do you get Sirius radio there? I listen to the best radio station and they're always mentioning people in the US who are listening via Sirius...I listen to BBC Radio 1...you should try it whenever you get the chance, it's wonderful..I recommend Chris Moyles and Scott Mills (the site is http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1 :happy:)


    J x


    ps eek fireworks are going off again :indiff:

  16. Strangely, I think of Ron Weasley when I think of Bloody Hell too :LOL: I read the first three HP books, then on the 4th one, I just got bored and gave up...then people kept giving me the books for birthdays/christmases so I now have 1-6, even though I haven't finished 4 yet :indiff:


    Yeah, it's TwilightTwilightTwilight, like, EVERYWHERE :| Have you read them? I did read them, but they were ok...they are SOOOO overrated though... They drag ooonnn and ooonnnn.


    I don't see it with Hugh Grant either :erm: He is ALWAYs playing the fumbling, good looking English bloke in rom-coms and it's just so inaccurate of people who do live here...no-one speaks like that!! GAH.


    Alan Rickman? 0_o I REALLY don't see that one..


    Hm...American actors...Brad Pitt is a bit of an obvious one, I think...Jake Gyllenhaal...mmm <3

    Johnny Depp :| I asked the girls in my form what they thought of him and every single one thinks hes gorgeous...and I was just like HEH?! They were all saying how good looking he was in POTC with the eyeliner and stuff and I just don't see it. Not that I'm a big fan of POTC anyway, but still. I just don't see the attraction :erm:


    Milo Ventimiglia, however, is a different matter. I'm the teeniest bit obseesed with him...


    ...OK, I'm majorly obsessed with him...:happy: AWWWH I JUST LOVE HIM!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


    I don't think he's that well known here...although Heroes is very popular...hm, I don't know...He's HAWT. :happy:


    We don't do bonfires in summer for some reason... It's only really on 5th Nov, otherwise, bonfires are nowhere to be seen. Well, most teens my age are going out to town (we don't have malls here, we have shopping centres (mall equivalents) and town/city centres..which are outdoors. And cold.) Yeah, so people are either shopping or drinking basically :|


    At the weekends, numerous house parties go on and clubbing in town. I however, spend way too much time on the computer, but I guess I'd rather be doing that than going out every night, getting drunk..Call me a nerd, but I'm not a big fan of drinking :rolleyes:


    @w@ holy crap, thats your summer holiday? (spotted another one :happy:) when do they start? Ours go from around 20th July to about 1st Sept. Awh, cabins sound fun :happy: I thought it would be a national holiday where everyone gets the day off...but seeing as you're off already anyway :rolleyes:


    Lol I get it now xD It's just a strange name :LOL: Mass communications...


    I always feel like I should have a plan because my friend knows exactly what she wants to do (she wants to be a doctor) and I know she will be one. However, me? I have no fecking idea :LOL: Then I always feel paranoid...like, I don't have a clue, whereas her future is all planned :rolleyes:


    Yeah, thats what it was, pretty much xD There was one they let us think about for next week....if there was a train track that split into 2, with a train coming, with a guy to change the direction...theres 5 people on one of the directions and 1 person on the other, so who would you let die? It seems easy enough, but then they tell you the 1 person is the person who changes the direction's mother. Hope that made sense, bit difficult to explain, they gave us a diagram :LOL: So basically, who do you kill-the 5 people or the guys mother?


    J x


    ps I'd kill the mum.

  17. hehe we have teh awesome phrases :happy:


    Bloody hell...you can imagine Ron Weasley and Hugh Grant saying :rolleyes: Do American women find Hugh Grant cute? (Well, his accent?) I've heard about this and seriously, no-one speaks like that :stunned:


    awh, that sounds great fun :happy: Well, we don't set off fireworks...we usually go to the park, where the council does firework displays...we haven't gone recently, though because our neighbours provide enough entertainment :LOL:


    What do you actually do on 4th July? Do you have the day off? We still have to work on Bonfire Night :indiff:


    Woah, whats mass communications? We don't have cool subjects like journalism, we just have boring ones like English, maths, sciences, languages and humanities....But I guess thats because we're a school, not a university :rolleyes: We have psychology though, but only for 6th form.


    I definitely want to do something in Science...I have taken Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Spanish for my A-Levels, so my options are pretty much open for any sciency opportunities :happy:


    I went to an after school thing today..it was Medical Ethics, where you discuss scenarios about patients' decisions as a doctor...it was really interesting :happy:


    J x

  18. Yeah, the black guy whose name I've forgotten...he blows the power in Las Vegas anyway. Basically, that's Cockney rhyming slang ;)


    Yeah, we do say snogging...I think Matt said it in an interview once and loads of Americans were like :wtf: snogging? :LOL:


    Thought of a couple more today:


    apartment = flat

    candy = sweets


    and speaking of Harry Potter, we say bloody hell a lot (well I do :p) is that common over there?


    Bonfire night is basically where people set off loads of fireworks...my cat doesn't like it :( Actually, neither does any other animal...




    Basically, some blokes, including the most famous one called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament with gunpowder (hence the name The Gunpowder Plot) Um..they failed and got caught and were hung, drawn and quartered. Which for some reason gives us reason to celebrate :rolleyes:


    The Barack Roll is just brilliant :D


    What are you studying in college, by the way? I forgot to ask...


    J x

  19. Barack Obama ftw :D


    http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=65I0HNvTDH4 :happy:


    Cockney rhyming slang is basically um...rhyming slang for people in London...have you ever seen Ocean's Eleven by any chance?


    Yeah, clamp does make more sense :LOL: but I don't know where boot came from either...woop for not making any sense ;)


    hehe thanks :D Good for you too, drinking is bad :(

    I'm GMT, so when you sent that, it was 8pm.


    Do you have Bonfire night over there? Or is it just us?


    J x

  20. :stunned: you voted for John McCain instead?


    The thing with that slang site is that some of it is Cockney rhyming slang, meaning people from London. I have no idea about those either :LOL: because I'm from the north of the country :D


    And I'll keep an eye out for British/American differences :happy:


    Hmm..we call that a clamp, on a car...so your car can be clamped...logical :p


    :LOL: that link worked perfectly :happy:


    We probably have loads of drinking games here too, I just don't know any of them because I don't drink...I like my liver the way it is thanks ;)


    Yeah, they pretty much made sense...and sound fun :rolleyes:


    So what time zone are you in?


    J x

  21. and yoghurt!


    ok, I have to go to bed now, its after 11 and I'm mega tired.


    but feel free to keep the messaging going, I'll read it tomorrow. I'm just telling you now so you don't expect a reply :p Well, until tomorrow.




    J x

  22. I have to wait until I'm 17, then I can finally start having lessons, then I need to pass my theory test, then the actual driving test... GAH. I'll be surprised if I pass before I'm 18.


    Oh well, I can save money for now :happy:


    The majority of our family doesn't drink full stop. Except my auntie. She doesn't usually drink, but she has a weakness for Buck's Fizz :rolleyes: And now I do too...but only at Birthdays/special occasions...and with extra orange juice to dilute it :indiff:


    Yup, favourite. And neighbourhood (and neighbour too :p) Doughnut...there are loads, but I just can't think of any at the mo :p Um...we say arse, you say ass. :eek: I just checked wikipedia and you spell it mustache? Thats ridiculous :D Tire...we spell it tyre. And sidewalk...we say pavement, and we say the boot of a car, as opposed to the trunk.


    oooh, seeing as I'm doing chemistry homework at the moment, sulphur. You spell it sulfur, but now we have to start spelling it sulfur :'( And mom...we say mum. (or mother, whatever :p)


    Beer pong? Tippy cup? lol they sound...um...fun? :LOL:


    J x

  23. lolz :p


    :stunned: why is your petrol got so cheap whilst ours is mega expensive? :(


    hehe I get driven around EVERYWHERE. Driving would be great :p


    Um..no, we just spell tonnes and tons differently. Same meaning, diff spelling...like colour. Yes, we spell it colour. :rolleyes:


    Are you legally allowed to drink at home at whatever age?


    And I totally agree with that...like the French, they have mild wine with their meals from when they're like 5 or something, so when they're legally allowed to drink, it's not such a big deal and so they don't go on a big binge :stunned:


    No, we don't have the power hour. And thank god too. I'm not surprised they've died :stunned:


    And yeah, I guess thats true...I guess I meant its not as common here.


    J x

  24. Oh ok, so Uni = College :p


    Everything is so much cheaper there! For example...um..how much is your petrol (or gas)?


    Ours is about 96p per litre :stunned: Even though I'm not driving yet, I've been raised to automatically check petrol prices. I have done since I was about 10 *ahem* I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL I CAN DRIVE!! :D


    We have tonnes or underage drinkers too...literally everyone in my year, even in the year below go clubbing/partying/binge drinking every weekend :stunned:


    Not much underage drink driving though...somehow we're not that rebellious on that front :p


    Um...we have to buy the provisional license and you can get it 3 months before you're 17. I think that's separate to the theory test. Argh, driving is such an expensive business :indiff:


    J x

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