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Status Updates posted by seregon

  1. I guess i have something to look forward toooooooooooooooo



  2. Yeah seems like it. I'm aiming to be at the Apoptygma Berzerk gig, slightly different haha

  3. I just looked at the prices, pretty pricey if you ask me! But they seem like they would be amazing live

  4. Yeah I just realised I am so slow :$:chuckle:

  5. On Andy's profile! :LOL:

  6. Well Apoptygma Berzerk covered it remember? :phu:

  7. I am looking forward to seeing Tash and getting and orgasm in a glass!


    What's this? :eek::LOL:

  8. Shi. Shi shi shine on. Shi shi shine ooon :happy:


    (house of love version :p)

  9. you're welcome!

  10. Yeah eurgh back to uni for a week and a bit

  11. I'm really ill and I'm going back tomorrow :( Don't want too though! Yay 2nd best n00b I got that last year :D

  12. Are you a VNV Nation fan by any chance? I recognise your av from their illusion video :p

  13. Haha that's awesome :D Merry Christmas to you too xx

  14. Got your text, Happy Christmas too :p (Read it quite late was worried I'd wake you up if I texted back :chuckle:)

  15. Thanks for the text, a merry christmas to you too :happy: Are you still in Scotland? (Guessing you are) Hope you have a nice yummy dinner with lots of tatties if you are xx

  16. Ha yes, I'm surprised you know that awfully bad film. Please tell me you're an Alan Rickman fan and not a Hugh Grant fan :p I just like the eyeliner <3 I wish you a Merry Christmas seeing as I'm here

  17. Hmm.. I'll do my best, but knowing him he may deserve one anyway at one point :p hehe

  18. Yeah bit gutted about that :( But don't worry about it xx I hope I will have fun indeed! :LOL:

  19. What you said to Lya :LOL:

  20. You're so sweet Becky :happy: xxx

  21. Yes it is :) From this User here: http://angelikitten.livejournal.com/


    Hmm they aren't there though they're here: http://community.livejournal.com/random_stuffs/8977.html

  22. I'm not taking her seriously... anyway g2g

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