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Status Updates posted by seregon

  1. :awesome:


    Thanks for your Christmas card btw :happy: Yours is gonna be so late :(

  2. Thanks Kaddy xx Your card will be late :$

  3. Oh bb, before I forget, thankyou SO much for those lovely homemade things you made for me, especially the window chime, so thoughtful! I got them yesterday morning and wasn't online until the evening. I really do need to send you something back now

  4. Ooh happy birthday ^_^

  5. Have some respect then. I have no idea what you are talking about, you've just randomly insulted me when I have not been posting for three days and you expect me to know what you mean? If it seemed like I was mean there was either beef going on or a certain person has annoyed me. As it was ages ago why are you insulting me over it? Jeez

  6. And you're a bit of a weirdo, why are you going into someone's profile calling them a dick?

  7. Er what? I have no idea what you're talking about

  8. How friendly of you! Why are you calling me a dick?

  9. I was the person who requested the Spin me right round video thankyou so much it is actual LEGEND and cheered me right up! :LOL:

  10. Making me feeeel....


    I know. I can't help it my retarded humour just rubs off on them

  11. Thankyou muchly! ^^

  12. Haha please tell me you've shown her the video!

  13. Course I know your name! We kinda used to chat :p Yeah I'm fine thanks :happy:

  14. Thankyou :happy:


    Grace right? I haven't seen you around in ages! How are you?

  15. Hi Gleichter, bb means baby. Like bee bee.


    What do you mean today is the best present? :happy:

  16. hahaha wtf :LOL: Well hello there anyway :awesome:

  17. My mind must be fuzzy! What was your previous name anyway? :LOL:

  18. Because it says we are friends but I don't remember adding you, unless you were under a different name the time :LOL: Just wondered like ;)

  19. Hmm did you have a name change?

  20. Bellamy I still want my money back from when you didn't play Bliss at Nottingham

  21. You want me to be rude to you, can't win with some people, god! :mad:

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