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Status Updates posted by seregon

  1. fanks for the add we can be friends now? :)

  2. Can't wait to see you xx

  3. Ooh thanks bb :D It's true though :yesey:

  4. *keeps safe* :happy: Look at them go

  5. You got rid of your crows! :( Pandas :happy:

  6. Yes that would be a brilliant balance. God forbid if we meet in Dublin people will think we're mad haha

  7. That's fair enough

  8. I salute you. Maybe we can have some kind of joint celebration through the medium of dance. Sorry the heat is going to my head.

  9. Oh hai der, happy birthday :)

  10. Spiral Static, Showbiz, Cave, Fury, Space Dementia

  11. Your face is a time machine

  12. I will do that from now on :D Thanks Markypoos

  13. Mark haha wtf that has cracked me up

  14. Oops sorry deleted! Nice boob pic btw!

  15. I've just realised who you are :facepalm::LOL:

  16. Oh sorry I understand your msn message now I didn't see this lol :facepalm:

  17. Cool. I doubt I know you haha But that's cool what you studying?

  18. Haha awesome! Yeah some of us do surprisingly. Do you/did you go to the sixth form?

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