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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. Okay, I didn't know where to post this, but hey... I hadn't visited the new and flashy .mu in ages. Imagine my face when I tried to signed in with this account as usual, all to get a "Sorry, we could not log you in - please try again". I thought I had to fill in the data for the site, which I tried, using my username. Of course, it said it was not available. Does that mean I have to create yet another account for .mu because I can't have access with the board's or is there a way to log in as it used to be with the previous .mu incarnation? Edit- Fixed it by saying I had forgotten my password (blatant lies!). I hope it won't clash with the board's...
  2. Ah,the famous "let´s cram as much as possible the night before".Hated by everyone,yet we all rely on it most of the time.I still remember when I swore in my last school years to study a bit every day.I still remember how I literally studied the Art "isms"the night before the final exam.Text exams can be fickle if you don´t have a general idea of what you´ll be asked about,so be very careful!


    I still remember those days in which no one really knew what would happen with Audioslave.The magazine I read called the band "Cornell/RATM" until the very last minute.I also think RATM are better than Audioslave,yet I consider they were a fairly good band,especially in their first two albums (the ones I listened to in full :p ).


    Can you think of a better way of finish this message by saying..."may the Master be with you" and encouraging you to do your homework/study by going all French and exclaim,"allons-y!"?

  3. I don´t mind lending my stuff to my school partners,no matter if I know them or not.Some people would say that´s not fair,as they´re taking advantage of me,but I just treat them the way I´d like to be treated.Because I´m also a lazy student....whern it comes to study,because I feel I have to attend to every lecture as it´s my duty.Okay,studying is also my duty,but I´ve always been that kind who easily remembers what has been lectured.

    My mother is the one who needs to buy new clothes after having recovered from her illness.As with you,my grandparents led her some money,but she refuses to go shopping.

    Funny to see how John Simm thinks Tennant is "his"Doctor.But I think I understand his reasons.For example,I used to be a huge fan of Backstreet Boys.I could go and see them every time they come here,but I don´t plan to do it:their music has changed AND Kev left the band,so they´re a different band in my eyes and ears.

  4. Right now I´m sending some Literature notes to a partner by scanning them,one by one.Twelve pages full of names and stuff about the Enlightment.I haven´t skipped a single class so far,but last year I skipped Writing four times because of various reasons:exploring the library,feeling sick.watching a film and...well,not wanting to cope up with the teacher.

    I hope you remember that thought about the Master one of these days...


    I´m supposed to get some presents in two days.If everything goes well,I might get some videogames and clothes.But chocolate is such an awesome present! I´m thinking about giving a friend a bag full of popcorn.

    I don´t know if it´s canon or not,but let´s pretend it is,so the Master is alive and well.At least for us.

  5. I suppose they couldn´t "afford" to spare the cliffhangers and dead ends.If things go well,we´ll have a couple of Doctors more,so we/they still need some plotlines to "fill in the gaps".

    More than being reborn,I´d dare to say he´s Rassilon at his evilest,who,at a certain point of the War,dared to break his own timeline,interfering in "this" or "theirs".Of course,that happened because some Time Lord did the same before,in hopes of winning the war thanks to him.


    If the Time Lords returned to the Time Lock,The Master could have escaped,since he didn´t belong there initially.But,as he stayed next to them,he could have been sucked into the so called Void.In a third explanation,the Master could have ended up in a limbo.

  6. For one moment I thought she was really her mother due to the way the Doctor looked at her,but from a certain point of view she could be Susan as well,but that´d be a bit far fetched (even more!).I read the credits at least two times,and she´s credited as "the woman".

    I was a bit shocked when he was called Rassilon.My theory? I think this is something similar to The Legend Of Zelda.In the videogame Adventure of Link,it is stated that every Hylian princess is named Zelda after the one from the legend.I reckon this is something similar-and it links a bit with that guy´s theory-. this (and,therefore,every)Lord President is named Rassilon after the legendary one.

    My guess? They wanted us to go nuts just by doing a simple nod to good old Rassilon. :p

    As for the Master,it is supposed that he vanishes along with Rassilon and the other Time Lords,but it could be otherwise as well,as he could have escaped.As my father pointed out,"by that rule,The Doctor should have vanished as well".

  7. I don´t know whether I like the show or not,as it´s the first time I watch it.,but it looked funny and I had nothing to do.

    Speaking about DW...who was the woman? His mother? :p

  8. I meant that stuff you can enjoy with half a brain.For example,some hours ago I´ve found myself watching Spongebob Squarepants...and having fun with it.I´m not a comedy fan either,mainly because I think they can be really predictable-just like those sword and sorcery stories I told you about.You see,it´s not a pro for me either.I need to be challenged,at least most of the time,but some slapstick is fine,from time to time.


    I´m planning to resume an asignment as soon as I finish watching DW...but you know,this timetable is not completely fixed ;)

  9. So do I,unless I´m looking for something "softer".Even if I´m always telling my mother she shouldn´t watch crap "because it´s the only thing on the tv".There are always different alternatives,such as reading or listening to music you love.I wish I could have all the free time in the world to do all of these things.


    Well,I got the subtitles,so I´ll watch it tomorrow (twice: one on my own and one with my father).Get ready to discuss about crazy theories and Masterness! :D

  10. But I´d soo see it. I don´t know why,but I like to see crap sci fi movies.Or sword and sorcery ones.No matter they are always the same.That´s why I´ve stopped reading that kind of books.Unless they feature zombies,mutants,aliens,dragons...You get the point.

    You mean the word?No,it´s not a mispelt. It´s a new world which depicts something terrible,but awesome...like this crap movies.


    We´ll discuss about the chapter as soon as I watch it,I promise.

  11. We could see a whole,seedy world of brain trade,led by Mafia groups: "you want memories? We´ll get the brain(s) for you,but pay us first".But I was thinking about using "empty brains" to store endless memories,as if it was a fleshy Pensieve.Hey,weren´t we looking for that before? We have come up with a solution at last! :D

    "Aweful"= new word for the dictionary.

    We were scattered around the house.My father went to sleep,my mother stayed in the lounge and I stayed in the living room,listening to random music.I tried to convince them of joining me in a conga to Animal Collective´s "Brother Sport",all to no avail.So here I was,dancing mindlessly around the house.

  12. Same here.In order to use the computer I have to kill the urge to draw,write,read,play videogames...Pretty sad,if you ask me.

    Bertha is always to blame.Youur theory might be correct,but as I haven´t read Jane Eyre I always think of the Bertha Cannon/ Big Bertha,which was used by the German Army in the First World War.It is even more senseless than your theory,I know.

    There goes my daily drops of Sci-Fi: we could use brains as cheap hard disks.The possibilities are endless.We could retrieve whole lives and "upload" them into another preson,thus creating false memories...


    Obviously,Sam needed some dark tones.If not,he would have been lifeless and slightly Gary Stuey.That´s why you felt the way you felt...and I did as well.He was walking on thin ice.Don´t forget he wanted what their goals were,and how he didn´t think they were real.

  13. You´re teaching your brother well :D

    Even if Bertha´s here again,I can´t help sharing the message (again):

    According to the piece of news I read,Ben Strowbridge and Philip Larimer from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine kept and retrieved info from the hippocampus,where memories are stored on "mossy cells".They stimulated a "recently dead" brain with electrodes ,and it "remembered" what electrodes had been used for a while.Evnen if it wasn´t connected to the body anymore.So now you know how the Resurrection Gauntlet works.


    I was thinking about the character itself,the way they were portrayed.As for who´ll be the "bad cop"now,I was thinking about Simm being the bad guy,but as you have (well?)stated,we never know.


    Now that we can´t be heard,I´d love to see The Master in the new series.And we all know that love can lead to madness... ;)

  14. Feel free to annoy me and dazzle me with your supermassive amount of creativity put into writings and drawings,showing me the way to go further...or just do something.Yesterday I read a piece of news I could use in my zombie short story.It seems that someone managed to store a piece of information on a dead brain for some time.

    Now I know why the "good cop/bad cop" couples work so well.Think of Gene and Sam.And,to make things better,Mr.Simm would be on the other side for once.So,Russell,if you ever read this,please make it happen.This is why I don´t like to write my original stories on t´internets...


    Yes,I see you´re not at the campside...or are you and I´m talking to an illusion made by The MiniMaster?At least he knows we´re (slightly) on his side.That way we will be able to comment whatever happens on January!

  15. I´m sure you´ll come up with something interesting.Don´t forget to upload it somehwere so that the humanity (eg me) can admire it. :p

    I´d say that it´s the dream of tons of Whovians...or maybe just mine and yours.I don´t know,especially after having read that theory.And I thought I had read it all with the Lost ones...but that´s just something uneliable.Mainly because I highly doubt they kill the series so soon,in such a rushed way.It would be a letdown,and the producers know it.


    Havr fun in the campside!

  16. No,it´s just that the way you displayed the storyboard reminded me of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_art

    Well,we do know he (if you mean The Doctor) won´t die by now,so we should focus on what will happen until his next regeneration,but something tells me we´ll just get a massive fight with both the Master and the Doctor,who might end teaming up with each other so as to save the time.

    Offtopic,I thought you might find this interesting:

  17. I´m afraid ASCII art is not my cup of tea :p But I think I know what you want to do.Some kind of storyboard,right?

    As for the suicide tjing,I reckon that´s too serious for DW.Leave it to the Torchwood pals.But the woman (her again!) said something about not being tooo late to save him..from himself?

  18. It´s "He will knock four times",not "she".Thing is,who is "he" ?The Doctor?The Master?Timothy Dalton? As it´s stated at the end of the chapter,due to the Timelords´ system,there are four heartbeats...the four beats the Master hears in his head?

    So many questions...

  19. I know the exact part you were talking about in the poem (hence the fanfic feel!),but not the loop technique.It sounds interesting,I´ll use it in a future.You did what you could adding the "I need you to love me as a friend"line :p

    Something tells me that woman will hold the key to what´s yet to come.If not,she wouldn´t mind Wilf telling the Doctor about her.Does that imply she knows about her,then?

  20. I have to say that sounds a bit fanfic-ish,but I suppose I agree to a certain extent.

    The Doctor´s mother? Now that´s a good theory! I also wonder who she is. A friend or a foe? Maybe a Time Lady.I loved the part in which they try to hide Donna the Doctor´s around,and how Wilf doesn´t say a word to him about the conversation in the Queen´s Speech.

  21. I like it.It´s a good way to rewrite their conversation.In exchange,I´ll give you my theories and thoughts on yours.


    Okay,let´s start.In the chapter it´s never stated there are four people which can´t be changed. (and,yes,they´re truly lucky...no need to say you´re sorry :p) I think I can comfirm your theory about Donna because...I have read it somehwere.Since they´d be five counting the cactus folk,I´d go for different characters,be it already known or yet to be unveiled.That would involve Jack (Torchwood was namechecked,so it´d be handy if he could appear and sort it out-and give us a peek on the next Torchwood season!),and Rose,to a less extent.

    But I feel that the theories should be aimed at the Gallifreians more than the "unMastered" humans.

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