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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Just going to hang out in town and go to the movies, usual stuff but haven't been to town since coming back so will be good to get out for the day. I'm out in Henderson, thanks for the offer though.
  2. Oh that sucks about being cancelled. I can make Sunday, but my last train home is 8.55, unless I can get parents to pick me up. Same here. I've been sitting at the computer all afternoon and I'm not sure how the time has flown by so fast, but I guess I have been doing bits and pieces plus deleting a whole lot of old e-mails. I'm looking forward to going out with a friend on Thursday
  3. Auckland is hardly ever that great with nice welcoming weather is it Yeah, it was pretty much the same here too. My dad told me Hauraki started as pirates to bring all the rock'n roll to NZ
  4. Sounds entertaining. The review I saw gave it 4/5 stars and said it had everything a blockbuster disaster movie should have, were they right? I watched 'the boat that rocked' last night. It wasn't bad, got a few giggles out of it.
  5. I have been out in the sun today too, just the backyard though It was too nice to stay inside. I at least looked at my assignment stuff yesterday afternoon though. I hope the weather will be good next week so I can go look for the Kokako released in the Waitaks.
  6. I do things more like opening the fridge and forgetting what I was going in there for. Good to hear! The weather isn't so great up here today, showers and wind. So your not missing out on spectacular weather up here.
  7. I have indeed. It's lacking something I was hoping it would have. Not quite sure what that was but yeah, otherwise it's a standard Muse vid. Good stuff. Turns out I'm going home tomorrow instead of Friday. My parents are a bit worried about leaving my cat outside for guy fawkes night.
  8. Yeah, that'd be sweet. Despite it feeling like I'm finished with uni, it will never really be over I still have an assignment left due in December and I'll have my research to do which still needs more organising Before we get that far, just lure us back with more nachos and margaritas
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