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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Congrats! Got any ideas what you'll do your Masters on? I'm going to Tawh tonight. I hope the mobile reception has improved up there, but doubtful. Ah well, everyone have a good Friday and weekend if I don't get enough signal to use the internet on my phone
  2. I forgot to look at proper ankle supports when I was at the mall yesterday, must remember next time. My supervisor asked me to go tomorrow but I haven't heard back from her yet as she was going to Tiritiri Matangi Is til today. Maybe I should text her later or ealry in the morning if I don't hear back... Ooh awesome!
  3. Yeah, I wish could just go out there and do the work with no stats My ankle isn't that bad. Like it was a little sore this morning but went away. I haven't bandaged it and it's been ok, but just feels weird sometimes and the occasional dull pain in the back, and some clicking.. Don't think there is much I can do about it apart from rest and when I have to go to Tawh, I'll just bandage it so I don't make it sore from walking around heaps. BDO doesn't sell out usually til January (if it does) apart from the odd times it sold out in December.
  4. I know, I would have a quite few tickets if I had the money. I'll just hope that at least some of them don't sell out. And yeah, I'm glad they are headlining too so we get a full setlist +1
  5. Oh awesome, sunds like you had a good day indeed I haven't finished yet. I've done about 12 out of 15 steps we were given, but step 15 requires repeating everything for 2009 data, hopefully I can cut and paste most of the equations, but it worries me that he says 'with modifications as you see fit' but I don't see how I will cope with that Hey Nick! I have been well apart from assignment stress and a bumed out ankle. How have you been? Yes, that is a silly question for most of us I am going, but I haven't got my ticket yet I'm waiting til my allowance comes back so I have money for going out and counting on tickets not selling out til later...
  6. The weather is nice today, but it's been quite windy which I have taken some comfort from since I've been stuck inside all day and getting fustrated with how to do my assignment statisitcs until I worked it out.
  7. Yeah, plus I assume there is a lid on the tank which would be difficult for a cat to get through. My cat would just sit on top of the tank for fun Hopefully they will appear the next time you go there then.
  8. I see, but yeah you don't want that while your in charge. Hmm, well goldfish usually float when they die, so if they are not there next time I guess look in the ship and behind the tank incase they jumped out (unlikely with goldfish but that happened with one type of small fish I've had). Otherwise, blame the cat...
  9. Oh yeah, it's very awkward when that happens. YES!! We must get photos of it too! Oh dear. What kind of fish is she suppose to have? Are there things in the tank for them to hide in? Sometimes my tank would look empty when they were all down the back hiding behind plants and ornaments.
  10. From what I'm looking at for Aus shipping rates here it is more than that for priority... Edit: I still have my e-mail from them woo, lol. My standard shipping was $6.48 (US I'd say) for my box set.
  11. Thankfully I don't think my friend noticed too much about what was going on so we we're still friends after that. Ah I see. The entree size was just right. Looking at the big plates other people were getting, I can understand why some were getting doggy bags.
  12. Aww, that's so cute. That's good their house is on a hill. Agreed Good on you. But when that happened to me it was awkward. I was out with my class at the end of a field trip and one of the guys was trying to hook me up with a guy friend who happened to be out that night with his friend too, and I dunno it was just awkward Yeah, go mango hahaha That guy must have already had to much to drink or was really desperate for one to buil his straw contraption They were bigger in Chch? Wow. They were so good though, best nachos I've had before. Haha, the moves are awesome, but the mouth is a bit creepy Oh cool, that should make a good summer I watched that research lab show, 'Better off Ted", last night and it might have future promise. A good line at the beginning was "we want to weaponise pumpkins", but the end product wasn't so creative and funny..
  13. Sounds good, I usually just put teryaki marinade on my steak. Lately I have been marinating chicken for kebabs with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, garlic, honey and mustard from a recipe my mum found, it's pretty good.
  14. Yeah, in one of the ads they are trying to make meat without animals and the guy to taste it didn't look impressed when they asked if it tasted like beef Wow! Congratulations! Wine is suppose to be good for marinades too. That cafe sounds good too!
  15. Aww, that's cute I think the She-Hulk would go red instead of green I started drinking coffee this year too, but I haven't had any for a couple months now. I don't know why, but I just don't really feel like it lately.
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