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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. No plans yet. The friend I was hoping would help get something together now has to work in her parents shop new years eve So currently it's either go a BBQ with my parents or carry on the last couple years tradition of watching Muse dvd's loud with some drinks
  2. Yes it was good at least some of the whales got back out there, and yes I have been kind of busy, see below, lol. Oh awesome! That'll be great if you record it! And yeah, it'll be great to catch up with you when your up here. Yes, I am keen for a t-shirt. It might not have such great effect with only a few of us wearing them, but oh well. So who know's a good place to get them done and who wants one? Aww You better wave that wristband around like you just don't care then so we see you and your moa support! Anyway, Kat will be proud of me. I ended up going rock climbing at clip'n climb yesterday, bit sore still from that but it was a good experience. And I played minigolf on Sunday, I bet my friend who plays golf by 2 points
  3. Hmm, it played in Nero for me. But then we also got this codec package from someone. Nice! Let us know how they are, I want to them sometime. Yum! Yeah, it is damn hot out there.
  4. Ooh, chocolate and cherry sounds delish. My maple syrup and walnut icecream was a hit yesterday, just about the whole container had gone. Your right Wee need something half way between that and the other one for more general use. I just had one shandy with my uncles home brew lager. There was some sherry in the triffle, but not really enough to taste. Oh dear
  5. It was good making it using a newer beater than our ancient thing So the ice cream looked fine, the taste test will be tomorrow I think I will head off to bed now. I need my rest to fit in all the food tomorrow Good night moa's and have a brilliant day tomorrow!
  6. I think I usually leave around 11pm or a bit after, depends how long you want to hang around listening to the last few bands and how tired you are from all the jumping around Luckily we also had a small bowl without any in it, but after that I don't think any sherry has been put in the trifles My aunty is making it this year, so we'll see what that one is like. I had so many fails for my when trying to make my second batch of ice cream today. 1. Egg whites didn't beat up. 2. Got yolk in the whites when seperating them. 3. Electric beater blew up and started smoking by itself Fortunately my uncle had one so I could make it at his place before putting my gran's tree up.
  7. Â Woah, that's a big one. Don't think I have seen a big fibre optic tree all lit up, I can imagine it's very pretty. Â As for baking, hmm. For us, pavlova is an xmas/summer thing, covered in strawberries or kiwi fruit. Usually we just buy them but I think my cousin might be going to make one. Â Oh, trifle too! Otherwise you could attempt making xmas steamed puddings with the 'boozed' fruit
  8. Â Yeah, it got so sad at the end We need a sequel to know what happens!! Â The tree sounds awesome, the fibre optic ones are cool indeed. The Warehouse ones were black though, which looked wierd We just have a tiny fake one sitting on the fire place It's been Christmassy for me today too as I wrapped up the presents throughout the afternoon. Tomorrow I have to make the icecream for Friday and go put up my grandma's tree for when she comes home for the day.
  9. Good to hear. Well in the special features part the director/co-writer mentioned he knows how he would want to improve things when making the next film, so that's all I got to go on. Perhaps it's still wishful thinking, but I hope they go through with it!
  10. As long as they taste good, that's what matters. But gingerbread aliens sounds pretty cool. I think I will be tempted too make some but I hope our old gingerbread man cutter is still in the draw. They are silver. There were a few different types of kiwi, but I chose the fattest one, looked a bit cuter There was a nice cute gold one but it was too expensive, $119
  11. Bugger Staying up late won't help with the cold, but good luck with getting it done swiftly! My day has been fine thanks. Visited my gran, then did some last xmas and grocery shopping. I have two of my xmas presents now as I wanted some charms for my bracelet and thought we better get the jewellers to put them on it. I got a kiwi and a fantail They didn't put the fantail on in the right place though, so wasn't much point in getting them to do it as it's not that hard, oh well
  12. Oh that sucks. Actually, something similar happened to some other people who were in our seats. I'm not sure what the whole story was, but their tickets said Wednesday so we were lucky to get good seats but not so good for them The Hangover was good, as it does have a lot of good one liners. I bought it since it wasn't too expensive, 16 bucks at jb-hifi. Congrats for the nominations gals! Yeah, when I saw it at the movies my friend kept grabbing at my mum when cringing away from those parts But it is an awesome movie, I can't wait for District 10, or whatever they are going to call it Hope your feeling better from your 'family day'! Must. Go. Find! Yum!!
  13. Aww, poor you. Hope your feeling better now! I had a good weekend. Watched Avatar at imax yesterday (it was good ), bought some dvd's and then had dinner at the Mexican Cafe !!! Matt has definately got his moves sorted for Uprising Oh sweet!
  14. Oh awesome, that will be fun! Thanks! Good luck with that and your mum learning how to do it! It should be quite relaxing regardless after you get into it. Oh sweet! Cool you got the money too, I didn't get any when my mum sold my flute Yay! Aww. hehe. Here's another one for you then
  15. Yeah, I like the first one too, but I also like the mingled logo. I took some pics, but they're not the best been taken at night. Aww Ow I'm glad I've never hurt my tailbone with all the times I've landed on it.
  16. I like the back of the second one too, maybe put a tiny moa picture to go with it too We may need a vote on this. Good job on catching it though! Oh dear. I imagine it would have looked like you were attcked by cornflakes! I finally got my BDO ticket yesterday and got my hair done today
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