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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Yeah, I agree. Once you got over the 'ooh pretty' phase and started taking in the story, it got pretty emotional. Yeah, I know. But they still reminded me of scones, which are yum. Your place to bike sounds nice, apart from the bumpiness I miss having a nice place to walk, like the river back in Palmy. I finally got myself to watch Doctor Who last night. I heard that it was being filmed here (which sounded odd enough) but not at Auck Uni
  2. The wonders of google I have seen both of those and I highly recommend seeing Avatar on the imax! Yesterday was my movie day. I saw The Lovely Bones and Sherlock Holmes. Then watched Family Guy- Something, Something, Something Darkside when I got home I think that was funnier than Blue Harvest. My mum grows roses too and yeah, the smell is nice But it's not so good having too many flowers in the house as it can get too strong and can make me sneeze Peanut pant! That sounds awesome. Do a little research on the type of plant it is so you can get it growing good
  3. Yeah, just for the 1minute 32-42 seconds I can play That would be fun, but I'm not that good yet *sigh* Yes I must. It is so hard reminding myself to stay out of the Doctor Who thread to avoid all the spoilerage.
  4. Yeah, it is quite hard. All about practice though so I'm getting better. The first part of Redemption a relatively easy though since one hand is doing the same repetitive pattern, only changing the notes a few times, while the left hand changes note and holds it. Plus it's slow When my fingers get a bit faster, I'll give New Born a go!
  5. A little more practice and I should be able to play it again and again without mistakes. I'll make sure I have that perfect before printing out the rest of the sheet music as it only gets harder It is nice being able to play along with the music and it is also helping me get it right.
  6. I have both parts on the computer, but I wanted to put them on dvd to watch on the tv, but I'll just have to settle watching them the computer screen I think. Don't really feel like sitting here watching them right now. Instead, I have been sitting around learning the first 1m 32s of Redemption on the keyboard as for the last couple weeks I have started up again practicing how to play piano
  7. It's going slowly. I didn't last outside very long, it was too hot. Even my rabbit didn't want to come out for a run. Then my sister came over and wanted me to copy some things on the computer. Not sure what I'll do with the rest of my afternoon. Yourself?
  8. Me too! But it's going to be sad too I burnt the first part onto dvd but the audio was out of sync :LOL: Oh dear I am liking all the Muse that has been played on tv3 news lately. Uprising for the end of year sports montage and Feeling Good for the new years best fireworks display. I know I watched Hullabaloo and Absolution in celebration last night
  9. Yeah, same here. But I might just go early anyway and see The Checks for something to do. Then I can get lunch and hang around green and essential til time to go into the D. Ok, I shall try have a look this week. Who has the good plain singlets? Deschlers sounds good too.
  10. Sweet. Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing The Veils too, but hmm, I'll see. Yeah, I liked it but I need to get a bit stronger before going again I think Cool. There is one place I saw where you can order them online but I think they just had plain t-shirts. They have worked for me at BDO, but yeah best to organise something before hand just in case.
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