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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Feeling a bit crap today, the dull headache and nausea kind of thing. Might go out and get some fresh air as I'll probably fall asleep if I try reading articles now. Maybe it's sugar-withdrawl after all the banana cake and choc icing I had yesterday Haha, nice one!
  2. I wish they would too. I really want at least one song from Showbiz and Bliss. It is. Saturday was a nice 20 degrees, today and yesterday, 10. It's like winter again I haven't done much since my exam, just watching tv, listening to music and went to see 500 days of Summer last night. So I must try begin my assignments as the time is going to fly by.
  3. I didn't get to work with the bears but always walked past them. I heard one was having a problem and had to be on a different diet, I guess it was him They need a nicer enclosurer too.
  4. Well if we get the whole theatrical and moving podiums set up they are talking about, hopefully that'll sort them out with a better review. My friend told me our uni paper Chaff gave the album a good review I'm listening to it now before I go.
  5. Yeah, a wrist band would be awesome. I've never been to BDO early enough to get one of theirs. Goober peas was my second choice. It's probably more accurate than calling them anything with 'nut' in it though, so I'll call them that when monkey nuts gets old I didn't hear about the tsunami stuff til my flatmate got home at 6.30 and told me, I have exam excuse though. Probably for me too. My friend who would have gone because I've given her enough Muse cd's to like them more now is probably still going to overseas at the time.
  6. Life is pretty good thanks. Had first and last exam today for the year so I'm glad that's over, lol. Hope you had a good day too :)

  7. Yay! Last exam done and potentially the last forever Yeah they should be cool. Yeah something simple like that would be cool. Our 'supermassive moa' t-shirt designs never got into production on the last tour We met up at last BDO and concerts, so whoever wants to meet up just needs to give their number or once timetable is out we could arange to meet at a particular stage and time I'm dry now I think. Got rained on on the way home and then delved into cleaning the fish tank as one of our goldfish died Haha. Monkey nuts. I may have to call them that now.
  8. Nice! My exam tomorrow is worth 50% can't wait til it's over, but I really don't feel ready for writing long winded essays which they want. Oh well, hopefully my cheat sheet (which I haven't finished yet ) will help me pass. Ahahahaha Hey Kat! I'm sure you'll enjoy BDO, I've had fun both times I went. Just make sure you get in the D barrier early so you don't get so squashed and bruised when getting in. I hope to get to the barrier to hold on so I don't get swished around like I'm in a washing machine which happened for Muse until I was eventually a few more rows back. Oh yeah, apparently they aren't even technically a nut. More of a legume I think
  9. Modest Mouse would be Aww I hope there'll be something in the second announcement then for you to make it worth comnig up. But yeah, I agree. It's weird all bands that have been before are coming at the same time. More of them need to try doing seperate shows here on their tours But if like Muse, they just like doing the whole festival thing and having a summer holiday down south.
  10. Or start the drinking early and it'll wear off before 9 pm.. Then start again afterwards Argh, earlier would be good though as the suspense is killer, but longer set should be worth it. Dude the Hasst Eagle was named after
  11. Aha, so many back from 07 BDO. But yay, I'm there Looking like Muse will headline, so 1 1/2 hr set more likely. A few other bands there I wouldn't mind seeing too. And Jo, isn't annoying Rich for a weekend the best part that makes it worth it all
  12. Curious moa is curious. Huh. I'd go for Muse of course. I'd see Kasabian if they didn't clash with getting into the barrier, but it's more likely they will be on the main stage this time. But yeah, that'd be quite a repeat of 07 BDO for me. +1.
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