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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Exactly It sure is annoying when you can't concentrate. I haven't been able to concentrate well for the past week, lol. Don't think I'll be selling any of mine. Took too much effort getting them and their pretty. Even though I need money to get a car, I don't think I'll be able to get back what I paid for them because of postage prices, unless they got a good bidding war on ebay
  2. They do indeed. Help them find their way around at night and stuff. I just love how prominent they are in that pic and the look it's giving Can't see them so well in my photo on this little fella. My day is going alright, thanks. Got an extension for an assignment that was due Friday, but it doesn't make much difference as it's just made it due around the same time as my other one. So I'm trying to start it anyway. How about yourself?
  3. Woah, I hadn't yet heard about the smashing part They want the water for potentially turning it into fuel and stuff so the spaceships might be able to go further. I want to see the movie Moon, where the guy living on the moon starts going crazy or weird stuff starts happening. It was only played in the cinemas for a couple days during the film festival and not at good times. Anyway, what a storm last night. The wind shook the house more than the earthquake. My flatmate stayed home so we ended up watching movies and having some drinks.
  4. Yeah, haha. I've only ever felt them here. I think this was the longest I've felt, rumbling for a bit. But the one in my first year here was the best, it was a pwoper jolt which made you jump
  5. I want some nuts (or even just some monkey nuts). I've only got sweet stuff, nothing savoury to snack on which is getting annoying. And I can't be bothered going out in this weather to the dairy just to spend my 2 bucks on a tiny bag of chips or whatever No plans for me tonight, no money to do anything, friends will be studying and I should be as well, but I'll probably end up watching tv or a movie on my computer.
  6. Ooh, I felt the 4.3 earthquake 10 km south-east of Castlepoint at about 5.08 pm Well not that exciting really, just thought I'd look it up since there wasn't really enough noise for it to be a loud car/truck passing by
  7. I want that confirmation too. If you can be bothered baking, I'd say chocolate cake would be the easiest and doesn't essentially need icing. Aww Ah well better luck next time.
  8. Ooh interesting, I've never had those either. Oh yeah, I like the white ones too! I'm alright thanks, haven't been able to concentrate that well on the articles I've been reading, but at least I'm reading them Now I'm hungry, probably just to procrastinate further study earlier Hope you have fun on your date!
  9. Oh awesome! Sounds good. I haven't had any of the separate coloured m&m's. I do love crispy m&m's, they're expensive though and don't last long I like the orange and blue coloured m&m's, just based on the colour though I think. I've never been into skittles. For jelly beans though, my taste preferences are for pink and orange. I had a Pinky bar last week, the first one I'd had in years, and it was so good.
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