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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. When I first saw it, it was just too cheery for so long, then a crash. Needs a bit more focus on the after-crash. Ooh, nachos and margaritas. Sounds fun, wish I could join you guys in Chch. I'll have to try get to the Auck one this summer. I saw there is a facebook group 'BRIAN TAMAKI AND DESTINY CHURCH CAN SUCK MY DICK.'
  2. Aww I was hoping to just get some of them. I have several options for guy fawkes (and it is my last night in palmy). Dinner with a friend who finishes her last exam that day, I've been invited to another friends place for dinner, or dinner with my parents. I don't know what to do.
  3. Oh yeah, a funny thing happened in my friend's exam yesterday. During the beginning where all the rules and stuff are explained a phone rang and a guy stood up. An examiner said 'you get out' but the guy answered the phone said something like 'what, ok i'll be right there' and hung up. THEN he ripped his t-shirt off and was painted all blue with an S on his chest and back then ran out of the room I would have loved to see that.
  4. Cool costumes guys. I spent my Halloween evening watching the golden compass. That would be cool, I wouldn't mind keeping the shape from suntan/burn though It would be awesome to have a marker which we would be able to wash off with soap but it won't sweat off... I've never been in the misting tent. Didn't want to get frizzy hair But I'd get a bit of a misting just walking past. That would be very convenient. A drink the night before and a simple sticker to slap on in the morning. If only I had more emu feathers that could have worked Good luck for the exam! I did some wandering around today and finally got to the esplanade which has all gardens and aviaires of birds. Including some natives like kea (so cute taking clumps of grass into these tunnels), kaka, brown teal and blue ducks. They had some impressive white peacocks too. The sulphur-crested cockatoos liked having a head scratch
  5. Nice There was this guy walking past in the plaza and he was pinning one to the front of his black coat, and he had a k-mart name tag above it I've just had a relaxing day, haven't really felt like doing anything. I probably had a bit too much of this chocolate liqueur stuff last night, mmm. How was everyone else's day?
  6. Exactly, who can say no to strawberries? I had my first ones for the season last week. Still need a bit more time to sweeten up. Apart from that, is it a good show? I was surprised when the video for KOC from HAARP came on channel two after infomercials when I was washing my dishes Then I picked some roses from the garden, they smell so nice
  7. Me too. In Rotorua there is one inside a little shop, so I had to get some after a hard week of work I got marshmellows today though, nom. Might make some apple and cinnamon muffins later or tomorrow. Today's shopping trip was a bit better than yesterday's after getting my quiz and assignment done. But of course I had to get caught in a random hail storm when walking from The Waredhouse to Animates Such cute puppies there today
  8. Armageddon sure sounds fun. I've always wanted to go to one, especially back in the days when Buffy actors were there Ah well, one day maybe. +1. Happy Birthday Kitty! Hope you have a great day despite the assignment! I'm still working on my snail assignment. I was hoping to have it finished today to cruise through studying for my quiz tomorrow, but argh, so many statistics to do for this one! Tired eyes means bedtime though. Good night moas.
  9. That too, of course Oh, sorry to hear that. Glad that your better now Shame you might miss BDO, but being in Canada will be awesome, plus Muse will be going there anyway for you to go see them
  10. Yeah, I'd love them to have something like that to project the images on. It's about time we have a chance to get spaced out on cool graphics. +1. Sunburn, Showbiz or Muscle Museum instead would be good. Or even just Bliss. I want Bliss
  11. I felt that way when I first joined the board but had to get to bed early for uni. Night time posts are fun though, my night contribution got better when I finally had internet in my room to sit in bed with my computer Anyway, night! Hope you have a good Friday too!
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