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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Yeah, silly cats and their fighting. When we got home my sister called and said her cat had a sore leg which was pretty much the same thing. A few years ago my cat was limping really bad, thought it was broken or sprained, but no just got bitten in a fight Oh right, haha I might do some more tinkering with it soon to give you guys more options to choose from. Same here. Only 10 days til xmas and one month til BDO! Oh, muse in a box is well, what it sounds like. I thought maybe we would have that on the t-shirts instead of copying the MUSE logo, just in case of all that copyright infringement crap Sounds like you have been having fun and yay for pub quiz! Spiders and insects in your hair is always annoying, you never know what your going to pull out
  2. Thought so, I'll stick to paying on the day then. It was an infection (most likely from fighting as usual ). They call it cat acne when it is around the mouth like that, she had some smaller lumps under the chin too. So just an injection of long-lasting antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory so we won't have to try giving her pills everyday. So yeah, we got the simple part, but still not that cheap, oh well. As well as a long line of people. In 2007 I had to go to the back street behind Real Groovy, but in 2008 it wasn't so bad, probably because I went a bit earlier.
  3. I tried one muse in a box, but it looked wierd and wasn't sure where to put it. I put it under the colar on the back, but it kind on looked over crowded for some reason. I fiddle some more later to see if I can fit it in better. But at least there is muse in the board address, unless we have muse in a box there instead... And yeah, we'll be able to put it on whatever style t-shirt or singlet we want, as long as printers have them I guess. I found this on a t-shirt site which i thought was pretty cool, out of stock though. I'm sure he was pleased with such a good feast Now I have to go find my cat. Taking her to the vet to check her swollen lip. I hope she'll just need some antibiotics for it.
  4. Thanks, glad you like it. But the question is, will we wear it? I finally have money to buy my BDO ticket and ticketmaster has a return bus pass from Real Groovy for $15.50. Does that sound right or are they ripping us off a bit? I don't remember paying that much for the bus So I can't decide whether to get that (says we are guaranteed a seat) or just pay on the day as usual..
  5. Oh, what a food disaster! Did doggy get through all the turkey? I don't know what it means yet. There are still two nests at the moment. But yeah, it's obviously not good for the birds (and for the project), the loss of eggs each season seems to be on the increase. Anyway, to take my mind off things, I started making a design for the moa t-shirts for those keen on getting one. So here is my initial design, I just chose the colour blue for now since we were undecided and it's a neutral colour. Let me know what you think and any other ideas. The picture isn't the best on photobucket, but it's fine in paint
  6. Aww, he's so cute and funny How were the rest of the animals doing? In other news, just found out that a few of the dotterel nests have disappeared since I went It's such a shame the camera wasn't still there when we really needed it to see what the heck happened
  7. I went to the jb-hifi in Westgate for the first time yesterday and finally found a cd I have been looking for all year. There is a new Animates up there too, heaps of cute puppies and kittens I'm a little worried about my cat though as she has a swollen bottom lip. Doesn't seem to bother her when eating, but it looks wierd. Agreed. Oh dear I hope he gets well soon!
  8. Congrats, glad it went well! Yeah, that waiter seemed a bit dodge Yup, the weather was good up there. The birds guarding nests were being really protective so I think I got some good photos of them and a little video Hmm. My dad just heard the Tahuna Breaks cd the other day and liked it so wants us to look for it at JB-hifi him. I thought it almost sounded like a NZ band name, didn't think I'd be right though
  9. Surely there'll be somewhere else we can go then. That's awesome, glad you enjoyed it so much! I haven't ever tried them I don't think I would like them though since they are so salty which sounds like olives and I'm not a fan of them. That would sure create a stink That reminds me, any news on the missing goldfish?
  10. They are sad, but yeah I didn't cry either. The last book was the sadest and I may have come close to getting teary at one point, but not quite. Thanks I'm getting too tired to do more now though, so I guess it'll be a long day tomorrow trying to get it done *sigh*. Going from hot and humid, to cold is not good for the system and just plain annoying Anyway, apart from my assignment, I've just been on the board/facebook as usual Damn, but at least you'll have a nice long day with your sister
  11. Yeah, they are pretty gross Ouch Hopefully the massages work! If I had a sore spot like that, it would annoy the crap out out of me. I would probably poke at it so much to try make it go away. +1 Though last Friday when I was in the sun all day, I applied my sunscreen about 3 times and wore my hood/hat so luckily I didn't get burnt, yay Ugh, I'm still trying to get my assignment done
  12. Na, they wouldn't have had to gas them like the insects. I'm guessing that a majority should have been collected from dying of natural causes, but back in the old days people would hunt for trophies to add to their collection without knowing they were helping their extinction Then they were eventually given to museums...
  13. Oh dear, hopefully that fear will continue to decline then My day has been mostly boring with looking for articles for my dreaded assignment and reading them. A friend has been entertaining me though by sending me photos of stuffed birds (as she is at the museum, lol) and quizzing me on what they are. I got them all right of course
  14. We were on the rocks right by its nest and it didn't attack us, just squaked. It was just the one though, so maybe not enough for effective dive bombing, but maybe they are more likely to do that when the chicks are out. Oh, that must have left a few prick holes. What about when it wears off though?
  15. Hahaha, that is sure damn creepy The ice cream is good indeed. The wine gums are a bit hard at first though, but chewing on them for a while should make it last longer. It doesn't look like the weather will be the best for taking photos this weekend at Tawh The oyster catchers do look a bit more intimidating, but they are harmless. The one nesting just squaked at us for being by its nest. Then later when we were sitting on the beach after our swim, it was just wandering around, poking its beak in the sand for food
  16. I've had a headahce this afternoon, I just slept it off but there is possibility of a come back. Hopefully my new batches of maple walnut and goody goody gum drops icecream will be ready tonight I am so going back there when I get the chance. I might be at Tawh again Thursday to weekend. I'm not sure if this is going to be a regular pattern as it may be better for me to go up and check the birds when others aren't there. So I'll keep you guys posted on when I can go
  17. :LOL: I had a good time at Tawh. It was so beautiful there on Friday, sunny, light breeze and clear water. The dotterels are awesome and cute. They run away from there nests to lead you away from them, make cute noises and they can put their wings down to make it look like they're hurt which would be concerning if you didn't know that's what they do. One pair got really close to try get us away. Saw one lot of chicks, but only from a distance as they were running around near the sand dunes, so cute and fuzzy though I thought it was very weird how the santa parades are on today. My friend told me last night as we are now going to watch the one in town before her belated b-day dinner and movie night. I found an awesome bigish shell for her b-day present at a remote beach I went to which was good as I have no idea what else I could have gotten.
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