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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. That's a shame about about the forgetful pastor and the rain, but at least it wasn't too disastrous. Glad you had a good time, you all look great Oh bugger. I really wanted to get more of my assignment work done today, but my computer has been slow so I've probably read more of 'The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy' than papers whilst restarting my computer and what not. Now it's fine but I don't feel like reading papers, ugh, maybe one before getting back to reading books.
  2. Alligators going after ping pong balls perhaps? Oh nice, you have a good evening too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1vfsHYiKY&rel=0&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1
  3. 'Sexy plane' started quite a while ago with people being bored waiting for setlists. I saw the beginning of it but can't remember what started it. But as for the 'ducks list', that is getting annoying as they aren't posting the readable list so often and you have to search through pages for it when you can't understand the ducks lists. I only remeber TITS
  4. Sorry to hear that. But yeah, I agree that exercise can help. My knee would often be fine when I'm getting regular excercise and it would get sore when I wasn't When shopping in town I used to pass a shop which was pretty empty apart from mannequins and some seats, I'm guessing that must be the place Oh man, Haha, sweet. I might join that. Yup, waiting for friends out in public is probably the most often I do awkward texting
  5. Huh, sounds like quite a powerful cleaner then. Ours cleaned the street Saturday afternoon and there was the storm that night so it's more of a mess out there now than it was before it even came by
  6. Hopefully they'll let you keep the basketball game so you don't have to go through the motions of sending it back and as an apology for sending the wrong one, but if the game sucks you can sell it on trademe for some compensation
  7. There have been a lot of nutty pics of Dom lately. And the things people do with them Aw, bless Hopefully you'll get round to seeing them properly in a zoo or something one day. Yeah that's them.
  8. Oh dear, at least it was able to get it out. An interesting thing I learnt this year is that a lot of NZ seabirds used to nest in the forests, but they don't now from their not being much left. So that's one of the big conservation goals to them back breeding in mainland forests.
  9. Yeah seagulls are funny too. This is due for a re-posting I think. Sucks about the buses. Hopefully it's a generous lecturer to give you a little more time. I hope so! The breeding season ends January, so maybe the work load won't be so great then. But then that may be the time I have to track where the chicks and males take off to. I'll just have to put the volunteers in charge for the day if there is work to be done I hope I can get a car, even if it's crap. Then I can easily go back and forth from home when I don't need to stay up there. I would have liked to go to Rhythm and Vines too, but that's looking unlikely again.
  10. It would, as working on the beach for the summer Plus there is plenty of tech supprt and volunteers. They are already monitoring one nest and the lecturer organising it said she is going out there with a night video camera on Thursday to watch them. Fun! And it's a fenced park, so plenty of other birds in the bush and kiwi in there as well I think. Night time kiwi hunting ftw!
  11. Exactly. And apparently all he has to is get the samples from the kiwi, and then just do the work from the lab results I could use another kiwi cuddle. One just isn't enough. Can't wait to get home to at least cuddle my little babies.
  12. Me too. I would have liked to do that project, but I heard about him getting offered the project before I started looking into that. I'll just have to wait til after my masters to do my kiwi work. Too late to get funding for the other things I could have looked. So looks like I'll be doing the dotterel project as I've gotten a bit more information about it and it sounds good with lots of volunteers to help with the work and stuff, but there are some risks, especially if not many chicks hatch. A lecturer I talked to told me to get a masters project without risks, good sample size and guaranteed data, but this seems kind of borderline on it. I don't have many other options left and I want to do it since these birds are endangered and not much is known about them, but yeah. Maybe I should see what my course co-ordinator thinks of the project. Ugh. [/rant] Oh and it's funny watching them. They run really fast then stop. Run then stop, etc.
  13. I don't think they like it that much since they are often quite wriggly and well they've just been pulled out bed, I'd be pretty mad too But it has to be done for their physical and any medication they need. They like to tuck their head under your arm, then they go all still, so cute A guy in my class might be doing his masters on stress in handled kiwi to see if all the handling affects them.
  14. Sounds like it should be pretty nice there. Woah, that's a bit excessive I've never spent that much at a BDO. Might this time though if I get to buying a Muse tour date t-shirt. Yeah, and digging around septic tanks in the bush or something like that. My mum said the helicopters have been flying around again too. Hungry dingo is hungry.
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